dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

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dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

I really want to try out making a cutom doll.
I ve chosen the dark princess for my first try.

The junk-doll I use for my dark princess is a tickled pink I bought.
Her hair and clothes are ruined so I have no problem with removing it ! ;-)
The following days my junk doll I ordered will arrive and I am able to finish my dark princess.

On the picture I add to this post you can see the already prepaired parts of her outfit.

bling bling-ruff :-)))))))
cloak ( you can see the back-view of it on the pic ... the inside part is red )
2 belts ( the main belt and another thin one )
2 decoparts for the feet
2 earrings ( 2 golden rings and two crystals )
bangle X 5
8 rings ( various colours )

Sewing is reduced to only the bare necessities.

I will redye quite some parts of the junk-dolls body to create the tight black dress of the dark princess.
Manny parts of the outfit are made out of cellular rubber or felting ...

The most difficult part of this project will be rerooting the hair.

Redesigning the face of the doll will be great fun ! :-D
I will use waterproove colours and a thin brush which has a good quality.

I will try to be close to the star-stealer-chara-design but I ll also include some artistic freedom ! ;-)

I will upload pictures when I finished the doll !
Wish me luck !!! :-)))))))))))
decoration-set for a dark princess doll by Tom-sprite.jpg
decoration-set for a dark princess doll by Tom-sprite.jpg (170.87 KiB) Viewed 1365 times

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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Aquarius »

Can't wait to see your Dark Princess doll, I know it's gonna be really awesome! Image

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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Aquarius :

I hope so ! :-D

I have to admit that it is demanding and challenging ... but I guess this is what makes custom-doll-creating so extremely appealing ! ;-)


I cut quite some red wool to length for nearly 2 hours ! :-)))))))))))
The dark princess needs a lot of hair ...

now my preparations are completely finished ... I can t wait for my junk-doll-delivery ! :-D

Ohh man ... I hate to wait for parcels ! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
red wool cut to length.jpg
red wool cut to length.jpg (106.79 KiB) Viewed 1338 times

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Chibi Rachy »

It looks like you're off to a pretty good start. I'm interested to see future pics of your progress!
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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Oooo how exciting!! I can't wait to see what you come up with! :)
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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Chibi :

I ll try to make some "before" and "after"-photos ! ;-)

@ Rainbow Brite :

I am so excited too ... creating a custom doll is so much fun ! :-D


Sadly I have to wait for some days to get my junk-doll-delivery !
I am so impatient and childish ! :-)))))))))))))


Today I bought a fixing matt-varnish ... I will use this to make the modified
face of the doll look pretty
I want to avoid a lusterless visual effect ! ;-)
I ll try to make it look smooth with a soft gloss ...

But before I use this varnish I will make a test on paper because I want to know the exact reaction of the waterproof-colours in combination with the varnish ...

I experimented a little with the water-proof colours,the varnish,liquid frisket(Maskierfilm),stencils,airbrush etc.
I want to find out a good method ! :-D
fixing matt varnish and thin details-brush.jpg
fixing matt varnish and thin details-brush.jpg (79.83 KiB) Viewed 1292 times

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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tennyo »

Those accessories look amazing. I can't wait to see your doll!

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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Tennyo :

Thank you ! ;-)
I do my best ...

The real hard work will be rerooting the hair and redesigning the face.
On the one hand I get the creeps when I think about these two steps but
on the other hand ambition is driving me. :-))))))))))))

Waiting for my junk-doll to arrive is somehow a little annoying ! :-)))))))))))))

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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by TheWendybird »

I can't wait to see this it looks like it will be awesome!
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Re: dark princess custom doll by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ TheWendybird :

Keep your fingers crossed for me ... :-D
