1996 Rainbow Brite!!

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Rainbow Brite wrote:Is it the smock that comes in three different colors or the dress? Is your doll the maroon one or the pink one? I wonder which is the most rare or if they're equally rare. Thanks for the pictures!

From what I've seen in the past plus the two of these in my first collection, each item (smock, shoes and dress) was made in each of the three colors. Then they were combined into outfits with the smock normally matching the shoes. I've never seen or heard of all three items being the same color on the same doll. On the other hand, there was nothing to stop anyone from rearranging them any way they wanted if they were willing to buy several of the dolls to get all the clothes. It could also be possible that more colors were used. Given the rarity of these dolls today, we may never know the truth.

I would say that the doll in my photos is a maroon one because two of the three items are that color.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

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Rainbow Brite wrote:I was going through my pictures and I'm still a bit confused. Please tell me if I've got this right about the 15" dolls:

Light Pink Dress / Red Shoes
Dark Pink Dress / Green Shoes
Green Dress / Purple Shoes

Yes? The whole smock thing keeps throwing me off...lol. And then I have a picture from a box or ad that shows one in a yellow dress (or smock...not sure which). Was that just a prototype?

You could be right or there could also be more combinations. Also, you're not mentioning what the colors of the smocks are. Remember, only the dresses had the letters 'RB' on them. The smocks had no decoration. And your 'red' shoes could be my 'maroon' shoes. I remember pink shoes but not purple ones.

The small 9" Gen 2 RB dolls did have a yellow smock or jacket. They also wore pants and something like basketball shoes. The shirts were similar to those of the large dolls with the same stripes but they wern't identical. I just got three of the small dolls in so I;ll have to get some photos done.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

I thew my pics up in a gallery that you could view:

http://thehailes.smugmug.com/Other/1997 ... 1661_fKsnq

Most of them are missing their smock - so perhaps the yellow smock goes with one of those. I wonder if the body color (under the dress) differs amongst them too?
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

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The yellow smock was on what looked like a publicity flyer, so it may have been a photo of a prototype. Also, the colors on the shirt were darker and less vibrant than on the other dolls.

I got the small Rainbow's clothes inverted. She certainly was wearing something yellow but it was her pants. Ebony is the one with the yellow top.

I think the doll in photo 13 would have had a smock that matched the shoes.

Light Pink Dress / Red Shoes######Maroon Smock, like your boxed doll
Dark Pink Dress / Green Shoes######Green Smock
Green Dress / Purple Shoes######Purple Smock

I had to grin and giggle at the phrase that the original RB doll was one of the most loved dolls of all time. Well, she was in fact exactly that. And that's exactly what I was saying in my discussion of RB's troubled life. The Gen 1 dolls really were extremely loved because their story inspired love in the children that played with them and that love came right back again in a circle to the dolls and back to the children again and on and on and on in a virtuous circle. This love even escaped from the circle and got adults caught up in it. And notwithstanding the fact that they were so loved and so popular, Hallmark appears to have let them fail from either incompetence or lack of interest.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:Light Pink Dress / Red Shoes######Maroon Smock, like your boxed doll
Dark Pink Dress / Green Shoes######Green Smock
Green Dress / Purple Shoes######Purple Smock
That would definitely make sense.

Does the dress in image 21 look like a replacement dress to you? Or do the smocks have buckles like that?
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

I've never seen anything like that before on one of these dolls.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

OK, I just got my second MIB 1996 doll on the way. She's in a USA box and, according to the seller, has a green dress, pink smock and purple shoes. We will see when she arrives later on.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Rainbow Brite wrote:I thew my pics up in a gallery that you could view:

http://thehailes.smugmug.com/Other/1997 ... 1661_fKsnq

Most of them are missing their smock - so perhaps the yellow smock goes with one of those. I wonder if the body color (under the dress) differs amongst them too?

I think the body color is the same for all. Did you see any differences on your dolls?

If you lift the smock and dress above her panties, the body reverts to the same color as the legs and there's no sign of the shirt or blouse. As I don't have any of these dolls loose and clothed, I'm not exactly sure if the dress and shirt are sewn together as one garment or if the shirt stops just below the opening at the front of the dress and is separate from the dress. The only doll I have in this series is MIB and attached to the original card that was in the box. I have no plans for removing mine from the card and don't have a loose one with her clothes that I can check. Can anyone out the help?
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Rainbow Brite UK wrote:
punyichigo wrote:OMG:blink: blondine! how lucky are you. I have indigo, ebony,rainbow and Amber. I would die if i ever got to own a cerise! unfortuntely i bought all three in played with condition and i believe i once owned an amber MIB but after i moved i never ever saw her again....(sigh)

You may want to check this ebay seller
He has the 1996 dolls from time to time MIB.

I am glad my Wiki was informative to you. I'm updating it reguarly, so I hope to have more information soon.

Have a Rainbow Day!
Rainbow Brite UK

I got the last Amber doll that they had. They still have MIB Rainbow Brite and Ebony dolls left.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:OK, I just got my second MIB 1996 doll on the way. She's in a USA box and, according to the seller, has a green dress, pink smock and purple shoes. We will see when she arrives later on.
Dang...would've been so much easier if the smock matched the shoes...lol
I think the body color is the same for all. Did you see any differences on your dolls?
Oh those aren't pictures of dolls I own. They're just images I've collected over the years from Ebay, etc. But image 21 for instance...is that green a part of her shirt or is that the color of her body? I'm guessing it's her shirt from what you've said, but just wanted to make sure.
~Katy Cartee Haile~
