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READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:25 am
by Rainbow Brite UK
Dear Fans:

This is an important feedback request from ALL of you! This will effect future requests, and the current rules in a major way.

I wanted to try and make things better for you all when it comes FanArt. I want to give you all MORE options, so you don't feel you "can't" have what you want to see!

So, here is a NEW idea!

Stock backgrounds: I can use backgrounds or even ORIGINAL backgrounds for you to use WITH your fanart REQUESTS! This way, you can get more of what YOU want!

BUT, I need to know what you want! So please reply here, or PM me so I can find out!

I may need to find a new artist just for backgrounds, and provide a gallery of backgrounds for you to use, so it will NOT be for the current month's requests.

What are something else I can provide that would make things better for you?

Much thanks for reading!
Rainbow Brite UK

Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:26 pm
by Dialga-Brite
hi, good idea. I however would probably prefer fanart made for me WITHOUT a background, so I can maybe use it more easily as a sprite image in a game or something like that. Does no background make things easier for the artist?


Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:45 pm
by FanChan
No background usually does make it easier for the artist - but if we have stock backgrounds, like she's suggesting, it wouldn't be any more work for us.

I think, for backgrounds, we could do specific environments from the show, like the outside or inside of the Color Castle, Rainbow Falls, the Color Cave, one of the sprites' houses. Things like that. The only trouble I would see would be purely asthetic - would the drawing style of the character match the style of the background? That may or may not present a problem.

Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:33 pm
by Chibi Rachy
I think that having stock backgrounds is a great idea that people can choose to use if they want. It only seems like more work at first, but once they are created, then it makes things easier. I suppose it may clash with some of the artists' styles, but that's up to the person suggesting it to decide. But, having a stock background might make it easier for those who would want to see the chosen ideas as desktop backgrounds or some such.

How many backgrounds should be created as stock? And what number means too many?

For background suggestions, I'd agree with Fan's ideas and add these in as well:

- The Pits
- Starry background, with and without a rainbow path (to suggest either space or the night sky)
- Generic Earth background (outside, like in Peril in the Pits)

Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:14 am
by mindymouse
That is a really good idea and hopefully will help the artists out, too. Backgrounds can be a a pain in the behind.

Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:47 am
by Starvoyager
FanChan wrote:I The only trouble I would see would be purely asthetic - would the drawing style of the character match the style of the background? That may or may not present a problem.
I was just wondering that too... like people may want anything ranging from photo-realistic to abstract.

Re: READ: IMPORTANT FanArt Feedback!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:05 am
by colorkid
This sounds like a fun project! I just finished looking at the pictures that have already been done and they are great!