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Which of Red Butler's shoes are more common, plain or star?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:50 am
by Radiant Bridge
I know that one version of Red Butler is rare regarding his shoes, but am unsure if the shoes are plain or the star ones in this case. First I heard that the star shoes were the uncommon variant, then I read that the plain shoes were used in the original molds and discontinued shortly after. Can anyone tell me which way it was?

Re: Which of Red Butler's shoes are more common, plain or star?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:24 pm
by Tom-sprite
I think plain is more common but I am not 100 % sure ... I have the doll with the plain version ! ;-)

Re: Which of Red Butler's shoes are more common, plain or star?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:41 am
by Radiant Bridge
Thank you for responding anyway.

Re: Which of Red Butler's shoes are more common, plain or star?

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:53 pm
by Allison
Actually Tom, you have the rarer version. Unlike Rainbow and Patty, star shoe Red is much more common than the plain version. I have both and it took me awhile to find one in good condition with the plain shoes.

Re: Which of Red Butler's shoes are more common, plain or star?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:29 am
by Tom-sprite
@Allison :

I really wasn t sure about that...thanks for letting me know Allison ! ;-)