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In Friends We Trust

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:47 am
by Treasure_House
TITLE: In Friends We Trust
CHARACTERS: Rainbow Land & The Pits


As Rainbow Brite and the others prepare for a party, Krys is busy following a mysterious mare. Is she wild or tame? And who is Murky’s visitor? As the mystery starts to unravel, trust and friendship is put to the test. What will Krys do? Side with Rainbow? Or side with Murky?


“Moonglow is going to love this!”, laughed Canary Yellow as she helped La La Orange with the streamers. Buddy Blue and Patty O’ Green raced by with glitter and glue as Canary turned, “Don’t forget the letters!”, she called after them.

“We won’t!”, Buddy called back as Indigo raced to them with a bag.

Rainbow Brite looked up from her paint brush and giggled. She and her friends had been working all morning to get ready for Moonglows big birthday party. Being a night girl, Moonglow was still in bed and wouldn’t be up for several more hours. Giving the gang plenty of time. Setting down her brush, Rainbow walked outside to see how Starlite and the sprites were doing. There was so much to do and everyone was doing a such a great job. Twirling in her new outfit, Dee-Light Sprite smiled. “Great outfit, Dee-Light! Did Tickled Pink make that?”, Rainbow asked the pink little sprite. Dee-Light nodded happily as Rainbow smiled. She then turned and noticed Starlite covered in streamers. Looking about as gloomy as ever. “Oh dear! Starlite! What happened?”, Rainbow ran over to favorite horse.

“Well…”, Starlite looked at her. But the sheer site of the horse was enough to make Rainbow laugh as she pulled the paper off of him. “I really hope this is enough.”, Starlite said looking at her.

Rainbow hugged him, “Don’t worry, Starlite. It’ll be great!”

“I sure hope so!”, said a voice as Rainbow and Starlite turned, “Onyx got stuck twice in the steamers!” Rainbow smiled at Krys who was about as mad as ever. He took off his helmet and ruffled his hair. Putting the helmet away, he turned. “What?”, he asked.

“Where’s Red Butler and Shy Violet?”, Rainbow asked him as she brushed off his shoulder.

“They said something about plates and cups. And Red said something about flowers.”, Krys made a face, “Since when is he into flowers? I thought that was La La’s thing?”

At the sound of a crash, Rainbow and Krys jumped. Startled, the three friends turned in time to see Twink rolling by them in a tire. Running, Krys ran in front of the tire. He stopped short, stood his ground, and stopped the tire before it rolled right into the river. Rainbow and Starlite ran over, panic setting in as Krys pulled the dizzy white sprite from the toppled over tire. “Not fun.”, Twink about wanted to hurl.

“Twink! Are you all right?!”, Rainbow gasped.

Twink shook himself. “Well we can scratch tire swing off the list. What’s next?”, Twink replied.

Rainbow took Twink out of Krys’s arms and hugged the sprite close before setting him on the ground. Starlite tossed his mane as several of the color kids ran over. Rainbow turned to her friends. “Alright everyone. We still have lots to do so lets get going.”, Rainbow punched a fist into the air and everyone cheered. Turning the kids ran in opposite directions as Twink walked over to Starlite. Rainbow turned to Krys. “So. Whatcha think?”, she asked him.

Krys sighed, “We’re gonna need more firewood. Stormy says the night air is gonna be a chilly one.” He then turned and walked away with a wave as Rainbow waved back. Now that Krys had decided to live in Rainbow Land since they first met, things in Rainbow Land seemed to run a bit more smoother. With Onyx’s speed, Starlite is able to pull carts and help around Rainbow Land a lot more faster than before. Rainbow turned to her friend. She loved everyone with all her heart. And now she could share her love with even more people. Running, she giggled to her friends and together they headed back to the castle.


As Krys walked through the Forestry Area of the Green Grange, Krys pondered on just how much firewood would be needed. The stock back at the castle did have quite a bit. But Rainbow Land had been preparing for Winter for over a month. And he certainly didn’t want to touch it if he didn’t need to. Especially for just one night. Looking around he noticed hundreds of small sticks. But nothing big. Sighing, he knew the only way he could get something for one night would be to cut some off the trees. Turning around, he looked at the Pits. It wasn’t too far a walk and there was hundreds of dead trees. Plenty to carry back. But he wasn’t sure if he should dare the risk of being spotted by Murky Dismal. He stared at a huge oak tree beside him. He really didn’t want to harm any of the trees in the Forestry Area. It was Patty O’ Greens special area. She treasured the Green Grange and Krys certainly didn’t want to hurt it. Scratching his head, he finally shrugged. Taking a step, Krys walked toward the Pits. It seemed like the better of the two options. “I can only hope he’s not home or sick in bed.”, he muttered as he entered the Pits. Krys wasn’t one to be scared off by the likes of Murky Dismal. He just wasn’t in the mood to play with guy. The only thing on Krys’s mind was to get in and get out as soon as possible. As he walked on he made mental note of the trees closest to the boarder line that separated the Pits to Rainbow Land. All he needed was a cart and a horse. Surely he could get Starlite to help. As long as they didn’t go too deep into Murky’s territory. Turning a corner he suddenly stopped short. His heart skipping a beat. “Is that…..”, he started as he stared a mare drinking from a river. The white mare with her silver mane and tail never moved. Her silver hooves firmly planted as she continued to drink. Krys ducked behind a tree. “Wild horses rarely come down from the mountains. What’s this one doing here?”, Krys asked himself as he watched her from behind the tree. The beautiful mare rose her head and shook her mane. Snorting, she turned around and slowly moved in Krys’s direction. Ducking, Krys firmly kept his back to the tree as the horse edged ever so close. He listened to her breathing as she stopped by the tree. He’d never been this close to a wild horse before. And the last thing he wanted was for her to be spooked. Looking around he wondered just how it was he was going to get her to go back to the mountains without Murky finding out. Suddenly the horse whinnied and reared at the sound of a whistle, which startled Krys. He peaked out from behind the tree and watched as the mare galloped away. Stepping out, Krys watched in amazement, “She’s trained?”

Taking off on a dead run, Krys bolted back to Rainbow Land. He pulled out his communicator from his pocket and pressed a button as he dashed down the path. As he ran he looked up and saw Onyx in the sky bolting toward him. Stopping long enough for his mechanical friend, Krys hopped up on top of Onyx’s back and flew the rest of the way back to the castle. Startling Rainbow and the others as he landed before them. “Krys! What is it? What’s wrong?!”, Rainbow gasped.

“A mare!”, Krys said as Starlite turned.

“Sunriser? But she’s with Tickled Pink. I just saw them….”, Starlite started.

“No!”, Krys cut the horse off, “The mare I saw was white and silver. And she was in the Pits.”

Everyone gasped as they dropped what they were doing. “Come on Krys. You’re joking right? All of the wild horses have left the mountains to travel south for the upcoming Winter. They wouldn’t come in this direction.”, Patty O’ Green snorted.

“Besides, why would a wild horse go to the Pits? There’s no food for them there. And there’s Murky. Horses aren't dumb you know.”, Red Butler added.

Krys spun around. “I don’t think she’s wild. She answered to a whistle. So either Murky’s training horses, or we have ourselves a visitor.”

Rainbow and the other looked at each other. Turning Rainbow stared, “Show me.”, she told him. Krys nodded as he climbed on Onyx. Rainbow ran to Starlite and jumped up, then together, they raced back to the Pits in hopes that the mare was still there.


Banging on yet another invention, Murky Dismal was hard at work trying to come up with yet another plan. Lurky however, was in the kitchen whistling and humming as he moved this way and that way. Looking up from his work, he dropped a frying pan, “Uh, Murky!”, he called.

Murky turned from his invention, “What?!”, he bellowed.

“You might want to come see this!”, Lurky called back.

Grunting, Murky tossed his hammer on the table and walked out of his lab, “This had better be important.”, he grumbled as he walked. Side stepping around a corner he didn’t notice the loose board on the flooring. Tripping, he tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap. His jacket falling over his head. Groaning, he threw the jacket back and noticed a pair of shoes in front of him. Looking up, Murky’s eyes widened.


Krys and Rainbow walked the length of the river and found no trace of the mysterious mare. “I swear. She was right here.”, Krys scratched his head confused.

Starlite looked around, “Well she’s gone now.”

Rainbow looked at Krys, “I’m sure what ever is going on, we’ll figure it out. But first, we have to get back and help the others.” Krys nodded to her in agreement and together they headed back to the castle. Once they arrived the buzz about the party resumed and everyone went back to work. Looking around, Rainbow wondered about the mare that Krys had saw. Was she a wild mare? Or a tamed mare? Rainbow looked at Starlite. In some ways, Starlite was a wild stallion. But he was a friend and loved Rainbow Land. Even though his birth home was in the mountains with his own kind. Shrugging, Rainbow was just glad he loved living here. Rainbow Land was his home now and forever as it should be. But what about that mare? Rainbow turned to the mountains. Surely she would have to ask Tickled Pink, who lived in those mountains with Dee-Light and Sunriser. If anyone knew anything about the animals of the mountains, Tickled Pink was the girl to ask.

Krys turned his attention to Rainbow, who was still in deep thought. He shrugged and walked to Onyx. Putting his gear away, Krys walked up the path toward a hill to see what Shy Violet was doing. She’d taken off to the hills and no one had seen her. So Krys thought to go check on her. Along the way the sound of horse caught his attention. Turning, Krys saw her. Galloping across a field of orange grass. Her silvery hair flying behind her as she ran. Running, Krys toppled over a root, jumped to his feet, and bolted down the path. Dashing behind a bush, he watched her slow down and stop in a field of yellow daisies. Krys was mesmerized by her beauty. Her silver hair glittered under the sun. “Oh if only Rainbow and the other could see her.”, Krys thought to himself. But he was afraid that when he returned, the mare would be gone again. Instead, Krys decided to follow the mare. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his communicator and typed a message in it. Surely Rainbow would get it and come running. Stuffing the communicator back into his pocket, he watched the mare closely. The mare rose her head as if catching the sent of the breeze. Her hair swaying in the wind. Suddenly she reared, as if startled. Krys looked around and noticed it too. Panic setting in, “Sky Dancer!”, Krys ran around a bush, hoping to catch up with stallion who didn’t seem at all pleased with the intruding mare. “I have to stop him. But how?”, Krys said as he dashed. Running to the horse, Krys leaped in front of Sky Dancer, who reared. Startling the mare even more. “Whoa there! Settle down boy! Easy!”, Krys said to the horse. Sky Dancer glared at the mare as he planted his front legs. Glancing his head back, Krys noticed that the mare was gone. “Great”, he said to himself. He then patted Sky Dancer on the nose. “Easy there boy.”

“JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?!”, shouted a very angry Stormy as she marched over. “How dare you scare him! Who do you think you are!” she yelled at Krys.

“Whoa! I scared him?!”, Krys barked back. “You need to control him better. He almost attacked an innocent horse just now!”

Stormy folded her arms and huffed, “WHAT innocent horse? I don’t see any innocent horse. Just some dumb boy who rides around on a hunk of metal.”

“Stormy! That’s enough!”, scolded Rainbow Brite as she and Starlite rode over. “Just what is going on? Where’s the mare?”

Stormy looked at her, “What mare?”, she barked.

Rainbow sighed, “Never mind.”, she then looked at Krys and held out a hand for him to climb on. “Get Sky Dancer and lets go.”, she told the mad girl. “Come on Starlite.”, she added.

“I feel like we’re on some sort of roller coaster. I say we just leave the mare alone and get back to the party.”, Starlite told her as he galloped back to the castle.

Rainbow looked at Krys, “So how come you’re the only one who’s seen her?”

Krys shrugged, “Just lucky I guess.”


All through the rest of the afternoon, the party was starting to come together. Moonglow wasn’t up yet and there was still plenty left to do. As Rainbow walked outside she noticed Tickled Pink hopping down from Sunriser. The pink girl smiled as Rainbow walked to her. “Did you find any more vines we could use as string for the lanterns?”, Rainbow asked her.

“Oh yes!”, Tickled Pink answered. “I left the bag around the back of the castle where the lanterns are. When we’re ready to set them up, let me know and I’ll help too.”

Rainbow was pleased and went straight to her question, “Have you ever seen a white and silver mare in the mountains?”

Tickled Pink stared at her, “Can’t say that I have. Why?”

“Because we seem to have one running around Rainbow Land and the Pits somewhere. Krys seems to think she’s trained since she answers to a whistle.”, Rainbow told her friend.

Tickled Pink shrugged, “It’s no surprise really. Lots of horses belong to people. But don’t worry about it. If she turns up again, we’ll just help her get home.” Rainbow agreed as the two headed to the castle.

Meanwhile; Krys was busy tending to the firewood. He was able to get a cart and had Onyx strapped to. Gathering up the wood, he looked up in time to see her. Standing firm under the shade of a tree. Her attention glued on him. Krys slowly stood up. “Easy girl.”, he said to her. The horse snorted as she stared at him. Slowly the horse walked to him as Krys stepped back. “Good girl. I’m a friend. I won’t hurt you.”, he said to her as she stopped short and looked at him. Under the ray of the sun, Krys looked into her silvery eyes. She was more beautiful close up than at a distance. Reaching out a hand ever so slowly, Krys waited for the mare’s reaction. Surprisingly, the mare walked to him and nuzzled his hand. Krys reached up petted her nose. “Such a good girl you are.” he said to her as the mare snorted. “So you are friendly.”, Krys was more amazed than surprised. But how was he going to get her to follow him? She ran from Sky Dancer which is a clear sign that she’s skittish. Petting her neck, Krys looked at her. She was well groomed and obviously well taken care of. The mare turned her head and looked at him as Krys looked back at her.

“It seems Storm has a new friend”, said a voice.

Startled, Krys turned around and noticed a young man standing before him. Dressed in silver clothing and a long silver coat, the young man looked at him puzzled. His long silver hair glistened under the suns’ ray as he folded his arms.

“Storm?”, Krys asked as the mare nudged him.

“She doesn’t normally take to strangers. So tell me… What is your name?”, the young man said calmly.

Krys stood firm. “My name is Krys. And this is Onyx.”, Krys motioned toward Onyx as he spoke. “So this horse. She belongs to you?” Krys stared at Storm. The mare shimmered before him as she stared back.

“Storm and I have traveled together since the day she was born. So I suppose in a way you could say she belongs to me. But I prefer to think of her as a loyal friend than a mere pet.”, the young man told him. “Allow me to introduce myself.” he continued as Krys looked at him, “My name is Silver”.


As Rainbow and the others put up the last of the decorations, Rainbow turned, “He’s been gone a long time.”, she worried.

Indigo looked up from her paint brush, “Who has?”

Rainbow walked over sadly, “Krys. I’m worried about him. He said he was going for firewood.”

Stormy huffed, “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be back.”

Rainbow just looked at Stormy as Buddy Blue and Red Butler walked over, “You know how he is. Once he gets an idea, he runs with it. Literally.”, Red said.

“Besides”, Buddy added, “He probably found that mare again.”

Rainbow lowered her eyes, “That’s what I’m worried about.”

“Me too.”, Tickled Pink chimed in. “It’s better to just leave the horse alone.”

“But Rainbow, if Krys tried to catch her, what do you think will happen?”, Twink asked.

“Disaster. That’s what!”, Starlite snorted as Sky Dancer pawed the ground.

Rainbow looked at her friends. She wasn’t sure if she should stay or go. She trusted Krys. But she also worried about him. She wanted to believe that he’d do what was right. And not go head first into something crazy. She frowned. That was the problem. She knew he would do just that. And not being there to help or stop him made it that much more worse. “I’m going after him.”

“But Rainbow? What about the party? Moonglow will be up soon.”, Canary asked.

“Start without me. I have to find Krys.”, Rainbow told them as she walked away. Starlite ran to her with a nudge, “Starlite.”, she said to him.

“I’m going too.”, he told her as he knelt down. Rainbow smiled at him then climbed on. Together they raced off to find Krys.


Faster and faster Starlite ran down the path and toward the Pits. Worry and fear setting in. She didn’t like the idea of Krys gathering firewood from the Pits. Just what was he thinking? “Faster Starlite!”, she said as Starlite kicked up dirt. Fear and panic creeping in. What if Murky had him? What if Krys was hurt? Suddenly Starlite skidded to a stop as the two spotted Krys talking to Murky Dismal.

“What in Rainbow Land?”, Starlite tilted his head.

“Kr….r…rys?”, Rainbow stuttered as Starlite froze. They were talking? Krys looked up and noticed her but he went back to talking. “Something’s wrong. Krys wouldn’t just be talking to Murky.”, Rainbow looked at Starlite who looked back, “Would he?” Rainbow looked back up at Krys who noticed her then disappeared into the Pits with Murky right beside him. “Krys?”, Rainbow asked silently. She felt her heart tare apart. Why would he side with Murky Dismal?

“We need to get out of here. You don’t have any color crystals on you.”, Starlite said looking back. He then turned his head, “Wild mare indeed. He was playing us. All this time! I always had a feeling there was something off about that boy.”, Starlite snorted. “The only mare in Rainbow Land is Sunriser.” He stomped his hoof hard. “We need to get color crystals. In case he’s planning something with Murky!”

Rainbow looked at Starlite, “But Starlite… Krys wouldn’t…. couldn’t…. he… he…”

Starlite snorted, “Open your eyes Rainbow! He’s turned on us! We have to get those crystals! It’s the only way!”

Rainbow heard and felt the fear coming from Starlite. She knew he was right. Krys had Onyx. And Starlite was no match for a machine without the power of the belt. She turned Starlite around and together they headed to the mines. Tears weld in her eyes. How could he do this? To Rainbow Land? To their friends? Tears ran down her face. How could he do this to her? Starlite leaped over rocks and dashed by shrubs. They had to get to those crystals. Darting into the mines, Rainbow jumped down and ran to a bag. She looked at Starlite. They’ve been through so much with Krys. Why didn’t she see this? He was on Murky’s side this whole time! She wiped her face as she climbed on. Starlite reared and bolted back outside. As they neared the Pits she saw the shimmering rays of the sun bouncing off of Onyx. The metal horse that saved her and Starlite and got them to Krys so long ago. The boy climbing out to yell at them for crashing a boat. An image of him taking off his helmet for the first time flashed in her head. Tears running down her face. How could he do this her!?!

Skidding to a stop, Starlite stood just yards away from Onyx as Krys and Murky were walking back. Krys looked up at Rainbow as if he didn’t even notice something wrong. Rainbow Brite glared. She jumped off of Starlite and stood her ground. She mentally dared Murky to step foot into Rainbow Land. Murky folded his arms. As if to say he wasn’t going to bother. He stared back at her and never moved. Lurky walked out of the shadows and stood behind the two. Starlite pawed the ground. “Easy Starlite.”, Rainbow said softly to him. Krys made a gesture to Murky, who wasn’t even looking at him. Murky and Rainbow were locked in eyesight as Krys continued to talk. Then Krys turned and waved as he headed back to Onyx. Starlite lowered his head ready to charge as Rainbow watched Murky and Lurky disappeared back into the Pits.

Walking towards Rainbow and Starlite, Krys stopped short and stared, “What?”

Rainbow folded her arms, “Do you really think that I’m that dumb?!”, she yelled at him.

Krys stared at her, “I never said you were.”

“Don’t play games! All this time…. After everything! And the only reason was ….. Was….”, the more Rainbow spoke the madder she became. She touched her belt and a sudden burst of colors flew out. Zipping around like mad, the colors formed a rainbow and slid under Starlite and Rainbow. Lifting them into the air. “After everything! You were…. Just….how could you!?!”

Krys side stepped, “Whoa! Settle down! What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?!”

Starlite snorted, “Don’t play us! We’re onto you!”

“Onto me? What did I do?”, Krys asked them.

Starlite stomped a hoof sending shockwaves through the colors. Rainbow folded her arms waiting for Krys to make his move. Glaring back at Rainbow, Krys stood his ground. “Why Krys?! Why?!”, Rainbow questioned. She touched her belt and a second ray of colors burst out like wildfire. Krys dodged a red color then a green color. He glared back up at her then ran towards the rainbow and jumped up onto it. Starlite reared and slammed the rainbow. Sending out more shockwaves.

Rainbow turned to Krys as he made his way towards her. She touched her belt and a bolt of indigo color shot towards him. Krys dodge it and rolled past Starlite who tried to kick him. He grabbed Rainbow and held her, “What in the world has gotten into to you?!”, he asked her. Starlite lunged and Krys pulled Rainbow down before Starlite could hit. Shocks of colors spun in all directions as Krys held Rainbow close. “Stop it Rainbow! Please! Just stop!”, he pleaded.

Starlite dropped to all fours and stared as Rainbow calmed the colors and looked at him. “Let go of me!”, she demanded.

“As soon as you tell me what is wrong. Talk to me.”, Krys said calmly.

Rainbow pushed him off and jumped to her feet. “Talking to Murky Dismal?! Siding with him? How stupid do you think I am?!”

Krys sat puzzled, “Sided… Murky…. Me? Are you nuts?!” he stood up. “I was talking to Silver.”

Rainbow and Starlite looked at each other then back at Krys. “Who?”, they ask him together.

Krys pointed. Rainbow turned around and looked. Standing next to a white mare with silvery hair stood a young man dressed in silver. The young man starred at them as if they’d all lost their minds. Turning around, Rainbow looked at Krys, “So you didn’t side with Murky?”

Krys folded his arms, “What do you take me for?” he asked her. Starlite stared down at the mare, who looked back up at him. With a sigh, Krys spoke, “Silver is Murky’s cousin. He just came down for a visit. Passing through really. And because Silver was here, Murky didn’t dare do anything stupid.”

Starlite looked at him, “Cousin?”

Krys shrugged, “He calls the mare, Storm”. Rainbow and the others watched as Silver and Storm quietly disappeared back into the Pits. Tears ran down Rainbow’s face. “Oh come on now. Don’t start that again.”, Krys told her. Rainbow couldn’t help the tears. She threw herself into his arms and cried. She’d been so scared of loosing him and the feelings suddenly flooded through her body. Putting his arms around her, Krys spoke softly, “You know, we still have a party to get to.”

Rainbow stood back and looked at him, “I’m sorry. I should have trusted you more.”

Krys wiped her tears, “You really think that I’d betray Rainbow Land? Betray Starlite? Twink? The kids?….”, he trailed off as he looked her, “You?” Rainbow wiped her face. She looked at Starlite, who looked back. Taking her hand, Krys continued, “Come on.” Rainbow smiled. If it was one thing about Krys, he wasn’t afraid to tell it like it was.


At the sounds of cheering and celebrating, Rainbow and Krys walked into a room full of noise. Tickled Pink met them at the door with party favors in hand, “Come on! The party just started!!” she giggled to them. Hand in hand, Krys and Rainbow walked to the crowd and soon everyone was enjoying the party.

*** THE END ***