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Old Nick Jr. RB Website

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:01 am
by Rainbow Brite
Do you guys remember back in 2004, when Toy Play was selling their line of Rainbow Brite dolls, and pointed to a site on Nick Jr. that looked like this? ... jr-archive

Renee, Sunspire and myself downloaded the site before it was taken down - at least we THOUGHT we had. But it turns out that we didn't get all of it. It was all in flash, and while we downloaded the swf files, we didn't download the accompanying flv files, so most of the swf files don't work.

I'm wondering if any of you perhaps did a better job and have a full archive of it?

It was so cute - I'd love to see all of it again :)

Old Nick Jr. RB Website

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:43 pm
by Galacticatt
I don't suppose you can still get at content using the "Wayback" machine?

Old Nick Jr. RB Website

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:33 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Galacticatt wrote:I don't suppose you can still get at content using the "Wayback" machine?
Sadly, no. I've tried :(