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Patty's Teddy Bear Prank

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:01 am
by Major Ursa
Since today is April Fool's Day. There's a story of what would be Patty O'Green's second favorite holiday. Major will be in only his furry skin in this story. but then again he's a bear so he can get away with this natural cutness.

It was a nice spring day in Rainbowland. Everyone was in thier usuall spring moods. But for Patty O' Green, this first day of April would be yet another fun one. Her other favorite holiday next to St. Patrick's day is April Fool's Day. It is one of those days where she gose all out on her practical jokes. But today, her friend from Rainbowland Forest, Head Ranger Major Ursa, would be an accoplice this day. But what Major did not know was he was to pretend to be a toy bear.

As Patty woke up, she smiled as she saw the sun rise. A nice sun beam came into her room. Then she went over to her calender and saw it was April first. "Wow! Another April Fools Day." she thought as she looked at the calender. Then she went to her dresser to brush her green braided hair. "Now what prank will I do this year?" she though as she looked in the mirror. She would continue her thoughts as she took off her green nightgown and put on her green dress. Once she put her feet in her green boots, she went over to the closet to see what she could use. But when she opened the door, all the stuff she piled in the closet came crashing down on her. Once she came out of the pile, the door opened. "Are you all right?" aked Shy Violet as she saw Patty in the mess. Patty sighed and said "I'm Ok. I was trying to find something for today."

"What were you trying to find?" asked Shy. "Oh something to do a prank." replied Patty. Then Shy thought about it. "You mean an April Fool's prank." she said. Patty just stood there and noded. But then a Teddy Bear would fall off the shelf in Patty's closet and fall on her head. It bounced off her head and landed infront of her. The she looked at the bear and had an ideal. "That's it!" she exclaimed with a smile. "What's it?' asked a puzzled Shy. "I can have a large Teddy Bear that can fool the rest of the gang." said Patty. "But where and how are you going to do it?" asked Shy again. "We do have the only walking and talking Teddy Bear in all of Rainbowland." said Patty without hesitation.
"You mean Major?" Shy asked for a third time. Patyy answered with a smile saying "Yes Major. He be perfect for the prank."

But Shy was a bit concerned about what Patty was about to do. "You think he would go along with this?" she asked for a fourth time. Patty, in a confident tone, would say "I'm sure he would do it. After all, if he could do those cute dances with Canary, he can to a prank with me." Shy still had a puzzled look on her face. The Patty explained that all Major had to do was to pretend to be a toy bear. Shy then got the ideal of what Patty was going to do. "You can help me too by by saying that you created a specal program and systme that make the bear real." Shy thought it over for a bit. "You look as if you don't want to help me." said Patty looking almost disaponited. But Shy said "I can go along with this gag." with a smile. Patty felt better that Shy would be involved. Now all she needed was Major himself.

Later on at the Color Console, Rainbow Brite was briefing all the Color Kids on days run. "This will be a routine run that Twink and I will do." she said. "Well at least we can relax today. Major sure did a number on Murky yesterday." said Buddy Blue. "You guys deserve some rest after this. This spring has gone smoother that planed." said Rainbow. Once Rainbow and Twink went out side, the Color Kids went about thier business. But for Patty and Shy, the wheels were set in motion for the ultimate prank. Out side of the Color Castle, Rainbow and Twink were mounting Starlite when Major would arrive. "Looks like Major's here." said Starlite. Major got out of his truck and said hi to Rainbow. Then Rainbow, Twink, and Starlite took off for thier mission on Earth.

Once inside Patty stood next to the console. "Hi Major." she said. "Hi Patty. You'er not doing anything today." said Major. "I'm just about to do something. But I do need your help." said Patty. "What is it? asked Major. "I want you to do a prank with me for April Fools Day." said Patty. Major looked very confused. "Oh Major. All you have to do is play Teddy Bear." Then Major tought it over. "I think I can do it." he said. "There is one other thing." said Patty. "What is that?" asked Major. "You'll have to be at your ultimate cuteness." said Patty. "What do you mean by that Patty?" asked Major again. "You'll have to be in only your own bear skin." said Patty. Major thought it over again and said "I guess I'll do anything for a laugh. At least being a bear allows me to get away with this." So with Major on board, Patty's prank went into action.

After taking off his shirt, hat and boots, he went outside looking like a natural bear. Once he saw Shy, he began to blush with a smile. "I thing thta's good. They'll think he's one of those mechanical bears." said Shy. "Well I do look convensing enough." said Major. Once Patty told him waht to do and where to sit, the fun began. First up was Tickled Pink. She walked up to see that large bear sitting in the console room. "Oh what a cute bear." she said. Hidding in another area was Patty and Shy. Patty gave a wink that would cue Major. He said "Why thank you. Would you like a hug?" Tickled was surprised at first. Patty began to giggle as she saw Tickled's reaction. Then Moonglo would come up. She saw Tickled's surprise reaction. "What's the matter?" asked Moonglo. That Teddy Bear talked to me. He asked me for a hug." said Tickled. "Will you give me a hug?" said Major. Moonglo turned her head and saw that Major was sitting there silent like a real Teddy Bear. "You can hug me." said Major. Then Moonglo was in shock.

Then Lala Orange and Red Butler came in. Lala saw the bear and said "Oh what a cute bear. He looks just like Major." "Why thank you. Why is everyone looking at me so wierd?" said Major on cute. Patty was about to laugh out loud. Lala was was the third persom to be surprised. "That bear just talked." Lala said in shock. "You know Teddy Bears can't talk unless it's Major." said Red. "I wouldn't say that." replied Major. The Red turned to the bear. "Now you know who is not the only talking bear around here." said Major. Red wound up being speechless. But back where Patty and Shy were, Buddy Bule came up. "what are you up to Patty?" he asked. "Oh my usuall April Fools prank." said Patty.

But Then he saw four confused Color Kids next to Major. "Don't tell me Major is a victim here." said Buddy. "He'e helping Patty." said Shy. "Why is he naked?" asked Buddy. "Uh Buddy, he's a bear. remeber? said Patty. "Oh that's right. I forgot that." said Buddy realizing of what Major was. Patty then told Buddy to stay with her and Shy as Canary Yellow and Indigo arrived. They were discussing a new play when they saw the bear and four confused kids. "Now what is going on here?" asked Indigo. "This toy bear talks to us." said Red. Canary looked the bear over. "He sure looks like Major. He's so realistic." she said after looking him over. "Why thank you. Now can I have a hug?" said Major. Canay and Indigo gasped after Major spoke. Patty was about to laugh herself sick. The kids were about to go bonkers. All Major could do was to stand still and look cute.

Then Lala heard Patty's laugh. "PATTY!" said all the kids. Patty, Shy, and Buddy came out know that the prank worked. "What's so funny?" aksed Lala in a demandful tone. Patty soon stoped laughing feeling like she was in trouble. But Major got up and said "I always wanted to pull the ol' cute Teddy Bear gag." "I want to do something to top off what I did." said Patty. "Well you did a good one there. I though it was a large stuffed bear untill it talked." said Moonglo. But Tickled went over to Major and said "You'er such a cute bear." The she kissed him that left him blushing. But soon another victim was to arrive. Shy looked out the window to see Stormy on Skydancer arriving. "Uh guys, Stormy's coming." she said. "Major, get back in character." said Patty. The everyone left Major alone and went to where Patty, Buddy, and Shy was hidding.

Stormy came in feeling realy good. "Well I pulled that April Shower off." she thought as she walked into the console room. But then she saw a bear that looked like Major over in a corner. "I did not see that bear this morning. I must be someone's Teddy Bear." she thought. As she got closer, she saw that it resembled her best freind Major. 'That sure is a large one. Must be a left over prize from the Sprite Fair." she thought again. But once she got vety close, Major then winked. "Must be some magical bear. It winked at me." Stormy thought again. Then Major spread his arms out in a hugging position. Stormy was even more confused. But then Major said "All I want is a hug." Then Stormy jumped back a few inches. "You talk!" she said with a surprised look. Then Major began to giggle. Stormy began to look around and said "This must be Patty's doing!" Then Patty came out giggling. "You did this?" Stormy asked in a demandful tone. But Major got up and said "She was only having fum with me. After all, it is April Fool's Day." "You were with her?" asked Stormy. But Major them showed a shameful looked and said "Yes Stormy." Patty as about to get scared. But Stormy would smile and said "You did a good job playing Teddy Bear." Then she gave Major another kiss that left him blushing.

Patty felt relived that Stormy was nor mad at her. But Stormy went over and said to her Next year, you should let me do a prank." Patty just smiled at her. But soon the last victim Rainbow would arrive. Everyone left the room only to leave Major back at where he was before Stormy's arrival. Once Rainbow and Twink, they saw the room was empty. "I hope they did not leave the console unattened." said Twink. "Well Twink, it was not needed today." said Rainbow. But then they saw the large Teddy Bear in the corner. "That's a big Teddy Bear." said Twink. "And it looks like Major." said Rainbow. But then Major said "Well it is me playing Teddy Bear for Patty." Rainbow then giggled as Patty came over. "Looks like you outdid yourself this go around." said Rainbow. "Well it was different from my other jokes." said Patty. But once everyone came out, Patty explained the joke. Everyone then had a good laugh. But before it was all over Rainbow and Patty would get a picture with Major in his natural Teddy Bear self.

And so brings an end to an April Fool's Day in Rainbowland.

The End.

P.S. Here's how the picture came out.


Re: Patty's Teddy Bear Prank

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:51 pm
by Major Ursa
I wonder if any liked my story?

Re: Patty's Teddy Bear Prank

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:10 pm
by Aquarius
I liked it, I read them and really enjoy your stories, as for everyone elses, sorry about not posting, I just didn't comment on all of them. Keep it up! Image

Lol, BTW, I love the pic with Rainbow, Major, and Patty.

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