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Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:56 pm
by Galacticatt
Update! I have everything now- and I have taken photos-
Go here for a look- I put up the site earlier, but for some reason the names weren't showing up- should be fixed now, check it out: (click on the "prototypes" tab)(what's irritating about this web host is that I can't seem to link to any specific page- sorry!)

Here's a quick rundown (updated)
* Rainbow Castle (wall hanging) - It is shown in the 1985 Mattel Toy catalog. Only 2 samples of this were ever made. (clip from the toy catalog included- this is the dealer catalog provided to toy store vendors only)

* 3 Production samples of Sprites with inspection tags attached. These are the original 1983 samples that the factory sent to Mattel for approval.

* 9" Dress-up Rainbow Brite prototype as shown in the 1986 catalog. This is the early prototype without any tags. Variations in both color and stitching. She is also somewhat taller than the standard doll (pictures of both taken for comparison). Her eyes are bigger and darker- and her hair is much fuller.

* 9" Dress-up Lala orange. My favorite. The doll is rooted with orange hair (same hair as used in regular lala) in full length. The Lala proto was for the 9" dress-up assortment that died in 1986. Neither prototype doll or prototype outfit were ever produced or photographed for the catalog.

* 9" Dress-up Rainbow bright in full length dress. DRESS NEVER PRODUCED. The dress was designed to be an evening dress. It is unclear if the doll was just for showcasing the outfit (likely) or whether the outfit was intended to be sold with the doll. The gown was never photographed for a catalog.

* Misc. Dress -up fashions - these are 2 fashions - one was an early model not used in the final line. (One was an early model of Tickled Pink's dress- the other an early model of the nightgown- Pink's dress changed a lot- but the nightgown appears to be identical to the design ultimately used)

* Rainbow Lurky - only one prototype ever made- never photographed for catalog. The designer said it was "Lurky after he got hit by a rainbow and turned good." There is a Rainbow Lurky pictured in one of the cartoons- and also in a commercial for Rainbow Brite cereal- these may have been based on this design.

* Skydancer/Thunder prototypes -Black and Purple versions. See sperate posting (the back story is interesting). The Designer thought that 2 prototypes of each design had been made.

SORRY- for those of you who have asked, but I do not plan on selling any of these- sorry!

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:09 am
by Tom-sprite
Wooooow .... absolutely awesome stuff !!!!!!! :) :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Thanks a lot 4 showing us !
Congratulations ! You found a big treasure !!!
Very cool that you have such awesome connections ! :lol:

This wall-hanging-castle is an extremely nice item !
Love it !
Those alternative dresses and dolls+sprites do look very interesting and cute too !

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:12 am
by Chibi Rachy
Love these prototypes! These are amazing :)

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:25 am
by Galacticatt
I am the most impressed with Lala I have to admit- but the Castle is awesome too- I hope he can find the boots (apparently this stuff is all jumbled together with non-RBB lines he worked on for Mattel) - I cant wait to get the dolls and clean them up- they look rather grubby! (update- I recently learned that a lot of prototypes get passed around in board meetings/sent back and forth/out of the country- so getting a grubby prototype is not very uncommon! Regardless, when I got them- they were very nice and clean so I guess they cleaned them up for me :D)

Additional interesting news (although he did not end up selling these ones)- this same designer also has a Rainbow prototype Lurky somewhere- (coloring looks like Lurky has been splashed with the Rainbow like one of the books or cartoons) - a flocked prototype Starlite and a flocked BLACK prototype horse. I am wondering if the black is actually purple- if so, it is likely Skydancer, which makes sense. It seems unlikely they would have made a flocked onyx- but it's hard to say without the pics.
- I am sad I was unable to get these last items, but it is possible I will in the future, and it is interesting to knowt hat they exist :D
(UPDATE- got them all- Rainbow Lurky, Purple and Black Skydancer/Thunder versions)

Also- I learned that yet another designer still has 3 Stormy prototype dolls that were used in the cataloge pics- I hooooooope my guy can convince him to sell me one... it kills me to think about... (Update- no deal)

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:33 am
by Galacticatt
I know.... Stormy would have been cool. It sounds like I almost got a deal, but my dealer friend is still looking. The designer that sold this stuff accurately pointed out that his proto for Lala was way more rare anyway- since they made quite a few Stormy protos for commercial samples and photos- but only one Lala-

still... I would so love to have one of the Stormys- - if YOU had three, don't you think you could part with just one ? I am crossing my fingers here...

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:34 am
by Rainbow Brite
WICKED COOL!!! Thanks for sharing :) I can't wait to see more pics once you actually get them. Even if the guy won't sell the other prototypes - think we could pay him for photos of them? Rainbow Lurky sounds especially great! Good luck getting a Stormy! If the designer is willing to sell one of the other two as well, please let me know! :)

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:35 am
by Tom-sprite
The wall hanging is great for presentation of RB-toys ! :)

I guess you ll be able to carefully clean those toys !

Glad to hear that possibly there is even more to come!
a rainbow-coloured Lurky sounds so funny ! :bg:

:lol: You re a lucky fellow ... if I d be in your situation I d be equally eager ! ;)

I keep my fingers crossed for you ... maybe you get such a mega-rare Stormy !

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:37 am
by Chibi Rachy
Even though it may have been hard to get them, it's still opening up all these unseen prototypes to other fans who haven't seen them. I'm surprised he would have sold Lala if she's that rare. Good luck getting a Stormy though!

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:58 am
by Galacticatt
I don't think Rainbow Brite was his favorite line- he was surprised anyone was even interested in this stuff- :rolleyes: Still, I would be proud of my prototype creations too, especially if I had worked on them- I am so grateful he was willing to part with this stuff :D

Re: Rainbow Brite prototype collection

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:02 am
by Galacticatt
Rainbow Brite wrote:WICKED COOL!!! Thanks for sharing :) I can't wait to see more pics once you actually get them. Even if the guy won't sell the other prototypes - think we could pay him for photos of them? Rainbow Lurky sounds especially great! Good luck getting a Stormy! If the designer is willing to sell one of the other two as well, please let me know! :)
Unfortunately, I am not in direct contact with him- but MY guy says that "he is still looking for Lurky- and there are awesome things to come" so whatever that means? I probably have more hopes than is reasonable - but I too REALLY want to at least see the Rainbow Lurky... I even had a dream about it last night- :lol: