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Recent Development

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:25 pm
by FanChan
So, after observing and partaking in the various conversations on the forum regarding Rainbow's age, the pros and cons of aged characters, and the preferences of the majority of fans, I came to the decision that I don't want to do my RB comic with adult characters. While I do like my adult designs, and I personally think I did rather well to maintain the innocence and feeling of the RB characters with them, I don't think it's necessary, especially when considering my story.

So, I got to thinking what I could do to make them better. I didn't want to pull a Sailor Moon and make them young teenagers. That seems to be rather overdone when it comes to this sort of thing, anyway. I also don't want to stick to the original style. I want this to be mine, and have my flare to it. Besides, the situations and themes towards the end of my story would be a bit too cruel to lay on what look like five-year-olds.

Thus we're left with one particular age, one that I think was attempted with the RB redesign though the mature face failed a bit at that with the concept art. That would be Brian's age, between ten and twelve. It's a very uncommon if not unheard of age among fanart of the show, and I quite like it. It's a Cardcaptors age, and by taking that show as an example, you can deal with a much larger spectrum of themes and situations as compared to one with five-year-olds.

Here's the first sketch I did, of Rainbow (of course!):


Re: Recent Development

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:44 pm
by Chibi Rachy
well, as I told you earlier, I do like her style a lot. It's different and unique and not an age group fanart piece that's usually seen. I'd love to see more characters in this style :)

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:18 pm
by TheWendybird
I like this age choice too!

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:47 am
by FanChan
Thanks, you two! I built up that sketch with the seven color kids. I would've done the rest of the characters if they'd have fit xD But, alas, I was using my little sketchbook. This was primarily just to see their outfits. I think Patty's is my favorite. I'll work more on giving them unique faces - eyes and face shapes, etc - once I draw them bigger. I'll link it since the picture's a bit big and I don't want to shrink it.


Re: Recent Development

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:51 am
by Chibi Rachy
FanChan wrote:Thanks, you two! I built up that sketch with the seven color kids. I would've done the rest of the characters if they'd have fit xD But, alas, I was using my little sketchbook. This was primarily just to see their outfits. I think Patty's is my favorite. I'll work more on giving them unique faces - eyes and face shapes, etc - once I draw them bigger. I'll link it since the picture's a bit big and I don't want to shrink it.

Yes, that's definitely a fitting style. I like each of the Kids that you've done so far. I'm going to guess that you borrowed some of the outfit designs from your older Kids sketches? Anyway, it'd be interesting to see each Kid once you draw them bigger :D

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:12 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Great job! I really like it :)

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:31 pm
by FanChan
Thanks, Katy!

@Rachy - Yeah, I did. When I didn't quite like the original design, or wanted to give it more personality, I referenced my re-designs and tried to redo them as closely to the originals as I could. Pretty much the only thing I really had to change was the whole space-suit-ness to them - the puffy sleeves and moon boots.

Was also able to figure out their hair a bit better, now that I know about the bangs. Those kids have some big heads.

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:02 am
by Chibi Rachy
FanChan wrote:@Rachy - Yeah, I did. When I didn't quite like the original design, or wanted to give it more personality, I referenced my re-designs and tried to redo them as closely to the originals as I could. Pretty much the only thing I really had to change was the whole space-suit-ness to them - the puffy sleeves and moon boots.

Was also able to figure out their hair a bit better, now that I know about the bangs. Those kids have some big heads.
XD Yes, they do have big heads so a hair explosion is a must! Yeah, I definitely like Patty's redesign as it's quite noticeable, but it fits her tomboy nature. A dress in itself just doesn't fit her entirely. Shy Violet's simple, yet functional dress is also very much aligned with her scientific nature.

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:11 am
by FanChan
Well, I was going to wait to upload this when I had the page full of little scenes, but I really like this one a lot. The Crystal Crab, my first time drawing it, turned out better than I expected, without any reference pictures of crabs or spiders xD


The surprised/embarassed expression on Rainbow's face, and the oblivious concern on Alpha's, really make me love this picture.

For those of you who haven't read over the storyline, Alpha's a unique character of my own, and yes, that's poison dripping from the crab's fangs. Any other questions, and you'll have to read the story for yourself. Or ask. I'd probably answer xD

Re: Recent Development

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:26 pm
by Chibi Rachy
FanChan wrote:Well, I was going to wait to upload this when I had the page full of little scenes, but I really like this one a lot. The Crystal Crab, my first time drawing it, turned out better than I expected, without any reference pictures of crabs or spiders xD


The surprised/embarassed expression on Rainbow's face, and the oblivious concern on Alpha's, really make me love this picture.

For those of you who haven't read over the storyline, Alpha's a unique character of my own, and yes, that's poison dripping from the crab's fangs. Any other questions, and you'll have to read the story for yourself. Or ask. I'd probably answer xD
Definitely looks much better colored :) Should have known you'd be too happy with it to wait until you'd filled the page. Rainbow is just too adorable and the crab is rather creepy! Can't wait to see more!