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COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:17 am
by idistractedyou
I'm torn on Lurky's redesign he kind of looks like he was Monstro-Murked by Murky. Some thoughts on Lurky's redesign. Given his former roly-poly appearance and generally dim-witted appearance there may be a reason beyond aesthetic for it. Having a dim-witted bruiser character is acceptable but a slow rounder character may edge to close to seeming to make fun of those with mental differences than the creative felt comfortable with. Just a point to ponder.

By the way I am in no way saying the original Lurky was offensive he was not to me just noting how public thought processes may have changed. Lurky's character type is a story-telling trope which has existed for a long time just the particular combination could be misinterpreted.

BTW Stormy's full redesign is up today. I'll try and snag it and post it later.

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:55 am
by Galacticatt
Stormy is cute! Not sure I love the grey in place of green, but overall pretty true to the original look- like her hair-do :D

She does look a bit like a "bad guy" though- very curious to see how that works out... (I agree it's more likely that she is just a semi-bad guy anyway, and will probably swap sides at some point... I wonder if Sky Dancer will be around? He always struck me as pretty important to Stormy's job...

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:30 am
by Chibi Rachy
Stormy has always been my favorite, so I've been looking forward to seeing her design. I'm definitely not displeased with it. I'm glad she's gonna be "bad". It would make sense. Or at least, it does to me. When I did her background story, I had her wearing something bland and grey until Murky decided to give her her dress to make her look like Rainbow and the kids.

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:36 am
by Moonxtal
uuuugh lurky... I think more than anything the nose or lack of a big one, bugs me the most but I'm ok with the more 'big foot' type physique.

stormy... hmm maybe it's the pose or the expression but something about her seems off... maybe her nose or eyes? anyway i'd have liked her hair to be that super light grey/purple color but the hair style looks much the same. I could do with out the scarf and bracers but everything else looks fine on her :)
I think they should have given her more of a 'punk' look yeah!

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:18 am
by Moonxtal
I fixed violet lol here's what they should have made her look like. she still looks Asian, but retains much of her original look

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:47 am
by Moonxtal
derp a derp fixed murky :3

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:56 am
by Moonxtal
fixed lurky

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:41 am
by Robert Teague
Nice job with Violet's hair! I agree it makes her look more like her old self. But still, I'm happy with her new look as it is.

I definitely like Lurky better like this. The new look is jarring. (I finally saw his antennae. That they aren't all wobbly like his old self makes him look more comptent as well.)

Murky... eh. Being less unkempt makes him look more evil and competent. The extra lightning bolts actually detract from the new look.

I do wish Stormy still had green in her outfit, but tne new look is okay. The scarf is a nice touch. Maybe she needs the shade of green the sky turns when a hurricane or tornado is near, and the red everything turns "when sailors take warning".

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:47 pm
by Rainbow Brite
idistractedyou wrote:I'm torn on Lurky's redesign he kind of looks like he was Monstro-Murked by Murky. Some thoughts on Lurky's redesign. Given his former roly-poly appearance and generally dim-witted appearance there may be a reason beyond aesthetic for it. Having a dim-witted bruiser character is acceptable but a slow rounder character may edge to close to seeming to make fun of those with mental differences than the creative felt comfortable with. Just a point to ponder.
You know, that's a really good point that I hadn't considered. It would make total sense.

Moonxtal - Wow!! Nice job on your redesigns!! You've got some serious skills :) And I really like all of your changes. Especially to Violet. I'm having a hard time getting used to her new look :unsure:

Maybe Stormy's green will be added back in when (if) she turns good?

COLOR KIDS! and villians

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:04 pm
by Galacticatt
I agree Lurky's re-design was probably because of what could be perceived as a negative image of the original Lurky, over-weight and seemingly disabled.

I still don't like the nose on the new guy though, so weird!

Katy I hope you are right that they add the green back to Stormy when she turns good! That would make all kinds of sense :D

Won't be long now till we find out!