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Re: thread :P

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:11 pm
by WishBear2001
I have had some odd dreams over the last few months and most of them came true.

The first one was about finding a Ponyville teapot house at the local Goodwill.
The second one was about public school teachers stealing my Twink.
The third one was about getting Mini soft Orange as a Christmas present.
Fourth and fifth were about finding Mattel Moonglow and Mintberrykin.
The most recent one was about getting shorter weekends at my dad's.

Only dreams I know won't come true are the Mintberrykin and Moonglow for obvious rarity reasons.

Re: thread :P

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:56 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Been a pretty good day. Got a bit done as well. Found all the character CD songs for Soul Eater and got them transferred to my mp3 player. Now it's time to cool down and relax so I'm off to make my dinner and watch some more of Soul Eater. Not too many eps left before I've got the series finished and then I want to start on the manga since it's supposed to be even better, and since the anime branches greatly from the manga at one point.

Re: thread :P

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:20 am
by WishBear2001
Finally found some green and white berry socks at Spencer's tonight that wouldn't break the bank or come with a sexy costume. The stock photo shows them right over the knee but they are much longer. Looks that they are made for adult sizes because I usually wear kid's and even kid's is too big at times.

Re: thread :P

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:57 am
by WishBear2001
WishBear2001 wrote:shorter weekends at my dad's.
Maybe not, he took me back for a few hours today. Good thing he didn't say anything bad about wearing earrings. I smell a little trouble...

Re: thread :P

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:03 am
by Chibi Rachy
*squee* I finished Soul Eater tonight. I couldn't resist...the last few episodes were just too much of a pull to stop and save for tomorrow. I think I've done that with most every series I've watched recently... Definitely a series I want to own on DVD and I certainly adore Maka much more now than when it started. Think I may see about cosplaying her as well :)

Re: thread :P

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:49 pm
by WishBear2001
DW destroyed my mom's concrete goose. That was the straw that broke the camel's back because DW is not allowed here any more but SW and the other DW are still allowed.

I still smell trouble...

Re: thread :P

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:16 am
by Chibi Rachy
2 1/2 hour early dismissal today because of rising water. After they called it though the rain stopped and the day was super sunny. Ah well. Half days are fine by me.

New coteacher. The other 5th grade teacher is on maternity leave. Turns out I know the coteacher; we went to the same college. I thought her name was familiar when we were introduced. She finished up a year after me. We caught up on professors and ranted about our elementary science class. She moved to the area 2 months ago. It was such a surprise to see her since the college is 3 1/2 hours away.

Wanna buy a new figure for my collection and I've been thinking of getting a Soul Eater figure of Patty. I do enjoy adding another one :)

Re: thread :P

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:35 am
by J3llyb3ans
A few days ago, I managed to acquire the light up doll of Fawn from Tinker Bell. She's so cute. :)

Found the preview for the 2010 Super Sentai series. It's called Tensou Sentai Goseiger. I'm looking forward to this one. I haven't watched much of the past couple series, so I may give this one a shot. The costumes and masks look really cool.

Re: thread :P

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:39 am
by Chibi Rachy
I might just finish the log tonight. Might :) I doso love torturing Saber.

Figured I can get the first part to Soul Eater tonight. I earned a spare $20 and Borders sent a 33% coupon. So I can get it for about $15, instead of $51. School was okay save for one student, but that's just usual. Few things made me smile today, which was nice. Looking forward to the movies on Thursday.

Re: thread :P

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:33 am
by WishBear2001
The babysitting business was unusually good.

We were playing with toys because they are the few I can have them around but we had some random moments, most similar to this.

CD:*playing with large Mattel Twink* I eat dirt and poop star sprinkles!
WishBear2001: * laughing her tail off*
RP: *laughing at her stepbrother CD on the other side of the room*

CD: *stabbing 2004 Kenner-styled Strawberry ragdoll with toy knife* Mmmmm, berries.
WishBear2001: *making said ragdoll "talk", laughing* Stop it Pieman!
RP: *laughing harder than last time*

At least it wasn't cussing my mom out, annoying the dog, throwing food and destroying the garden and my toys like DW, DW and SW did last time.

My mom said I am finally allowed to borrow the camera to upload the McDonald's Strawberry Shortcake toy pics and take pics of the new socks and skirt. Expect more Wishtube vids soon.