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Re: spam XD

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:24 pm
by Tom-sprite
My head cold is killing me ... my pink eyes burn like hell ...
I use a lot of medicine but this illness is very stubborn.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:42 pm
by Chibi Rachy
I am having a new cosplay made :)

It is exciting actually. The costume will be versatile for multiple characters because they all wear the same dress, but each have a different color ribbon on the side. The person is making the dress and it's under piece, as well as working with a friend to do the necessary wig and make the Tempus Spatium necklace they wear. I was gonna do Neviril (pink haired girl in icon), but now I'm thinking of doing Aaeru (blonde). She's getting me a quote to see what Aaeru's wig would be so that'll see about my decision.

Here's the dress:


Re: spam XD

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:36 am
by Chibi Rachy
Students had today off for a holiday, but teachers had an ISE day. We were to work from 10-4. That did not happen. We were allowed to leave at 2 because of the snow that was blowing about. By 3, they had cancelled school for tomorrow. I was surprised. I didn't think they'd do that since we had the ISE day for teachers, but they did. So now I've got a free day to figure out what to do with myself.

I will most likely attempt to finish my latest Simoun fic. A few people have been wanting to see the sequel to "Cells are Stupid", which tells of what Aaeru did while in the holding cell. The sequel tells of Neviril's side, and what she did while in her own cell. So far, I really like the take on Neviril's part, so it'll be interesting to see how it ends up.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:02 pm
by WishBear2001
Re-watching some of my favorite childhood cartoons like Clifford The Big Red Dog 2000 series and Care Bears Big Wish Movie.

Nice green-ness to the boards. :cool:

Re: spam XD

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:44 am
by Chibi Rachy
Teachers report to school tomorrow on a 2 hour delay schedule. We're told it's a day to prep for students' returns. Frankly, it's just a BS day. They just want to justify paying us. We'll spend most of it talking anyway.

I did finish the sequel to "Cells are Stupid" today. It's called "Place My Faith in You. Love how it turned out. Something's now itching in the back of my mind to do a fic that focuses on the time after they confess their love to each other in Neviril's room until the time Paraietta knocks on her door. That could be fun, and rather amusing.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:22 am
by Chibi Rachy
School tomorrow...finally. Two hour delay, but teachers report normal time. I'm interested to see how many kids show up in the end. It's pretty much a wasted day anyway. Friday's even more of a waste, since it's going to be a two hour delay as well and we have Valentine's parties in the afternoon. I've changed my lesson plans around enough.

Been working through an idea in my head for another Simoun fanfic. I hadn't planned to do anymore, but this one scene that someone mentioned got me thinking and now I want to do something between that scene and another. I want to play with the idea in my head first before I attempt to write anything down though.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:27 pm
by WishBear2001
I thought I'd match some of the board members to Care Bears by personalities just for fun...

TheWendyBird: 80's UK only DayDream
Starvoyager: PlayAlong Funshine
Tom-sprite: Big Wish Movie Grumpy (for tinkering, not being grumpy)
WishBear2001: Play Along/Big Wish Movie Wish (isn't it obvious? :P)
Chibi Rachy: Play Along Smart Heart
J3llyb3ans: 80's Tenderheart
Blondine Arc-en-Ciel: PlayAlong Laugh-a-Lot
Aquarius: 80's UK only Sea Friend

If some of you who got matched to PlayAlong/Big Wish don't like PlayAlong/Big Wish sorry, this is just for fun but if you want changed I gladly will.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:54 am
by WishBear2001
On the topic of board members to Care Bears, the admins would be True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse.

I had some odd dreams leading me to a Barbie/Bratz curiosity, hopefully nothing bad happens from that...

Re: spam XD

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:13 am
by Chibi Rachy
Well, we ended up with no school today. They royally ticked off employees though. Even though the kids had a 2 hour delay, we were to report regular time since the delay wasn't due to weather. Okay, no problem. I get halfway to school and get the call that school is cancelled due to drifting snow, and staff reports on a 2 hour delay. I figure that since I'm halfway, I'll just go to school. Plenty of people were ticked about that. About a half hour later, we get the call that staff does not need to report at all. It was a waste of time in the end.

I did go to mom's and spent an hour with the daycare though. They were so full of themselves. Caden kept trying to have the duck puppet eat my head, so I'd wrestle him to get the duck. Abbi had fun with my phone and figured out how to play and pause. Lani helped her. Tren and Tyla were making funny scenarios with the animals. It wasn't bad, but I came home and then couldn't figure out what to do. I'd planned on getting my routine back.

I ended up reading the first 8 chapters of Missing Lynx and then trying out my new idea for a series of drabbles. There's a Simoun fanart piece where all the characters are drawn as kindergarteners so the idea was to write up short pieces dealing with what goes on in kindergarten. So far I finished 4 tonight. They are quite cute.

Re: spam XD

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:47 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Went to bed at 10:30 last night. I was on the couch reading and I just felt super tired all of a sudden. The book is awesomeness though. I'll give a super basic description: An operative from an elite organization and a hired killer are both going after the same man, a serial killer wanted for his crimes.

And that is all I can say. The serial killer's way of killing is...erm... rather gross to most people, and not really something you'd want to see here!

I did work on my Simoun Kindergarten piece, which is indeed a series of drabbes. I've gotten 5 done so far. They're such fun to write once I get the right ideas for them. I'd post them in my journal here, but unlike LJ, there's no way to neatly cut everything so that I can arrange it properly. I'm gonna work on them some more today. I've gotten some good feedback on them though from the Simoun group on LJ, which makes me quite happy.