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Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:17 pm
by Rainbow Brite

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:12 pm
by Tom-sprite
Thanks again Katy ! ^^

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:25 pm
by Tom-sprite

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:09 pm
by Tom-sprite
Any other ideas anyone ?

User Alexanderbrite for example is a big Patty fan so a version for Wallpaper 2 with her integrated would be possible too ... she could climb a big green magical bean tendril just like in a fable !

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:01 pm
by JoeyAngel
Moonglo floating somehow maybe? She had the power to disappear and stuff in Rainbow Night so i can imagine her being able to levitate into the sky to do her work. ^^

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:35 pm
by Tom-sprite
Very cool idea Joey ! :) ^^
Another option or further stage of your thought could be :
Moonglo walks on a staircase out of light which starts at the moon and ends somewhere in Rainbowland. That would be a homage to german RB-storytape no.14 : Regina Regenbogen und der Silbermond/Rainbow brite and the silvermoon ! :)
Other colour-kids could also be added to that magical staircase too !
I have some pictures running through my head how that could look like !
You really inspired me Joey ... thank you so much !!! :)
What do you think about that?

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:42 pm
by JoeyAngel
i think thats an awesome idea, especially considering it links to the story tape ^^

if you wanted ideas for new pics you could always do a cute rb and krys friendship pic ^^ that would be cute (would give you a chance to draw krys without his helmet on which i dont think you have yet right?)

erm.. Canary Yellow is my fave colour kid so a pic with her in would be super cute too ^^

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Tom-sprite
@ Joey:

So I will keep Patty in mind for Alexanderbrite and Canary for you.
I ll add them to the new Wallpaper No. 2 with moonglo staircase ... I also added a big tendril cause I somehow liked this idea ... Patty will sit on one of the leaves soon ! :-D
Take a look at how I changed it ... characters will be added soon !
Moonglo first ! ^^

The idea of a Rainbow and Krys friendship pic is cool too ... will keep that in mind ! :)

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:05 pm
by JoeyAngel
Wow that staircase looks absolutely beautiful!

I have a silly question.. whatever program you use to make its effect would it be able to make a background that looks like diamond?

I have been trying for a while to get a decent Spectran palace and terrain bgd to put in the bgd of some of my pics but drawing it looked.. ok.. nothing awesome.. and i used an artic like terrain in my most recent one on my dev art gallery and added render lense flare effects for shinies on photoshop..

its such a headache to try and make lol

Wallpaper project by Tom-sprite

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:53 pm
by Tom-sprite
Hi Joey !

Thank you very much ... it was a big challenge to create the staircase and I tried a lot of effects ... some worked fine for me others looked strange or ugly ... it s a try and error-concept ! :-)))
I use Photoshop for colorations ... well ... I think diamantine surface like it was represented for "Spectra" is extremely hard to draw ...
I think you have two options her ... first one would be :
Study the rough structure of the surface and objects ... advance those sketches for example and give it your own aesthetic regularity ... then give some colour to your scanned outlines ... and now give shadow and after that light to it ... I think there is no panacea for that but if you bite on to it you will be successfull ! ^^
Second option could be : Try to isolate the shadow+light effect of real photographed diamantine surfaces or objects and try to smartly insert those into a slightly outlined background or try to combine them and add even some more light-effects etc. Just experiment ! :-D

I added moonglo by the way(she beautifies the night sky with stars) and will now draw some outlines for Patty and Canary ... Patty will sit on the biggest leaf of the tendril and Canary will stand on the staircase in the right corner !
:-D While I m at it I will add nightsprite too! :-D