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Why is Buddy Blue's star the wrong color in every book?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:42 pm
by Radiant Bridge
In every Rainbow Brite storybook that I have encountered, Buddy Blue's star is yellow instead of blue. Years ago when I only owned one Rainbow Brite book, I thought that it was an accident, but have built up my collection to ten books. I have yet to see a book that features Buddy Blue with the right color belt instead of one that should belong to Canary Yellow. It looks like all of the Rainbow Brite books in existence have this error. I would love to know why this is. It's always been irritating to constantly see poor Buddy Blue bear the wrong star when it was abundantly easy for the illustrators to see which color belonged to which kid.

Why is Buddy Blue's star the wrong color in every book?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:37 am
by Rainbowbrite84
That's a really good question! I've noticed that in almost all the pictures I've seen of Buddy Blue on the internet. Its really annoying

Why is Buddy Blue's star the wrong color in every book?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:20 pm
by Rainbow Brite
I never paid attention to that before! That's crazy! I have no idea why they would have done that...other than perhaps the first illustrator got it wrong, and then subsequent illustrators just copied the error.