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New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:10 am
by Chibi Rachy
This is an idea I had one night this week when I didn't feel like writing because of my exhaustion, but I could still come up with great ideas. My latest is for something called "The Color Kid Diaries". The idea is that one central event would occur and each Color Kid would have an entry for it. Special Kids are included as well.

So I've done one for Rainbow. The "main event" for this set of entries is that Rainbow gave the Kids a day off one Spring after they'd worked so hard to begin the season. What follows is how Rainbow spends her afternoon. Let me know what you think, of both the idea and the journal entry.

Spring XXXX, #1

Today I gave the Color Kids the day off. We’ve been so busy since Spring began that no one’s had a chance to just go out and have fun. After we made sure that the Color Console would have enough star sprinkles to run on its own, we all went our own ways.

I took Starlite to Rainbow Falls since it was such a beautiful day. Twink and I packed a lunch and had a nice picnic by the river. We sat close enough so that we could feel the mist coming off the water. We had lettuce and tomato sandwiches, made from the vegetables that Red Butler and Patty O’Green had worked together growing. Starlite ate some too, only he had a salad made just for him.

After we ate, I laid back in the grass and felt the warm yellow sun on my face and legs. It felt so good that I took off my boots so I could warm my feet too. Twink lay down too, but he soon fell asleep. That’s what usually happens when he eats well and then goes outside. It happens to the other sprites as well. I closed my eyes and thought of all the places I’d been in the past few days. Spring is always so busy on Earth. I bring the beginnings of growth, but sometimes Stormy likes to bring back snow for a few days, just to make it seem like winter a little longer. She knows things have to happen when it’s time, but she likes to have fun too. She also knows that once I place the star sprinkles on the snow the winter season is over and new growth begins, even if she makes snow fall again.

She made a small snow storm where Brian lives yesterday. It wasn’t much, just enough to cover the ground. She only grinned when I told her to stop and mentioned how much fun the children were having. That was true. They had gone out to play in the snow and sled down the hills, even though there wasn’t much. I let her have her fun because I know she wouldn’t let it last too long.

When I opened my eyes again, I knew that I’d fallen asleep in the sun, just as Twink had. I sat up and yawned, looking around for Twink and Starlite. Twink was still asleep. At first I couldn’t see Starlite, but then I saw him in the distance, galloping around a large clearing. I called for him and he came back to our picnic spot. I laughed as he talked of being the fastest horse in the universe and asked him if he wanted to race around the meadow again. He did, and I climbed onto his back, holding on to his mane.

Starlite ran for the open space and then he really took off. I laughed as the wind blew my hair behind me and Starlite tried his hardest to run as fast as he could. I kept encouraging him to go faster, and each time he did. Everything seemed to be a blur around me. Finally, Starlite stopped, and slowly galloped around the field. I asked him if he was tired and he told me that horses like him are never tired. I could tell that he was, even if he tried to hide it.

We went back to the picnic spot and Twink was just starting to wake up. Twink talked happily of how good he felt, and how nice of a nap he’d had. I sat down and put my boots back on before packing up the rest of our picnic. As soon as I’d finished, I climbed on Starlite and pulled Twink up after me. We headed back toward the Color Castle slowly, enjoying the sun as it began to move lower in the sky.

I thought of how pretty the night sky would be after Moonglo finished decorating it. Spring skies were fun to watch, especially since it wasn’t cold anymore. I could sit at my window for hours just watching the stars. There’s just something magical about them. Twink talked of checking on the sprites in the Color Mines and I thought about what tomorrow would bring. It would be back to work as always, but I love my work. Today was nice, but I’m ready to work on spreading more color on Earth.

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:46 am
by TheWendybird
I like it! Keep doing them :)

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:09 pm
by Major Ursa
I like this ideal. Keep it up.

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:52 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Thank you both for your feedback. I've been working on Stormy's and had hoped to finish it last night, but things interfered. After Stormy I plan to do Moonglo, and then tackle whichever of the Color Kids I was feeling inspired for. So far for the Kids, these are the ideas I have:

Buddy Blue: Going on a day run with Champ OR doing a sprite race
Moonglo: Preparing for the night/fetching new nite sprinkles/Reflecting
Indigo: Working on a new play
Patty O'Green: Playing some sort of trick
Red Butler: tending to the garden he and Patty keep
Lala Orange: Collecting pretty rocks in Rainbow River

These are what I have so far. If anyone has suggestions for the other Kids, let me know and you might find me using them. :)

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:14 am
by TheWendybird
I wanna see Patty playing a trick...i love mischeviousness haha

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:47 pm
by Chibi Rachy
To make a note:

Stormy and Moonglo's entries are finished. I need to work on Shadow of a Rainbow today and then during the week I will try to start the next Kid... might try Patty or Lala, but it all depends

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:04 pm
by Chibi Rachy
An update to the previous entry:

Kids That Need Done and Have an Entry Idea:

- Lala Orange
- Indigo
- Red Butler

Kids That Need Done/Need Idea for Entry:

- Shy Violet
- Canary Yellow
- Tickled Pink

If you have an idea for any of the 3 that still need ideas (Violet, Canary, Tickled) let me know. I'm more than happy to consider any idea given to me.


Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:11 am
by Major Ursa
here's my ideal for Canary Yellow's entry. She's at her dance studio practicing a new dance.

(After all, she's dressed for paraticing dancing.)

Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:45 am
by Chibi Rachy
Major Ursa wrote:here's my ideal for Canary Yellow's entry. She's at her dance studio practicing a new dance.

(After all, she's dressed for paraticing dancing.)
Hmm... yes I can see that. I think that might work for her. I might twist it about some, but it'll definitely be her dancing :)


Re: New Concept Piece: The Color Kid Diaries

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:59 am
by ~Rainbow~
An update to the previous entry:

Kids That Need Done and Have an Entry Idea:

- Lala Orange
- Indigo
- Red Butler

Kids That Need Done/Need Idea for Entry:

- Shy Violet
- Canary Yellow
- Tickled Pink

If you have an idea for any of the 3 that still need ideas (Violet, Canary, Tickled) let me know. I'm more than happy to consider any idea given to me.

Well, Violet's is going to be a science experiment on some of the rocks Lala found in Rainbow Falls after noticing some oddly-colored ones (one-toned instead of rainbow).

Tickled Pink's is practicing her baton twirling with Dee Lite and some other Sprites whom wish to join her.

Indigo's practicing one of her plays with Hammy, a few of her other Sprites watching in the audience.

You have ideas for everybody else... Oh, wait! Other Special Kids!

Stormy is racing around Rainbowland's track on Skydancer to assure that they'll win the race uninterrupted next Sprite Fair! Either that, or giving a good old snowfall to the other half of the world where it's winter at the momet.

Moonglo is most likely sleeping or almost; when she wakes up from time to time to get a drink of water or food (when she can't sleep), she could have conversations with any of the Sprites or Color Kids (Rainbow, Tickled Pink, Stormy included). (Somewhat lame, I know, IS her night...)

Rock on!