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Valentine's Day in Rainbowland

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:40 pm
by Major Ursa
It was a wonderful day in Rainbowland despite the fact that the whole area was covered in snow. just like all the other winters, Stormy worked real hard to make a wonderful snow job. Darla Diamond helped out to make sure that the snow shimmered in the sun. Today, however, was Valentine's Day. For Red Butler, this was the day he worked really hard for. He made sure that the red Sprite mined extra red Color Crystals so that there will be enough of that color for that special day. Tickled Pink also made sure that some of the color pink was used too. Red did not mind Tickled's help because it close to the color red.

As the sun rose, Red was already awake ready to make sure the day goes perfectly. Lala Orange also got up and got dress too. But she would put on a special winter mini-dress with some boots. The only things that were used from her regular dress were here tights and cap. Once she was dressed, she went down to a room where she made some valentines for everyone. Each heart shaped valentine had a different star for each of the Color Kids. Rainbow Brite's would have a Rainbow while Stormy's had a lightning bolt. She also had one for Brian and Krys. She also made some for the friends of Rainbowland Forest including Major Ursa.

Then she heard a knock at the door. It was just Rainbow wondering what was going on in there. Lala would open the door to see that it was just Rainbow. "Oh I was checking out my Valentines." she said. "May I take a look?" asked Rainbow. Lala would let her see them. "Those are nice valentines Lala." said Rainbow. "Why thank you!" replied Lala. "I also see you made one for Major as well." said Rainbow. "Well I think he should not be left out just because he's sleeping." said Lala. STanding at the door was Stormy. "Oh sorry. I saw the door open there." she said. "That's ok, I was showing Rainbow the valentines I made." said Lala.

Stormy went over to see them. "That was sweet of you to include Major. I'm sure he would appreciate it." she said. "Well we would never leave Major out of anything even if he is hibernating." said Lala. You do know that our friends at Lake Castle in Rainbowland Forest are having a party later on." said Rainbow. "At least it we'll stop by the cave where Major is sleeping." said Stormy. Rainbow agreed with what Stormy said.
Then Red would come in. "I'm ready for today!" he said with a smile "Oh Red! You'er always ready for the most romantic day of the year." said Lala, Then she gave him a kiss that left him blushing. "I hope Major is not too sleep to do that." said Stormy with a giggle. "Well I think I've too lessons from him." said Red with a shy grin.

Outside of the castle came a familiar visitor from Spectra. It was Krys with Orin on On-X. They looked from above the snowy landscape. "I hope to clear place to land." said On-X. "I hope so too. You remember the last time we came here in those conditions." said Orin. "Almost had blew out." said On-X. "Well I found a clear sidewalk." said Krys. On-X would soon land on the clear patch. Then Krys and Orin went over to the door. Krys would knock on it. Canary Yellow answered the dorr. "Oh hi Krys and Orin." she said. "Is Rainbow around?' asked Krys. And just then, Rainbow came over. "Hello Krys." she said in a smitten tone. Krys began to look uncomfortable. But he knew that Rainbow loved him. "Ready to go over to the party?" asked Rainbow. "Oh yes." said Krys in a confident tone. Once the whole gang got together, they would get ready to go over to Lake Castle. But for Rainbow, Stormy, and Lala, they would make a side trip to say hello to a special friend.

To be continued.

Re: Valentine's Day in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:29 am
by Major Ursa
Part 2

At Lake Castle in Rainbowland Forest, the residents of the castle were getting things ready for the party. Patty O'Green as well as the Ranger Sprite also provided assistance. Nessie the Lake Monster provide alot of help in hanging decorations on the roof and high places. Patty, Darla, and Shenedoaha helped in the kicthen with the food. Bonnie McPlaid took a look at the well decorated main hall. "This will be the best party ever." she said. "I think so too." said Icetina. "Lets not forget that Rainbow will be late." said Patty as she came out of the kitchen. "Oh yeah. She wants to check on our boss." said Yellowstone. "I'm sure Major is sleeping like an angle laddie." replied Nessie. "Too Bad Major has to pick this time to hibernate." said Springer.

"Well you do remember that he's a bear and bears sleep throught winter." said Pondarosa. Springer thought about it and said "That's true." Meanwhile Glacier and Chillene were rehersing a song that will go with a dance that Canary would do for the party. Back at the Color Castle, Canary gathered her dance bag as she got ready to go to Lake Castle. "I hope you have your dance slippers." said Tickled. "I'm sure I won't forget." said Canary. "You still did a nice dance with your snow boots the last time we went over to Lake Castle." said Indigo. "Well we better get going. We'll meet you over there." said Rainbow.

As most of the kids went overto Lake Castle, Rainbow would summon her faithful steed Starlite. Twink would join Rainbow in riding on him. Stormy called for her horse Skydancer. Lala would ride with her to the cave. Krys and Orin would join Rainbow and Stormy's side trip to the cave on On-X. Once they got there, the quietly walked in so that Major would not be wakened. Once they got there, Lala knelt down and placed Major's valentine in his paws. The Rainbow came over and gave him a sweet little kiss. But soon Major's eyes would open in a squint like position. but once he saw it was Rainbow, he showed a sleep smile. "Happy Valentines day Teddy Bear." said Stormy with a smile. "Thank you." said Major. Then he looked at Lala and said "Thanks for remembering me even thought I not able to celeabrate this day." Lala repiled "You'er still apart of us even as you sleep." Then Rainbow said to Major to go back to sleep. Major went back to sleep with a smile as the visitors quietly left the cave.

Once at Lake Castle, the party would begin. The all had fun eating and talking. They also enjoyed Canary's dance along with Glacier and Chillene's singing. Then with a little private time Rainbow went overto Krys and gave him a big kiss. "Happy Valentine's day Krys." she said with a chuckle. Krys was speechless as he stood there blushing. But then he said "I gusee this must be an Earth thing you learned." "You could say that." chuckled Rainbow. And as night began to fall, they would return to thier prosective places of residence. It was another wonderful day in Rainbowland that came to an end. All of them had a nice Valentines day. Even a special friend that was in hibernation.

The end.