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Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:22 pm
by Rainbow Brite
I'm hoping that all of you have signed up for Feeln accounts and watched the first episode by now :D Or will soon, at least ;)

My first impressions:

OH SO VERY BRITE!! I absolutely LOVE the bright colors used throughout! Especially in HD! WOW!!

The theme song and intro are so fun!! So upbeat and catchy! It's stuck in my head already :D

Mr. Glitters is ADORABLE!! His squeaks remind me of the PBS Curious George, which I LOVE!! :D

First impressions of Rainbow being a ditzy valley girl, and Starlite being a steroid-using narcissist were totally wrong. I love their personalities and voices. Sure, Rainbow is more hyper this time around. But I like hyper :D

The writing is top-notch...especially love the humor.

The voice acting is fantastic. There's not one voice that I don't love :)

The animation is really well done.

In short, I love it all!!! If it can get a big enough following, I think it will do really well!! I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!!! MUST HAVE MORE THAN THREE EPISODES!! lol :D

Please note: if you're going to post any spoilers, to precede it with a nice big SPOILER ALERT so that nobody is unexpectedly spoiled :) I've only got one that I want to mention right


Did you hear Rainbow humming the original theme song when she started showing Brian around Rainbow Land??? :D :D :D

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:56 pm
by TheZorker
How long is the episode? And what "Genre" would you put it in? Action Adventure?

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:20 pm
by Rainbow Brite
TheZorker wrote:How long is the episode? And what "Genre" would you put it in? Action Adventure?
It's 14 minutes long, and yes, I would say Action Adventure is a proper genre for it :)

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:46 am
by Chibi Rachy
I was going to save watching the p until tomorrow, but I really couldn't wait, so I signed up for Feeln tonight. A downside is that the episode is definitely short, and could do with some length.

Starlite seems to be just right for now. He's not super cocky, but an even mix. Rainbow is a bit too hyper for my tastes. She's definitely tasted the rainbow ;)

It's really too bad we don't have the spoiler tags here... they would be super useful in this case.

Anyway, Spoiler Alert coming up. I made my font white, so you have to highlight it if you want to see what I wrote. I'll make a note where the spoiler ends.

~Begin Spoiler Alert~

I was so excited to see Stormy in this episode! She's always been my favorite, and it does indeed look like she was once good, and now is bad. I wonder what the falling out was? She seems to doubt her decision though, so perhaps we'll see a return to good, and a color change in the costume to match. She seemed to be her temperamental self with the storms though.

Murky and Lurky seem to be more bumbling than ever before. Well, Murky at least. Lurky still retains that. There needs to be some more dialog between the two for sure. Hopefully they shape up and stop acting as idiotic... they've got to have some kind of competence! Well, I guess they did this time if they managed to capture Brian, but still.

~End Spoiler Alert

Bring on next week's ep!

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:33 am
by Galacticatt
LOVED IT! I hope also that it is popular and that there is more than three episodes...

I also hope there are some dolls and merch at some point !

I'll admit I was hoping an entire series would be released all at once (like Orange is the New Black), but I guess a slow release tries to get people to sign up for feeln for more than a day or so, lol

Looking forward to the next one!

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:37 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Chibi Rachy wrote:I was going to save watching the p until tomorrow, but I really couldn't wait, so I signed up for Feeln tonight. A downside is that the episode is definitely short, and could do with some length.
Maybe if these do well, the next episodes will be longer. *fingers crossed*
Starlite seems to be just right for now. He's not super cocky, but an even mix. Rainbow is a bit too hyper for my tastes. She's definitely tasted the rainbow ;)
Yeah, I really like Starlite too :) And Rainbow's hyperactivity is definitely different from the original, but I kinda like it. It reminds me of myself when I get uber excited over :) She's the type that unabashedly wears her emotions "britely" on her sleeve. A rainbow geek, if you will :)
It's really too bad we don't have the spoiler tags here... they would be super useful in this case.
What's a spoiler tag?
Anyway, Spoiler Alert coming up. I made my font white, so you have to highlight it if you want to see what I wrote. I'll make a note where the spoiler ends.
That's a really good idea! Let's all try to do that for now :) I'll respond to you in white as well:
I was so excited to see Stormy in this episode! She's always been my favorite, and it does indeed look like she was once good, and now is bad. I wonder what the falling out was? She seems to doubt her decision though, so perhaps we'll see a return to good, and a color change in the costume to match. She seemed to be her temperamental self with the storms though.
I LOOOOOVE STORMY SO FAR!!! Her cloud surfing was AMAZING!!! I get the feeling that they'll tell us what the falling out was eventually. And I bet she will return to good. I like the fact that she's conflicted about her decision/actions. And Rainbow's love still gets her in the feels :)
Murky and Lurky seem to be more bumbling than ever before. Well, Murky at least. Lurky still retains that. There needs to be some more dialog between the two for sure. Hopefully they shape up and stop acting as idiotic... they've got to have some kind of competence! Well, I guess they did this time if they managed to capture Brian, but still.
Agreed. I wanted to hear more dialogue out of those two. Especially Murky. I really like his voice :) And I LOL'd at DP telling them not to use any gadgets, but just to grab him...hahaha :D She knows them well.
Bring on next week's ep!
AMEN!! :D :D :D

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:50 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Galacticatt wrote:LOVED IT! I hope also that it is popular and that there is more than three episodes...
ME TOO!!! *crosses fingers and toes*
I also hope there are some dolls and merch at some point !
Totally!! If we don't get a Stormy doll now, I don't think we ever will :blink: As a point of interest, Hallmark made Teepublic remove all of their Rainbow Brite designs a couple of days ago. So hopefully that means they'll be selling their own merch soon!
I'll admit I was hoping an entire series would be released all at once (like Orange is the New Black), but I guess a slow release tries to get people to sign up for feeln for more than a day or so, lol
True enough :) Although, as impatient as I am, spreading it out like this is actually kind of fun! It keeps the excitement going and gives me more time to obsess over each individual ep...hehe :D
Looking forward to the next one!
Me too!! I'm so glad I have you guys to talk to about it :D

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:24 pm
by idistractedyou
So I watched the first episode and I did enjoy it. As far as Rainbow's "scattered" personality I am taking it as well if a Rainbow is light refracted through a Prism it's kind of fitting. I was pleased to find the impression in the trailer of both Rainbow Brite and Starlite was wrong. Starlite carried himself with dignity in a different manner than the original. Now onto the actual aspect of the show itself.


So I like that Spectra is mentioned specifically in the very first episode. Makes me think more will be done with that later on. Stormy obviously is very hurt but we don't why yet and seems to have some regret over taking actions to hurt Rainbow. But she stills wants to hurt Rainbow in much the way someone who feels scorned or hurt by somebody they care for does. The Dark Princess, Murky, and Lurky preying on her insecurities and pain was a direction I felt they would go. Murky and Lurky looking more competent but pretty much still being bumbling was a nice touch. As was the Dark Princess's weary tone when telling them "No funny stuff just grab him".

I wonder where Brian got the key (He just says he found it but not where) and what exactly the Color Barrier is. The bit where the Rainbow bent away from the Pits and Rainbow saying it's a place without light and color but we'll get it back someday was nice as well. I'm wondering if we'll get an explanation of what exactly the Dark Princess's powers are.

But Brian being able to power up a Star Sprinkle and the mention of Spectra makes me wonder if he will turn out to be the son of a certain Spectran boy that we know?

Now onto the Easter Eggs:
Spectra being mentioned right away.
Since the Sprites build Brian a bike to get home is that a Sprite Cycle?

Onto my beefs or points of concern. So I was not a fan of how quickly Rainbow needed help and I hope this does not become a trend in future episodes. There was something off about the animation that bothered me in regards to distance. Some of the distance shots looked off as far in a sense of perspective. I do feel the pay wall is going to turn off some people from seeing the series.

Overall I was impressed and I am eager to see more.


In the trailer for the next episode we hear she has the power to harness all light and color in the universe. I assume that's talking about the Dark Princess and I do hope we get some back story on her. As for her look I assume her re-design will be very similar to the 80's as her old outfit was imposing and practical.

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:05 pm
by Maki
I may never get to see that new series because I'm from Canada, and everytime those episodes would upload on YouTube, Dailymotion, etc. they may say it's available on in the USA and/or not be viewable like Lionsgate.. IF there's a hidden link for someone to upload those episodes so we can download and watch them, let us know (through pm or e-mail).

Episode 1: Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:23 pm
by Rainbow Brite
idistractedyou wrote:So I watched the first episode and I did enjoy it. As far as Rainbow's "scattered" personality I am taking it as well if a Rainbow is light refracted through a Prism it's kind of fitting. I was pleased to find the impression in the trailer of both Rainbow Brite and Starlite was wrong. Starlite carried himself with dignity in a different manner than the original. Now onto the actual aspect of the show itself.
Well stated, and agreed :)

So I like that Spectra is mentioned specifically in the very first episode. Makes me think more will be done with that later on. Stormy obviously is very hurt but we don't why yet and seems to have some regret over taking actions to hurt Rainbow. But she stills wants to hurt Rainbow in much the way someone who feels scorned or hurt by somebody they care for does. The Dark Princess, Murky, and Lurky preying on her insecurities and pain was a direction I felt they would go. Murky and Lurky looking more competent but pretty much still being bumbling was a nice touch. As was the Dark Princess's weary tone when telling them "No funny stuff just grab him".
I laughed so hard at the "No funny stuff, just grab him" perfect for those two :D And yes! SO happy that Spectra was mentioned so early on! That's a very good sign. Interesting that they seem to have gotten rid of Color Crystals. Now they're Star Sprinkles from the start. But that's fine with more wasted screen time on the "shrinky dink" type process that transformed them...hehe :)
I wonder where Brian got the key (He just says he found it but not where) and what exactly the Color Barrier is. The bit where the Rainbow bent away from the Pits and Rainbow saying it's a place without light and color but we'll get it back someday was nice as well. I'm wondering if we'll get an explanation of what exactly the Dark Princess's powers are.
But Brian being able to power up a Star Sprinkle and the mention of Spectra makes me wonder if he will turn out to be the son of a certain Spectran boy that we know?
My theory is that this Brian is actually Brian Jr...and he found the key in some of his dad's old stuff (along with his old sweater) ;) But I'll be interested to find out the truth of where he found it/where it came from. And yeah, what is this Color Barrier?? Sounds cool! I loved how the rainbow bent at The Pits, like "nuh uh!" haha :)
Now onto the Easter Eggs:
Spectra being mentioned right away.
Since the Sprites build Brian a bike to get home is that a Sprite Cycle?
Haha! Nice catch on the possible Sprite Cycle reference :) My brain went straight to Sirius Black's enchanted motorcycle from Harry
Onto my beefs or points of concern. So I was not a fan of how quickly Rainbow needed help and I hope this does not become a trend in future episodes. There was something off about the animation that bothered me in regards to distance. Some of the distance shots looked off as far in a sense of perspective. I do feel the pay wall is going to turn off some people from seeing the series.
I rationalized her needing help so quickly due to the fact that Stormy now had the key, which turned her powers up to 11 and made her more of a threat to Rainbow. And maybe she only typically carries one Star Sprinkle with her at all times, and she'd already given it to Brian. Mr. Glitters wasn't around to provide her with more at the time. But I understand your concern and also hope that it won't become a trend in future eps. I didn't pick up on the distance perspective issues you spoke about, but I didn't care for the shot of Rainbow and Starlite running from Stormy through the castle, and all of the Color Kids dashing in so quickly. There was just something "off" about the way they all moved in that scene to me. But I absolutely LOVE the backgrounds, Stormy's cloud, Rainbow Falls (OMG they look REAL!!), and everything else. I share your concern about the pay wall limiting their viewership. But I'm hoping that they'll get enough subscribers to make it worth their while to continue the show, and potentially add it to other streaming services as well.
Overall I was impressed and I am eager to see more.
Awesome :D ME TOO!!

In the trailer for the next episode we hear she has the power to harness all light and color in the universe. I assume that's talking about the Dark Princess and I do hope we get some back story on her. As for her look I assume her re-design will be very similar to the 80's as her old outfit was imposing and practical.
I'm hoping for more info on DP as well, and CAN NOT WAIT to see her redesign!! :D :D :D