I Want To See Pics Of Your Rainbow Brite Collection

Posts: 1384
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:32 pm

Re: I Want To See Pics Of Your Rainbow Brite Collection

Post by Tom-sprite »

I got my musical castle today ... I love it ...
it makes two various sounds when you open it and when you turn the colour-spectrometer in the middle it plays a sweet melody ! :-D

I am not that kind of collector who wants to see his items in the box ...I want to have it really around me and do not care about the price-decline because I will never again sell it ! ^^

You also get a poster with rainbowland on it...on the back of the poster is an overview of the 2004-toyline !
I also want to have the figurine playset and the friends playset because of the cool comb-able Starlite,Murky and Lurky and this very sweet sprite-house ! :-)
Maybe I can buy it sometime on ebay ...

I can totally recommend the musical castle as an collectors-item ... it s very cute ! :-D
my musical castle.jpg
my musical castle.jpg (251.36 KiB) Viewed 426 times
Poster.jpg (199.97 KiB) Viewed 426 times

Posts: 1384
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:32 pm

Re: I Want To See Pics Of Your Rainbow Brite Collection

Post by Tom-sprite »

Finally I have a Stormy-doll for my collection !!!

I ordered her from a very talented german custom-doll creator (can not write his name here because I do not know whether he wants that or not ... I can ask if anyone wants to contact him)...
My special wish was that I get her without the flashes and the belt-emblem ...
I tinkered the flashes ... I used cellular rubber ...
also I turned her eyebrows into flashes ! Image


...I am so happy !!!
Stormy 2.jpg
Stormy 2.jpg (217.14 KiB) Viewed 394 times
Stormy.jpg (222.49 KiB) Viewed 394 times
