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spam XD

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:18 pm
by WishBear2001
The last "spam thread" is now 10 pages so this is the new one.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:54 am
by Chibi Rachy
Bought my boots for my Illya cosplay. I'm quite happy that I won't need boot covers for her. The only downside is that the color is a tad darker, but I'm cool with that. It's quite hard to find boots that are purple and Ugg knockoffs are the closest I can get. So I bought a pair from Target's website that are girls, mainly because they are 7.5 inches tall with the heel and would come to my mid-calf, rather than women's which tend to be 10 to 11 inches. $26.47 for the boots.

Haven't done too much tonight. I do want to write some more. I started another oneshot for Thunder and Stars and I have an idea in mind for a Valentine story for it as well. It just takes getting it all written down.

School's on a two hour delay tomorrow. I'll see about going in early to get some more stuff done.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:00 am
by J3llyb3ans
New projects to work on. Some requests and stuff of my own. This is going to be interesting. It's good to have a deviant page for such things. Now and then I do miss having a thread for my art here on this forum. Maybe I'll bring that back.

I've been making some tough decisions lately because of things that are beyond my control. Trying not to let that hinder what I do. Creativity can't be crushed by rough times. I'll keep going.

With that said. There was a fanfic Idea that I could write that's been swirling around in my head for months now. Just have to find the right time to start it. Here's hoping it turns out well. Dealing with multiple realities in a story can be really fun. That will probably give hint at what's coming.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:21 am
by Chibi Rachy
Yum. I do so love Reese's cups :)

Got a new book today when the book order came in. It's called Cut and is about a girl and her issues with cutting. I really couldn't resist buying it, and it was only $3. I've finished the first part of it, and it's good so far.

School was all right today. Two hour delays make the day go a lot faster. My kids got new groups and so far it's worked out well. They seem to like the seating so far. I hope it works out.

Doing random things tonight. The RPG fog event is beginning to end around midnight tonight so I can finally have Saber seek out new information and contacts.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:01 am
by WishBear2001
Kids have been a pain in the tail to deal with. Putting porn popups and viruses on my computer, stalking my internet browsing history to laugh over talking here, destroying my nice clothes, cussing me out and following me to the public library every Tuesday?? If they think paint splattered, ripped clothes look "cool" they should get forced into jobs painting houses!

Why have I been having cravings for limes, peppermint, licorice, grapes, raisins and purple pies?

Re-watching Sweet Dreams movie, I LOLed at a few scenes in this song. Especially the ones with Raspberry agreeing with her friends. Well, anything can happen in Strawberryland when the kids make music. :P[/video]

Re: spam XD

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:15 am
by Chibi Rachy
I haz a Patty and Liz!


They came in the mail today. They're both from Soul Eater and twins. They're also Kid's twin demon guns, which means they can turn into weapons. I was originally only going to get Patty, but when I saw the seller selling them decently with good shipping (and located in the US instead of China), I couldn't resist getting both. Now I just need Kid to complete this weapon and meister combo.

School was okay today. Better than it has been, but still not the best. We have a two hour delay tomorrow so the day will go a lot faster. I just don't want them to close school is all.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:34 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Won't be around much until Friday evening. I've issues with my internet.... basically the speed at which my modem is to be running is lower than what I'm paying for so someone has to come fix it. My internet is super slow, and many pages only half load, but these forums are the worst because they either only load the header, or I can only get the first page to load. Can't really get it to load enough to post comments, and it's frustrating. I'm only able to do so now because I'm at mom's. Tech guy is coming Friday afternoon hopefully.

No school today and I'm very displeased about it, to put it nicely. That is all.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:29 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Chibi Rachy wrote:Won't be around much until Friday evening. I've issues with my internet.... basically the speed at which my modem is to be running is lower than what I'm paying for so someone has to come fix it. My internet is super slow, and many pages only half load, but these forums are the worst because they either only load the header, or I can only get the first page to load. Can't really get it to load enough to post comments, and it's frustrating. I'm only able to do so now because I'm at mom's. Tech guy is coming Friday afternoon hopefully.

No school today and I'm very displeased about it, to put it nicely. That is all.
I take back what I said for now about not being around because of the net. I came home from mom's and my errands and my internet was magically back to its old self. I'm not sure if it'll last, so I'm not cancelling the tech just yet.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:21 am
by Chibi Rachy
Went shopping tonight with mom. Boy, what a trip that was. The transmission finally gave out in the van, but we couldn't make it home. Some guy helped push the van with his truck and then stayed with us while we waited for a daycare parent to bring a trailer. All's well that ends well, I suppose.

I've gotten a good bit of feedback on my Colored Pancakes story. I was surprised, but I am quite pleased, since it's my first fic for Soul Eater.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:03 am
by Chibi Rachy
Snowed in yet again! I have no idea how much snow is out there now. A lot and it's falling fast. For example, the snow plow was taking care of my street not ten minutes ago and you can no longer tell they did much of anything. Also, the power's gone out for a few seconds already and it turned off all the lights in this part of town. It was so dark, but so pretty.

Working on another short fic. Decided to do a sequel to the Rainbow Night episode, but I won't say much more. It should be good though!