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Post by TheWendybird »

Does anyone here know people who call you immature for liking Rainbow Brite or child like things? I am getting so so so SICK of this. My dad did it back in '08 (very loudly and meanly...we don't talk anymore...but i think i posted about that before), my grandma thought something was wrong with me back that same year at christmas time when she was in the hospital i had a doll that Chris (starvoyager) gave me of Tinkerbell and she asked my mom in private if i was "ok". Suprisingly i think my mom gets it for the most part now though she has her moments still. Starvoyagers b*tchy ex girlfriend always makes comments on her facebook about us and tries to "get us going" by doing stuff like recently posting pictures of herself dressed as a fairy claiming "i havn't lost my sense of humor" after badmouthing and making fun of me and chris for loving faeries and me liking to wear faerie wings etc for fun. She once said the only way she'd dress that way would be with the two of us or more people (i guess she's just that insecure:P) All the while she calls us immature because we like to be child like....these are just some samples of what i'm talking about....

We live in a world where it's acceptable to go out drinking and fooling around with strangers on weekends but not okay to love child like things. Has anyone been running into this stuff at all? I thought for a while it would calm down but it never society that far gone that they turn from anything innocent now? I always love movies about couples in the old days cause they tend to be WAY more playful with each other....we can't even imagine not being silly and tickling and watching wonder everyone is so depressed these days.

I guess I figure if there is any place people would have encountered this it would probably be people on here. I know a lot of you seem to have similar interests to us.

I just wish people would it get through there head there is a difference between IMMATURITY and child likeness...i think there are 10 year olds more mature than some of these adults. Some of which claim to be mature but are doing all the making fun of while we don't do a thing to them! I've tried the "just ignore them" angle....but they never seem to get sick of it and it's hard to ignore people who get in your face about it too...AHHH!!

The only time i've ever responded in any fashion to my husbands ex was when she posted the faerie pictures i decided the poser needed to be called out in a subtle way so I decided just this once i posted a picture of Ramona from Scott Pilgrim vs the world with a giant pixelated hammer she used in it against Scott's ex who was trying to be like her. I know she saw that movie so i'm suprised she didn't realize she was acting the same way. Anyhow I just have a normal facebook pic now but i'll admit i gave in and did that one lol

Like I've been saying I know multiple people can share the same interests and faeries are obviously very popular...but we KNOW what this woman is like and we KNOW what she said about's just.....too weird. And something about the look on her face in the pictures felt darn creepy she was being vindictive *shudder* I know too many crazy peoples :( lol

P.s. anyone see Scott Pilgrim? The movie was bloody awesome! :D
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Post by Clinozoisite »

TheWendybird wrote:Starvoyagers b*tchy ex girlfriend always makes comments on her facebook about us and tries to "get us going" by doing stuff
Please take this with all possible kindness, but why do you have his ex-girlfriend as a friend on facebook? Why even bother reading her public entries, if you're not? That chapter of his life should be closed - don't let her intrude upon you, even digitally.

Setting all that aside, yes, I have had many people give me strange looks/comments about my "childish hobbies." It hurts (especially coming from family), but I've learned to move past it. Many times my family says things because they honestly don't understand how I can like childish things which aren't worth any money. If I were collecting $20,000 Mickey Mouse toys from the 1940s, I'm sure they wouldn't see much wrong with it. But since I collect toys from the 80s (which have only nominal value), they don't get the attraction. *sighs*

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Post by TheWendybird »

Clinozoisite wrote:
TheWendybird wrote:Starvoyagers b*tchy ex girlfriend always makes comments on her facebook about us and tries to "get us going" by doing stuff
Please take this with all possible kindness, but why do you have his ex-girlfriend as a friend on facebook? Why even bother reading her public entries, if you're not? That chapter of his life should be closed - don't let her intrude upon you, even digitally.

Setting all that aside, yes, I have had many people give me strange looks/comments about my "childish hobbies." It hurts (especially coming from family), but I've learned to move past it. Many times my family says things because they honestly don't understand how I can like childish things which aren't worth any money. If I were collecting $20,000 Mickey Mouse toys from the 1940s, I'm sure they wouldn't see much wrong with it. But since I collect toys from the 80s (which have only nominal value), they don't get the attraction. *sighs*
oh no no she's not on either of our friends list but we're told by others what she's had on there and seen the proof when they did....and it's really scary sometimes.

I've done that least..trying to move past it and i always find I'm okay for a long time and suddenly this sad feeling will hit me where i realize my family and friends really think weird stuff about's not something that would ever change how i act but at the same time it's unnerving for one reason or another.

Yes I've always found that odd that it's ok to have toys only if they're expensive...i guess because they know they grow in value and you can make money off them yourself later? It's like I use to have these dolls when I was little that my mom is convinced will someday be worth a lot (they were the three main girls from 90210 :P )so NOW she regrets selling them in a garage sale ....but if she didn't think they'd be worth a lot someday she wouldn't. I get kinda upset when i look back and think about what was sold in garage sales but not for moneys sake. There are some sentimental stuff that I would give anyyyything to get back :(
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Post by Tom-sprite »

@ The Wendybird :

Maybe those defeatists are simply jealous of all the extra-fun you have cause your inner child did not die as you grew up in contrast to them.
For the most part it is absolutely ridiculous that "adult"-people are in need of making fun of you. They take your ability to be childlike as weakness and want to make themselves look a cut above you.
You somehow should feel pity for them cause their behaviour is laughable and easy to be on to them. ;-)
is society that far gone that they turn from anything innocent now? I always love movies about couples in the old days cause they tend to be WAY more playful with each other....we can't even imagine not being silly and tickling and watching wonder everyone is so depressed these days.
Times have changed...noticeable...but everyone has the right to run another path ... there is no need to be a perfect "gregarious animal" ! ;-)
A little more emotion would not hurt our current society !

I really feel for you and I understand how you feel ... you should not be sad ... believe in what you think is right and enjoy your life ... you have an understanding husband who even shares your opinions about life ... who cares about all the lame rest.

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Post by TheWendybird »

Tom-sprite wrote:@ The Wendybird :

Maybe those defeatists are simply jealous of all the extra-fun you have cause your inner child did not die as you grew up in contrast to them.
For the most part it is absolutely ridiculous that "adult"-people are in need of making fun of you. They take your ability to be childlike as weakness and want to make themselves look a cut above you.
You somehow should feel pity for them cause their behaviour is laughable and easy to be on to them. ;-)
is society that far gone that they turn from anything innocent now? I always love movies about couples in the old days cause they tend to be WAY more playful with each other....we can't even imagine not being silly and tickling and watching wonder everyone is so depressed these days.
Times have changed...noticeable...but everyone has the right to run another path ... there is no need to be a perfect "gregarious animal" ! ;-)
A little more emotion would not hurt our current society !

I really feel for you and I understand how you feel ... you should not be sad ... believe in what you think is right and enjoy your life ... you have an understanding husband who even shares your opinions about life ... who cares about all the lame rest.
That's actually crossed my mind before...the jealous thing. I will say for these people..especially the ex....she's thought with other people that she was "subtle" she'd be can always see through her antics. I did find it sad but slightly scary and creepy...just a really weird thing to do i can't even imagine being that blatant.

I think the lack of emotion is part of societies problem for sure. It just feels like everyone is a zombie now...everyone is work work work school school school no playing outside, everyone on a cell phone or a is now nothing but preparation for when you're too old to do anything! There is maybe a quarter of our society that seems to be able to make it work....and they are prably blessed with high paying jobs for the most part heh lol

I am very greatful for being with Chris and therefore having someone else it's just when you've been bombarded constantly over and over by the opposing side it gets kinda's happened a lot lately...sometimes u just need to...well...vent haha
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Post by stormberryfairy »

I say screw anyone who thinks less of you for liking childlike things. It's their loss. LoL

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Post by alexanderbrite »

stormberryfairy wrote:I say screw anyone who thinks less of you for liking childlike things. It's their loss. LoL

I TOTALLY agree!!

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Post by TheWendybird »

Thanks guys!
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Post by Moonxtal »

that makes me so glad my family could care less what I'm into... I've never heard a discouraging word from my family about my cartoon watching or toy collecting!

Ya gotta take everything with a grain of salt, especially families. Reminds me of the eps. of Big Bang theory where Penny (the cute girl neighbor) makes fun of Lenard (the geeky guy who has a crush on her) for collecting starwars/star trek/comic book etc. toys and paraphernalia. He was about to sell everything when his roommate Sheldon (also a geek and hottness incarnate :3~~) points out that penny has a collection of care bears in her bedroom and wears hello kitty pj's so she was hardly one to talk about childishness. Everyone has something they like, if you prefer toys to empty beer bottles and notches on your bed post, so be it. there's nothing wrong with that!

you CAN be the high payed executive lawyer with the collection of hulk action figures in your office if you want!

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Post by TheWendybird »

I agree...I was really taken aback once about my mom...she said this woman who works with her....well at the christmas party or something one year there was karaoke....and this woman's husband LOVES disney....and mom and apparently so she said..everyone else thought he was a weirdo for singing a bunch of disney tunes on the's like....what?.......WHAT???? People are so strange these days!
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
"Hail Stormy full of fury! Rainbow is with Thee!" :P
