Fan-art by Tom-sprite

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Both Patty and Grazia look amazing :)
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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Stormyfan »

Grazia looks pretty.You always have nice drawings.She does look like a snowflake.
How you pronounce the German letters in her name?

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Chibi Rachy : Thank you very much !!! Image Image Image Image Image

@ Stormyfan : Thanks a lot !!! Image Image Image Image Image

Ohhh ... this is quite difficult for me ... I think you should speak it in english

"Grazia Glisantwise" :-D

I finished Red butler and now I have to go to bed ! :-)
Red Butler coloured version small.jpg
Red Butler coloured version small.jpg (240.8 KiB) Viewed 1010 times

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

Red butler and blazing white mate together on one pic ...

Lala Orange will join them soon ! ;-)
Red Butler and blazing white mate.jpg
Red Butler and blazing white mate.jpg (232.31 KiB) Viewed 1008 times

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by J3llyb3ans »

Wow! you're getting these done fast lately.

Excellent job on all three of these. Patty is super cute. Your original character is too. That pic of red is excellent too.

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Patreek »

Red Looks Fantastic! I love his hair!

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

Thank you very much J3llyb3ans and Patreek ! Image Image Image Image Image

I have a lot of housework to do today ... but after doing that I ll draw Lala Orange ! :-D

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

While hoovering I had a funny idea for an additional male colour-kid ! :-D
I really want to draw him because I can use the meaning of his colour for his look and nature.
I gave him the name " Sven Schwanenstolz (German name) " ... english name would be "proud turquoise"
The meaning of the German name is :

"Sven" is a nordic name and means spark/young man

"Schwanenstolz" consists out of two words : "Schwan" and "Stolz"

"Schwan" means "swan"

"Stolz" means "proud"

... the colour turquoise sybolizes persistence , concentration and idealism ...
... it also is classiefied as a quite cold colour so his personality has to be a little reserved(more shy than conceited)
...I want him to be very intelligent like Shy violet and also a little self-opinionated like starlite ! :-))))))))))))))))))

Next will definitely be Lala ... then I want to draw Sven ! :-D

...have to go on with my housework *groan* :-))))))
Last edited by Tom-sprite on Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Rainbow Brite
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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Red is excellent!!! And I love your idea for Sven :)
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: Fan-art by Tom-sprite

Post by Tom-sprite »

Thank you Katy !!! Image Image Image Image Image

I am happy that you think Sven could be a nice chara ...
I can t wait to draw him ! :-D

... have to do the dishes and will brush some more dust off ... later I ll sketch Lala ...
