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Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:00 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel

Cerise is French for Cherry. The others were called Indigo, Ebony and Amber. I've got the large Rainbow, the small Rainbow, Amber, Ebony and Cerise MIB. I've got another large MIB RB on her way in the mail.

I put up some pix of my Gen 2 dolls further down on here.

I'd love to get the one missing kid, Indigo, and the large doll with the other outfit that I don't have now, all MIB. Send me a PM if you want to sell any of these. For the large doll, I need to know the colors of her outfit. I have the one with the maroon smock over the pink dress and red shoes. The large Rainbow doll on the way is wearing a green dress, a pink smock and purple shoes, or so I have been told.

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:34 pm
by punyichigo
OMG:blink: blondine! how lucky are you. I have indigo, ebony,rainbow and Amber. I would die if i ever got to own a cerise! unfortuntely i bought all three in played with condition and i believe i once owned an amber MIB but after i moved i never ever saw her again....(sigh)

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:57 pm
by Rainbow Brite UK
punyichigo wrote:OMG:blink: blondine! how lucky are you. I have indigo, ebony,rainbow and Amber. I would die if i ever got to own a cerise! unfortuntely i bought all three in played with condition and i believe i once owned an amber MIB but after i moved i never ever saw her again....(sigh)

You may want to check this ebay seller
He has the 1996 dolls from time to time MIB.

I am glad my Wiki was informative to you. I'm updating it reguarly, so I hope to have more information soon.

Have a Rainbow Day!
Rainbow Brite UK

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:12 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel

Interestingly enough, there were three releases of the Gen 2 1996 dolls. The first was in the USA, the next was in Canada, and the other was in Europe. The dolls looked the same in each place but the packaging was different.

In the USA and Canada the large doll was boxed and the others were carded. The difference was the USA version was English only and the Canadian version was in English and French. Her French name for this release was Brillantine rather than the Azurine used by the Gen 1 dolls. Brillantine more or less means brilliantly shinning girl.

In Europe the dolls were boxed. The boxes had printing in English, French, German, Italian and...Dutch, a Rainbow Brite first. I have not yet found a large Rainbow Brite doll in the European packaging.

I'm looking for an MIB Indigo to complete my collection.

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:04 am
by punyichigo
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:Interestingly enough, there were two releases of the Gen 2 dolls. The first was in the USA and the other was in Europe. The dolls looked the same in each place but the packaging was different.

In the USA the large doll was boxed and the others were carded.

In Europe the large doll was boxed in the same box as the USA version and the small dolls were in smaller boxes. The European version also had her name in French on the box. She was called Brillantine in Europe, which more or less means brilliantly shining girl. The boxes had printing in at least English, French, German and...Dutch, a Rainbow Brite first. I think they also had Italian writing as well.

If there was a separate English and French release for Canada of the Gen 2 dolls, I'm not aware of it.
WOW, so many rainbow brite varitations, id love to see them! blondine, i cant seem to find the pics of the 1996 rainbow collection you have, do you think maybe you can post a link here or perhaps a pic or two( MUCH APPRECIATED!)im dying to see yours!

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:45 am
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
I'll try to do that tonight or over the weekend.

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:07 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:I'll try to do that tonight or over the weekend.

OK, I'm a big monkey. I actually did take the pictures today and forgot to remove the Compact Flash card from my camera and bring it to where my computer is :angry: .

Hopefully I'll have them up tomorrow night.

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:46 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel

OK, here they are...not any longer.

Sorry, but I took them down to add new photos.

I'll have more pix up shortly that include the three small Gen 2 dolls that just arrived.

The new link will be at the bottom of this thread.

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:37 am
by Rainbow Brite
Is it the smock that comes in three different colors or the dress? Is your doll the maroon one or the pink one? I wonder which is the most rare or if they're equally rare. Thanks for the pictures!

Re: 1996 Rainbow Brite!!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:56 pm
by Rainbow Brite
I was going through my pictures and I'm still a bit confused. Please tell me if I've got this right about the 15" dolls:

Light Pink Dress / Red Shoes
Dark Pink Dress / Green Shoes
Green Dress / Purple Shoes

Yes? The whole smock thing keeps throwing me And then I have a picture from a box or ad that shows one in a yellow dress (or smock...not sure which). Was that just a prototype?