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Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:16 pm
by Galacticatt
Just wanted to remind people to get your online exclusive Shy Violet before she sells out!

She might eventually be available in stores, but is currently being advertised as an "online exclusive." She went up for sale today! There are no limits to how many you can buy, so hopefully that means they have a ton of them in stock.: ... D1196.html


Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:49 pm
by silverorangetears
I heard somewhere that only 800 were made?

Hopefully that was just hype and they're not putting weird number restrictions on these dolls!

I really want Lala and Canary :( maybe they'll just do a box set of them, and the Colour Kids can be done!

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:28 pm
by Galacticatt
silverorangetears wrote:I heard somewhere that only 800 were made?

Hopefully that was just hype and they're not putting weird number restrictions on these dolls!

I really want Lala and Canary :( maybe they'll just do a box set of them, and the Colour Kids can be done!
Well, 800 is actually a decent sized edition for a niche market like Rainbow Brite. That amount sounds about right to me. My guess is that they will stick around for about 6 months or longer or so if that is the number.

But I do think that another box set is likely- and I do really hope they do Lala and Canary! (and TP and Stormy)

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:36 pm
by Rainbow Brite
They did impose a 5-per-order limit, so thankfully she didn't sell out as quickly as the ones last summer. But yes, the 800 number is correct and there are less than 30 left now!!

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:11 pm
by Galacticatt
Yikes! I hope everyone gets one who wanted one!

I ordered one for a friend in Canada, I think it's weird that BC doesn't have access to this Itty- or the online exclusives in general.

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:38 am
by Imagi
Just checked Shy is out of stock now.

Luckily I already have mine waiting for me at Hallmark...gotta love free ship to store! :)

I'm glad that the itty RB versions are selling out us more of a chance to not only get the Color Kids, but also Brian and Stormy as well! :)

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:13 pm
by Galacticatt
Got mine today! They are so cute!

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:31 am
by Sukey
I ordered mine the morning that she was released before I went to work! I just checked my email and she has been delivered to my local Hallmark store, but they didn't call me :( Won't be able to pick her up till after work tomorrow. They called me last time when I ordered my Twink shirt. Can't wait!

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:33 am
by Sukey
I got my Shy Violet! Can't wait to have her join the others! I also bought a Twink and Starlite for my cousin! She will be 2 soon and I'm hanging onto them for a little while. I want to buy her some books, too. I hope she likes them!

Shy Violet online exclusive Itty Bitty!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:18 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Not Rainbow Brite related - but 80s cartoon & Hallmark related. They released online exclusives of 4 Shirt Tales itty bittys this morning. One of them sold out within 3 hours (if they put them up for sale at the same time as the others), and two more sold out shortly thereafter. Less than 12 hours later, there's only 1 character still available. And these were limited to 3 per order! They've updated their site to include a drop-down quantity selector now, so there's no way to enter in a crazy number (like 1,000) to see how many are left. Can't say I'm a fan of that. But clearly they GROSSLY underestimated the popularity these 80s cartoon characters were going to have. Hasn't Rainbow Brite shown them anything? I realize Shirt Tales isn't as popular as RB, but they must have assumed it only had a handful of fans! It wouldn't surprise me if they only made 100 of each (or less).

I'm also bothered by the fact that they keep the number produced secret. The first online exclusives (RB) clearly stated online and on the tags that only 500 were produced of each. Why have they stopped doing that? Personally, I find it more tempting and valuable to buy something that has a clearly marked production quantity on it. Like some artists will number their art prints - 1 of 25, 2 of 25...etc. I'm not saying they have to number each one individually, but I wish they would go back to their original practice of putting the total number on the tag at the very least.

AND, as far as I can tell, they keep putting these guys up for sale at 5:45am ET. That really sucks for people on the west coast! Most of the Shirt Tales were sold out by the time they rolled out of bed this morning!

Sorry, just felt like ranting somewhere. I really hope they produce non-limited Shirt Tales itty bittys and sell them in stores. Maybe this super-fast sell out time will convince them of that need. And if they ever sell exclusive Hugga Bunch itty bittys, they better make a higher quantity!! :P