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Voice Actors of the 1st tape, please read!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:06 pm
by SunSpire
For the upcoming release of our first rainbow brite story tape I would like to create a page with some basic info about the cast who took part in the project so far. (Something like "Meet the cast" or along those lines)

Voice Actors of the 1st tape are:

Katy - Narrator / Storyteller
Tonia - Rainbow Brite
Renee - Twink / The Sun
Mike - Murky Dismal
TheZorker - Lurky / Starlite

and myself :)

If you are one of those people would you mind sending me a recent photo of yourself for which I have permission to post it online and maybe some background infos? (I dunno, make something up! :lol: )

Thanks guys,


Re: Voice Actors of the 1st tape, please read!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:37 pm
by Rainbow Brite
I'm not sure many of us are still around!! But here's some info for me:


Katy Cartee Haile is the owner of and has been a fan of Rainbow Brite since the early 80's. She started collecting Rainbow Brite merchandise in 1995 and in 1997 created her first Rainbow Brite website. She speaks enough German to get around in Germany, but not enough to understand the German Rainbow Brite story tapes, which is why she is interested in translating them for English audiences. She won't rest until every rock in Rainbow Land has been overturned!

hope that

Re: Voice Actors of the 1st tape, please read!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:20 pm
by SunSpire
lol that's fantastic! Thanks :)

I'm sure I can find Tonia where the sugar gliders are, lol .. and I got her on facebook too, just gotta send her a message. Not sure about TheZorker (John!?) He pops up on AIM every now and then.



Re: Voice Actors of the 1st tape, please read!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:36 am
by *C9*
I was a voice too I'm not sure I remember whom I was cast for >.>

Re: Voice Actors of the 1st tape, please read!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:09 pm
by SunSpire
C9~ You were not actually voicing in the first tape (there's no color kids in that one) BUT after I had all the recordings sent in by the others you sent me a sample file voicing one of the color kids, I still got that here now and it is really good! :) So if you would like to take part in the second tape where some of the color kids appear (see other thread!) just let me know which one and I'll send you the transcript.

Also, I know you were interested in voicing moonglow but she does not appear before episode 16, so it will still be a while before we get there :P
