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Post by ~Baby~Dragonfly~ »

just an idea, but i don't know of you having any kids, maybe you should keep the rainbow brite baby stuff, blankets etc.......for when you do? i remember loving having those with my babies.
Also i'm sure you remember, but you and my self had a horrible start many many years ago on these boards. I don't remember all that happend, but wanted to appologize for anything i may have done during it all. It's been a long time and i know we've both done some growing up since then so just wanted to tell you i hope things can be ok between us. I haven't seen you on the boards in a very long time. I was brought here for negative reasons so so many years ago, that all old board members i'm sure remember, but i'm so thankful for being brought here no matter the reason, cuz these boards (moved and redone so many times) have meant a lot to me. I've met some pretty wonderful people over the years and wanted to personally welcome you back and hope you stay!
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Post by PryncessLayah »

WOW... Thank you eveyone for the replies and advice :)
I am sorry it too so long to respond to everyone. I have alot going on right now. I will try to get pictures posted sometime this week or by the weekend. I need to find the space to lay it out. It is all boxed up in containers right now. I have old pictures from when I had it on display that I can email now if anyone is interested...
I think I am going to start with selling off all the extras I have. What is a good asking price for RBB now? I don't want to set it at an overpriced amount. I need the money so I am willing to price them on the lower end... or is ebay a better shot for me? Anyone here looking for anything?
Katy... Check you email :)
Sarah... What exactly are you interested in, that you would want me to hold off on selling, and keep aside for you?
Baby Dragonfly... I am sorry as well for the past, I don't even remember what it was all about, but I am glad to see you are still here, and thank you for the warm welcome back... To answer some of your questions... MIB Moonglow does exist and she is the most beautiful of the dolls MIB... I paid alot for her and she is by far my most prized collectable... the cuddlestar is that yellow qulited star shaped pouch thing that you put Baby Brite in. I think I have two, but I have one for sure with me here, I think the other one is still at my mom's house. I have half of my collection there because I have no room for all of it where I am living now... The Rose Petal Place Collection I have is all 6 dolls (Rose Petal-Pink Box, Sunny Sunflower-Orange Box, Daffodil-Yellow Box, Lily Fair-Turquoise Box, Iris-Light Purple Box, Orchid-Fuschia Box), the car, the house, all 6 necklaces/charms, all 6 pins, the photo album box set and the metal lunch box but no thermos. Did you ever finish collecting the Wonder Whims? I have all 6 complete with box, but some boxes are in bad shape. I am going to sell them as well. I think I am going to sell my Yum Yums too... which took forever to complete MIB. First I completed them loose, then went crazy and had to buy a second set MIB, lol.
Now I have to get my personal space back :)
Does anyone collect Care Bear Beanies? Keypers? Herself The Elf?
I have so much more stuff it would take days to list it all.
I know I owe someone here a Care Bear, but I lost touch with her years ago, so if you are out there let me know... I finally found it in my last move :)

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Post by Sarah »

I'm still hoping that I'll have my knee surgery soon (it's in less than 1 week), but things are really stressfull and crazy and all mixed up, so if you can wait a couple weeks or a couple of months ish until I get myself back on the computer, that would be great! : )

Right now, I am completey obsessed with the coloring books! : ) I've got the printouts from the coloring books that are listed on this website, and I have all of the ones from 2003/2004, but if there are any other ones that you have, save them for me! : )

If you've got any of the old books too, I would love those. I've got all the ones from 2003/2004, but any others would be perfect.

Are there any posters?? I've got the Starstealer movie one, but I have no idea if there are others : )

Do you have any stickers? I love stickers : ) and for that matter, anything else that you've got like that, that I can get made into necklaces etc. : )

If you can wait 6 months - 1 year, I'd love dolls: Rainbow Brite, all of the color kids, murky, lurky, and maybe the puppy and kitty, I'm not sure about the sprites yet . . . .

and that's about it at this point. I'm really kind of waiting around to see what this year will bring. I'm not sure how much in a hurry you are to send away your beloveds. If you don't want to wait, I will not feel bad if you don't save me anything. I can always get these things eventually from others : )

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Chibi Rachy
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Post by Chibi Rachy »

If you had to keep anything, I wouldn't sell that Moonglow doll you have. To have one MIB is ultra rare and since you say she is your most prized collectible...I wouldn't sell it. The chances of getting another one like that are slim to none
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Post by ~Baby~Dragonfly~ »

No i only have a few loose pieces left of the wonder whims and none left of yum yums. i had to sell everything i had basically. Four kids and bills all i have left is a customized rainbow brite dragonfly character pink glitter did for me (its my picture i have up and misc stuff i'm still trying to get rid of. But the dragonfly rainbow brite i'm keeping no matter what. Its just hard to sell the last of what i have because i'm trying to avoid ebay cuz it went down hill in my opinion at least. Did you know sellers can't even leave a negative now?! i worked so hard for my feedback and don't want it ruined with people trying to black mail stuff by threatening feedback that we can't even return. and the fees are rediculous.
I'm not sure which doll it was but she was a lavendar or purple color if you could take a picture of her when you get a chance and a price? Just curious i can't afford anything at this exact moment but hope to have her soon.
I do have Dallas, Midnight, and Dixie MIB i'm keeping and my favorites from when i was a kid like Firefly Mlp and Cotton candy and Grumpy bear etc. Also My friend Mandy doll i won't get rid of either. Have to keep some of my childhood, but the collecting stopped long ago and sold most of what i had except the really special ones.
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Post by PryncessLayah »

So I think I am going to start with selling all the extras I have...

I guess ebay is going to be the route I take, but two questions???

1. What is a fair price to charge for the "Buy it Now"? I have been out of the loop and I don't want to over price my listings.

2. Is anyone here looking for anything before I list on ebay?

Once again, thank you everyone for your advice.

Baby Dragonfly... I will take pictures this weekend of the stuff I have here and I will post pictures. My boss had a death in her family, so she has been out of the office, so I have to cover for her until she gets back. I am exhausted when I get home, and havent had the chance to take the pictures yet. I will do it saturday.

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Post by Sarah »

changed a little bit - for whenever you're ready to start selling

My 2 Must have Rainbow Brite things - any coloring books, and any puzzles! : )

If you have anything like that, please set aside for me! : D

and I also like anything that has any sayings or quotes, that kind of things, so obviously the books, and anything else like that : )

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Post by Dialga-Brite »

~Baby~Dragonfly~ wrote:Ps. couple of questions
what is the CuddleStar MIP-1... maybe 2? not sure i've heard of it and curious what it is. Is it that star shaped thing that you put rainbow brite in?
and the mib moonglo didn't know they exhisted? do you have a pic i could see, never seen one before.
and the rose petal place, can't remember her name but the light purple one, is it mib? can i see a pic?
Can I see the pics too please? I'd love to see a mib moonglo. :)
Number of Pinks in my Tickled Pink Sanctuary: 56
Moonglos: 6
Dress up Rainbow Brites: 9
