New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

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Rainbow Brite
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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

BabyDoll wrote:As soon as I saw it I rushed here to see if anyone had posted the vid yet. I like it! It's different than the old 'toon, of course, but I like the attitude already from this brief little clip. I hope that all the old color kids come back eventually.
I like it too :) It's SO cute, and we can already see that it's incorporating many elements from the original show, so they definitely kept us in mind when creating it (even if we're not the target audience). As far as the Color Kids this 15 second promo ;)
I also hope for tons of dolls. :P
Teehee!! ME TOO!! :D
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Rainbow Brite
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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

idistractedyou wrote:At first my reaction was one of irritation at the dialogue. (Not the animation style which is very energetic and colorful more in pace with modern animation.) When it comes to stuff from my childhood I always take a moment and say I am not the target audience anymore. Though Starlite referring to himself as a verbose stallion made me chuckle.
I'm glad you took that moment to remember that we're not the target audience. I'm seeing a lot of fans forget that fact ;) And yeah, that line made me chuckle too...haha. I look forward to seeing/hearing more dialogue in the full episodes. I have a feeling there will be much more to it than we can see in these short trailers.
I do think one of the things the reboot(s) are doing correctly is giving the Dark Princess a more prominent role. Showing Rainbow having an adversary who is equal in power or at least competent can create some interesting stories. The trailer makes the series look like it will be fun but action packed. If they take hints from MLPFIM they can still have just fun episodes and larger action driven episodes as well. I am excited for it's premiere in November and will be watching. BTW did anyone catch the glimpse of Murky's haunt in the pits in the background?
I agree - the Dark Princess looks evil with a capital E this time around! I mean, she was always a jerk, but now her powers look downright terrifying. It will be interesting to see how Rainbow Brite tackles her. Good points re: the comparisons to MLP. There are a lot of things I like about that show, and I would be happy to see its influence in the new RB. And yes!! The Pits look exactly the same! I love that! :D If you head over to my Instagram, you can see what the new Murky and Lurky are going to look like :) And another surprise character who is perhaps now a villain ;)
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

ShieldTheOriginal wrote:The new cartoon is horrible! The animation is amateur, lazy garbage and they changed the characters' personalities. Rainbow Brite is now an air headed teenager and Starlite is a flamboyant male model wannabe instead of the vain but noble horse he was in the original. I'm furious, not just because this is how Rainbow Brite will now be remembered, but also because little girls tend to behave like the characters they see on TV. So why do cartoons always have these obnoxious, dumb valley girls as the main character? It's disgusting what we are turning the next generation into. Does anyone else feel passionately about stopping this remake? Any ideas about how to go about doing it?
I hope you'll read my blog post and then see if you still feel the same way :) ... te-do.html
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Galacticatt wrote:I love that Molly Ringwold is going to be the Dark Princess- the way they drew Rainbow and Starlite isn't maybe the way I would have hoped for... but it isn't terrible. Certainly WAAAAAAAAAYYYY 1000X better than the last rebooted look.
RIGHT?? RIGHT??? I LOVE Molly Ringwald. That addition floored me :D And OMG yes! It is SOOOO much better than the 2009 design!
I hope the cartoon is successful and there is lots of merch and new dolls! Whoooooo!!
Me too! Me too!! *hops around excitedly* lol :)
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Rainbow Brite
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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Galacticatt wrote:
BabyDoll wrote:I know nothing about this network it's going to be airing on, though. Will it be available to watch on youtube? Anyone have any information about that?
From what I could tell, it is exclusively streemed online through (kind of like a netflix thing) ... MgodIjoAlg

I hope someone uploads it to youtube at some point...
You are correct - it's going to be exclusive to - which, like Netflix, is a subscription service and can be streamed through multiple devices. But it's not expensive - only $4.99 a month, and you get a one-week free trial. Personally, I'm happy to throw money their way if it will help the show's quality and sustainability :) I decided to pay by the year (and it's actually cheaper that way, bringing it to only $3.99 per month IIRC). But if it would help, I'd buy multiple Although hopefully soon there will be merchandise we can throw our money at to show our support :)
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Rainbow Brite
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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Moonxtal wrote:Wow ok saw the new trailer and HAD to come back to this message board I haunted a long while back ^^;
Nice to see you again :D I had a feeling this big reveal would bring some lurkers out of hiding ;)
It's animated WAYYYYYY better that that reboot a few years back, and she looks more kiddy than teeny bopper (i.e. she doesn't have boobs or an hourglass figure) that's a plus!

it looks high energy and fun!

Her outfit/look is more or less the same with minor differences similar hair style, similar dress/boots etc.

I actually like the style of character animation, easier for a more ranged emotion. the first reboot looked very stilted and 'cut and paste'. here, she has a range of emotions that are very 'animated' (sorry for the pun)

the line where she was asking for something cute and starlight said that there was nothing cuter than two sea otters holding hands actually made me LOL!

her powers look awesome!

possible princess/murky/lurky/the pits etc. the 'villain' looks legit like a threat

rainbowland looks the same or similar as does Brian, and the key
All very good points :)
*sigh* the animation is still that 'moving construction paper' style that i'm not a huge fan of. with MLP they used flash but they at least TRIED to make it look like hand drawn cels... this... eh... this looks kind of lazy >3>

Rainbows personality.... ooohhh... where to begin... now, to be fair we only see like 20 seconds of it and the few things they highlight is the VERY teenager 'Vally girl' slang and 'tude. her first words are "Oh mah bows, I ~totally~ forgot to introduce myself...~ruuuude~" and I cringed...hard. now on another character that personality would be fine but it's one we've seen sooooooo many times =_=
I'm all for giving rainbow a stronger personality, because the original was a little...flat (ducks things thrown at her by other members of the forum). sure she had a stubborn 'never say die' side, but her main characterization was 'little girl' which by today's standards is flavorless, but they kind of went full steam in the opposite direction by giving her a trite over used teenager personality with the slang to boot.
but I won't let it deter me, they may have just highlighted the worst and the actual show may only have that sprinkled in. who knows.

starlight... his personality is some what intact but again they kind of spun it a little. instead of the more...hmmm... dainty, vain, somewhat over confident, yet noble steed, he's more of the dudebro variety of, vain, somewhat over confident steed... (I've yet to see noble but hey, the trailer was only a min long!)
also not keen on his 'look.' the bridge of his nose curves out which I think looks a little weird and his proportions like he looks thick and chunky in weird areas...yet his knees are knobby i dunno nitpick-y things... :P

i dunno I kind of would liked rainbows voice to be higher pitched...younger sounding like an actual little girl.

over all the pros out weigh the cons for me... I'm gonna give it a shot and hopefully I'll like it ^^ only time will tell. if not I'll pan it off like the last reboot. *shudders thinking about the last reboot*
Your concerns are the ones I've seen voiced the most so far. So you're not alone :) But I'm SO glad that you're staying hopeful and are willing to give it a shot! I'm really interested in seeing more depth to the characters/plots/etc in the full episodes. And like you said, if you watch it and it's still not your cup of tea, you can close that folder in your brain and re-open the one that contains the original RB and all your love for her :) That will never go away. And yeah, the last reboot was baaaaad. I tried to get behind it, but it was such a struggle. So far, I'm having no trouble supporting the new show, because I truly think it's going to be fantastic :)
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by idistractedyou »

In the trailer Rainbow asks somebody why are you doing this and we assume it's the Dark Princess. Are we sure it's not Stormy with her powers seriously amped up by the Dark Princess? Given the strong rain theme... You can't have the Rainbow without the rain.

But new trailer it's cool to see the Color Kids obviously using the Color Console. I am interested to see if the Color Kids will have abilities/skills of their own.

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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by idistractedyou »

Another thought is we may not see the Dark Princess right away. Given the glowing eyes she may be the reboot's version of the King of Shadows. Of course it is all speculation at this point. Do we have any word how long episodes will be or how frequently they will be released?

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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by BabyDoll »

Rainbow Brite wrote: I like it too :) It's SO cute, and we can already see that it's incorporating many elements from the original show, so they definitely kept us in mind when creating it (even if we're not the target audience). As far as the Color Kids this 15 second promo ;)
Thanks for the link! Now I'm VERY interested to see the Color Kid redesigns.

Nothing may ever top the original toon in my mind and the old toys are very dear to my heart, but seeing a new generation getting a chance to bond with Rainbow Brite like they have with My Little Pony, Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake is really encouraging to me. I hated to think that the 2010 failboot was going to be the last word on her.

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Rainbow Brite
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New Rainbow Brite Cartoon!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

idistractedyou wrote:In the trailer Rainbow asks somebody why are you doing this and we assume it's the Dark Princess. Are we sure it's not Stormy with her powers seriously amped up by the Dark Princess? Given the strong rain theme... You can't have the Rainbow without the rain.
We're not sure of much of anything at this point :) She very well could be talking to Stormy in that scene.
But new trailer it's cool to see the Color Kids obviously using the Color Console. I am interested to see if the Color Kids will have abilities/skills of their own.
I'm interested in that too. If Brian can ride on stars, the possibilities are endless!
Another thought is we may not see the Dark Princess right away. Given the glowing eyes she may be the reboot's version of the King of Shadows. Of course it is all speculation at this point. Do we have any word how long episodes will be or how frequently they will be released?
I noticed the parallel between that scene and the King of Shadows as well :) Very cool throwback. We haven't been told how long the episodes are, but the the three that they're currently finishing up will air November 6th, 13th and 20th.
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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