Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by Patreek »

Hmmm well not exactly the reception I was expecting, though I thank everyone for their comments. I just wanted to say a few things. Firstly, with this picture and the daekazu pictures i requested that they be done in a certain style. Daekazu was doing rainbow brite in an anime style, and this one is obviously done in a super hero style.

So as far as the faces being "the same" thats part of the style. Deakazu is an amazing artist and can draw in a realism style as well. He has a few images in his gallery that are almost photo real of people. The sameness of face is a purposeful thing and part of the style. And honestly i'm sorta surprised it was mentioned because the only thing different about the faces in the RB toon and toys were their hair. Their faces were all the same. In the case of the toys they were the exact same mold...

As for the sexxyness of this picture, again its super hero style, and as is typical in comics the girls and guys are drawn with these types of features. I actually could have done with the skirts being a bit longer as well though. Also though I would never want the TV show to nessesarily look like this, it was just a fun reimagining to see what RB would be like in a super hero type of format.

Totally fair if you don't like that its a little sexxy, but there are other things in the piture to talk about as well and I wish everyone wasn't focusing soley on that.

to Fanchan... while most people just mentioned in passing about this issue I was a little offended by a few of the things in your post. i just want to remind people that A LOT of love, time and MONEY went into this and it was something that was done for the community. To say that you don't see anything appealing about it is just kind of rude i think. Just don't post then. Most astists like this charge anywhere from 50-100$ per character, and there are 26 characters in this image... there was a large expensive involved in this commission. Because of this most fan forums have rules about how you comment on someones commission. I'm a HUGE rainbow brite fan, but I don't know... i guess i'm feeling pretty discouraged.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by FanChan »

I apologize, then, for voicing my opinion about it. I refrained on the others and thought I would be honest here, though still held back a lot of what I think. I didn't realize that much money would have gone into something like this; I certainly don't charge even half that much for what I do, but I suppose that's only due to lack of reputation and commissions.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by SunSpire »

Credit where credit is due, I'd say ... and this is one serious piece of art!!

I'm not particularly a big fan of grown-up colour kids and there's only very few artists out there that have drawn grown-up pictures I actually like, but this one is really impressive.
Yes it's a bit on the daring side and there's certain features and details I could do without, BUT I suggest looking at the drawing as a whole and how neatly everyone fits into the background scenery. Just imagine how long it must've taken to create this! And the colour castle looks fantastic.

I think Patreek meant no harm by commissioning someone to do a drawing for everyone and if you don't like it that's totally fine but don't blame him for it cos he didn't draw it himself :)

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by *C9* »

I agree what the heck is everyone's freaking problem anyway? I completely could see the super hero style. It is obvious there is nothing wrong with the image. Who cares about their chest? It is part of the style get over it!

It is an amazing piece of art better than alot of the art I see of RB. If anyone here bitching can do a better job show me your art.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by FanChan »

Oy, somebody needs to relax a little. We're allowed to have opinions, you know. I thought it was fair for me to say something given that I happen to teach the manga and comicbook style. And I will agree that the background is fabulous, and the actual composition - how all of the characters were placed to interact with each other and the background - is well done. But I, personally, still don't find it pleasing to the eye. That's my opinion.

Edit: Ha, and did anyone else notice they added in a sprite for Stormy? He's climbing the tree, with little lightning bolts on his antennae.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by Rainbow Brite »

C9, we really don't need the hostility. We are all free to have our own tastes and opinions and this style does not fit my taste. I can appreciate the talent and time that went into it, but that does not mean that I MUST love it.
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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by Rainbow Brite UK »

Out of respect for the efforts put in, I think it is well done, and I am happy that Patreek has enjoyed it.
I'm sorry others do not share the enthusiasm.
Everyone is allowed their own opinions, If its good or bad.
I will not put a restriction or rule over this forum saying "play nice", and I do not think it would be wise.
How are we to improve art if all we hear is how great it is? We need the good as well as the bad. And we grow from it.
I look forward to future projects.
Thank you for posting.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by Patreek »

eek i didn't mean for things to get rowdy...lol I just wanted to express my intensions, and talk a bit about the "style", request feedback in areas other than what was being focused on and then just also express that yes of course people have and are entitled to their opinion, but that there is a way to express it that isn't rude especially in a situation such as a commission. That was all. I had no problem with 99% of the things said in the thread.
Last edited by Patreek on Thu May 14, 2009 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by *C9* »

I found most of the comments notconstructive criticism. I agree that you can have an opinion but express it properly. I Did not say anyone had to love it. I found a lot of people were over looking the quality.

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Re: Rainbow Land Commission by SHA

Post by Patreek »

FanChan wrote:Oy, somebody needs to relax a little. We're allowed to have opinions, you know. I thought it was fair for me to say something given that I happen to teach the manga and comicbook style. And I will agree that the background is fabulous, and the actual composition - how all of the characters were placed to interact with each other and the background - is well done. But I, personally, still don't find it pleasing to the eye. That's my opinion.
it is totally fair... i didn't mind the crit, just the way you said it.
Edit: Ha, and did anyone else notice they added in a sprite for Stormy? He's climbing the tree, with little lightning bolts on his antennae.

Actually that guy was added last minute, i felt sorry for her not having a sprite since everyone else in the picture did. Heehee. He needs a name I think... any ideas?
