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Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:27 pm
by systemcat
I've had these toys for as far back as I can remember and sadly I'm not sure in over 20+ years they've ever had maintenance cleaning done to them. If at all, back in the 80's once or twice in the washer. Also I'm told this is a Starlight plushie but have never been sure over the matter. Mainly cause of the wings and side mark.


Thoughts on how to clean the Sprites? Poof out the fuzz again?

Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:02 am
by Watercolor
Sadly when sprites are put in high heat dryers it melts their fur like that and there isn't a way to puff it out with out risking making the poor boys go bald. I'm experimenting with ways, but so luck.
Your sprites also seem to have some ...smooze...dark marks...these are mold or something like that. Not sure out to get rid of that either. You could probably paint them though.

As for your "Starlite", that is actually "Starshine" a My Little Pony Rainbow Plushie.
Rainbow Brite's Starlite didn't have wings.

As for the hair on your Starshine plush, there are a few tutorials out there for fixing synthetic hair. It will take a lot of patience. Basically soak the hair in fabric softener for an hour or more, comb out the knots with your fingers, then starting from the bottom slowly comb out the knots with a metal flea comb, then move to a fine tooth comb. that should get the hair looking nice.

good luck! :)

Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:27 pm
by systemcat
Thanks :)
bummer on the Sprites :( .

As for learning what I thought for years was a knockoff Starlite was really a My Little Pony named Starshine. That's just rich. A few months back I tackled trying to restore my MLP collection from years ago, the classic ponies. Did a decent job on them and I'm sure I can fix this one's hair.

Oh and that's not mold on the red Sprite, it's ink I think.

Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:45 pm
by Galacticatt
Lol- I had that "Starlite" as a kid too.

I actually really really really really wanted Starlite- but I guess he was expensive- my mom found me a couple of nice MLP plushies at a yard sale- that one above, and Firefly (pink with wings). They actually fit the dolls very well! I was pleased but never really stopped wanting Starlite....

Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:15 pm
by systemcat
What's strange is when I was little I had a large collection of MLP figures (and still own) and never even thought my quote on quote Starlite was one of them. I still remember mounting my Rainbow Brite doll plushie on top Starshine in play riding. You're right the fit was right. ..No idea where that doll is now, my memory of it is really faint.

PS: Don't remember Firefly but I might never have seen it. Er is it ok to bring up classic MLP here :blush: ?

Restoring Sprites and True Starlight Plushie?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:59 pm
by Radiant Bridge
Systemcat, I'm sorry to say that Watercolor is right. Your sprites are close to destruction. However, I also agree that Starshine's mane can be saved. She's still in good shape overall, and very pretty. You introduced a new character to me. I've always been wild about My Little Pony, but never knew who Starshine was! I can see why it would be easy to confuse her with Starlite. Starshine looks like she could be Starlite's twin sister.