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Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:17 pm
by Tom-sprite
I ll let you know ... I know that feedback is highly appreciated for an artist ! :-)

Re: Thunder and Stars/Winter Fun

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:02 am
by Chibi Rachy
It's been awhile since I added a new Stormy/Moonglo fic, but here's one just in time for the winter season. Got the idea shoveling snow today. I may or may not do a Christmas themed story with these two; not sure at this point so for now, this doubles as a holiday story :)

Winter Fun

Moonglo stirred groggily, blinking and finding a soft glow of light near her face. She closed her eyes and pulled the blankets up over her head to hide the light and go back to sleep. She was surprised when the blankets were pulled back down and a set of bright green eyes looked down at her. Those eyes were attached to a large grin; this surprised Moonglo even more than the blankets being yanked from covering her face. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

Rubbing her eyes didn’t change the scene in front of her. Stormy stood beside her bed with a huge grin on her face. Moonglo couldn’t believe that Stormy of all people was grinning so willingly. She’d never known Stormy to look like that or to bare her happy emotions so openly. Anger was one thing she displayed easily, but happiness was another story entirely. “What… what’s going on?” asked Moonglo.

“Come see!” called Stormy, taking her hand and pulling her out of bed.

Moonglo quickly got her footing. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“To a window,” replied Stormy, matter-of-factly. “There aren’t any windows in your room.”

Stormy led Moonglo into the hallway and then up the stairs to the main floor. Becoming impatient, she opted to head to the front door instead.

Moonglo tried to pull against Stormy. “Wait, I can’t go outside yet! I don’t even have my shoes on!” she protested.

Stormy ignored her comment and instead pulled on the heavy door, flinging it open. “Look outside!”

Moonglo took one look out the door before her hand flew to her mouth to cover the surprise she felt at the scene before her. “What… how…. You?” was all she could answer incoherently.

Stormy looked out at the white landscape before her. Everything was coated in a sea of whiteness. Sprite houses became large round white hills, and there didn’t appear to be any path across to the main land, as the bridge was coated in snow. The lake surrounding the Color Castle was frozen over. Objects that seemed so familiar were now mere white blobs. Stormy puffed up proudly as she studied her own handiwork. “I did it! The first really big snow storm in Rainbow Land for the winter season. Looks great, doesn’t it?”

“I thought you told Rainbow you weren’t going to make them so big anymore?” questioned Moonglo, still shocked.

“I did, but Rainbow already knew about this.”

“She wasn’t mad about it?”

Stormy shook her head, a secretive smile on her face. “Not at all. Go change and we’ll go outside.” Stormy herself was in her usual dress. “It’ll be fun.”

Moonglo suspected Stormy was up to something. She reached out and took Stormy’s hand in her own. “All right.”

The two girls descended the stairs into the lower level of the Color Castle. They split up to go to their respective rooms. Moonglo entered her room and saw the disheveled blankets from minutes ago. She shook her head with a smile and then changed into a snow suit that was pale blue and trimmed with pale pink around the sleeves, buttons, and legs. Shy Violet had designed an outfit for each Kid, making it thin and light, yet able to keep the wearer warm and dry. Moonglo pulled on a pair of pale pink boots, added gloves. The final touch was the pale pink toboggan. She trudged back upstairs to meet up with Stormy, not used to the extra weight her outfit and boots added.

Stormy was waiting for her in the main hall. She wore her usual boots, but had a dark green suit with lighter blue trim and a light blue toboggan atop her head. Her face lit up when she saw Moonglo, and she took Moonglo’s hand in her own. “Ready?” With Moonglo’s nod of agreement, she pushed open the door once more and the two of them stepped outside.

As soon as she stepped foot into the fresh snow, Moonglo noticed herself sink a few inches. Her body was warm, but she felt the slight chill of the wind against her face. Her eyes studied the land before her, and she was caught up in the beauty and calm she felt just by being in the landscape. “It’s so beautiful,” she commented.

She turned to look at Stormy, who only smiled more. Skydancer stood by her side. “Let’s go for a ride,” suggested Stormy. “I want to show you more.” She held out her hand.

Moonglo took Stormy’s hand and was helped up onto Skydancer’s back. She settled herself as Stormy climbed on. Stormy reached around her to grab Skydancer’s mane and Moonglo felt herself grow warmer inside. It certainly wasn’t the snow suit that was doing it.

Stormy spurred Skydancer, who took off at an easy pace. Skydancer was used to snow and easily made his way across the bridge to the main land. Stormy directed Skydancer with ease, guiding him to head into the forest. “Do you like it?” she asked Moonglo.

“I love it, Stormy. It’s so beautiful. It’s like magic,” she answered.

Beaming with pride, Stormy gave an extra kick to Skydancer, asking him to slow his pace as they entered the forest. They were surrounded by white trees, snow laying heavy on limbs. The air was quiet. Both girls looked up into the canopy of snowy branches. One of the branches shifted in the wind and dumped a small load of snow on the two. They giggled as they each shook the snow from their bodies.

The forest led the two into an open meadow. Moonglo got an idea. “Let’s stop here,” she suggested.

Stormy didn’t question Moonglo and halted Skydancer. The two slid from his back and into the soft snow. “What did you want to do?”

“Let’s build a snowman,” answered Moonglo with a smile.

“A snowman?” asked Stormy. “Like the children on Earth?”

“Yes!” answered Moonglo gleefully. “I’ve always wanted to try it.”

Stormy was hesitant to agree, but it only took one look at Moonglo’s happy face to change her mind. “Okay then. How do we start?”

The two girls worked together, rolling three different sized snow balls. They stacked them together with a little help from Skydancer. Moonglo searched out rocks to use for the face, while Stormy gathered the sticks for the arms. They each added the finishing touches to their creation.

Moonglo stood back and admired their handiwork. The snowman was twice their size in height, and looked charming with the shiny stones Moonglo had found. “It’s even better than the ones on Earth.”

Stormy smiled back at her. It had been fun to build the snowman. She was glad that she had helped. She moved to stand next to Moonglo. “It is,” she agreed.

Moonglo looked up at her and smiled. She leaned in and kissed Stormy softly. “Thanks,” she replied. It was then that she noticed the change in the sky behind Stormy. “Oh no! I need to begin working on the night!”

“I’ll take you back to the Color Castle so you can meet up with Nite Sprite,” said Stormy as Skydancer came to meet the two.

It didn’t take long before the two arrived back at the Color Castle. Night Sprite already had the bag of nite sprinkles and was wearing a yellow hat and scarf. He chattered happily when he saw Moonglo. Moonglo slid from Skydancer and went to meet him. She turned to Stormy, who stood by Skydancer. She smiled softly. “Thank you,” she said softly. Then, she and Nite Sprite walked back toward the bridge. Before she crossed, she went quickly to Stormy and kissed her cheek.

Stormy watched the two disappeared into the night. Her hand rested on her cheek, and she suddenly felt warmer than she had just a moment before. She sent Skydancer on his way and disappeared into the Color Castle.

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:10 pm
by J3llyb3ans
That was wonderful.^^

I see all that snow inspired something great.

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:36 pm
by Chibi Rachy
J3llyb3ans wrote:That was wonderful.^^

I see all that snow inspired something great.
hehe thank you :) Was fun to write...especially to picture a happily grinning Stormy!

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:02 am
by WishBear2001
That was beautiful. Twink read it and didn't seem homesick afterwards.

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:49 am
by Chibi Rachy
WishBear2001 wrote:That was beautiful. Twink read it and didn't seem homesick afterwards.
Err...thanks... I think...

Re: Thunder and Stars/Concern

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:40 am
by Chibi Rachy
Here's another short story featuring the cute couple. If you can figure out the reason why I wrote this short story in particular, kudos to you. I have an idea in mind for a Valentine story, but I'm not sure if it'll be written in time. Anyway, enjoy!


Stormy awoke late one morning and rubbed her eyes, sleep still on her mind. She yawned, and sat up in bed. Something had woken her up, but she didn’t realize that. Only when she rested her hand on the blankets beside her did she realize she wasn’t alone in her own bed. This jerked her into complete consciousness. She fumbled to find the bedside lamp, turning it on after a few moments. She squinted in the dim light before she recognized that Moonglo was laying on her bed.

“Moonglo?” called Stormy. “What are you doing here?”

There was no answer, and for a moment Stormy thought she was asleep. Before she could ask again, Moonglo moved, and turned her head to face Stormy. “I…I’m not sure,” she replied weakly.

Stormy moved closer to Moonglo. “You don’t look very good,” she remarked, unsure of what else to say.

“We should get you to your room,” suggested Stormy. “You should stay there and rest.” She reached for Moonglo’s hand, but Moonglo pushed it away.

“No,” was the soft, terse reply.

Thinking for a moment, Stormy wondered what to do. Moonglo certainly wasn’t herself. It dawned on her that she could be sick. How would she know if Moonglo were sick or not? Stormy thought of how she felt when she was sick. She didn’t want to move, and everything seemed different. She never felt like herself. “Come make yourself comfortable,” she finally answered. “I’ll be right back.”

Quickly, Stormy rushed from the room. She didn’t stop and think that her actions may be taken differently. She was concerned, and unsure of how to act. She sought out someone who would be able to help her.

Shy Violet looked up from her work on the Color Console when Stormy rushed into the room, a frantic look in her eyes. Shy Violet couldn’t recall ever seeing Stormy looking like this. Something had to have happened. She stood and brushed herself off. “Stormy, I-“

Stormy cut her off. “I think something’s wrong with Moonglo.”

Shy Violet adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose. “I will retrieve my kit. Wait here.”

Stormy fidgeted nervously as Shy Violet disappeared up the stairs. She had never felt this way before. Time seemed to pass by slowly before Shy Violet returned with a black bag in hand.

“Where is she?”

“She’s in my room. She was there when I woke up,” replied Stormy, beginning to head for the stairs that would take her back down to her room. Shy Violet followed behind her.

The two entered the dark room, and Stormy used her instinct to find her bed. Shy Violet had a bit more difficulty, not used to the darkness, or the low light provided from the bedside table. She gently placed her bag on the bed and began searching through it. Stormy stood next to her, uncertain of what to do. She merely watched.

Shy Violet worked quietly and methodically. One look at Moonglo confirmed what Stormy had thought, but she worked through the procedures, checking Moonglo’s ailments and temperature, taking care of her vitals. When she was finished, she packed her bag up once more, and turned to look at Stormy. “It’s a simple case of influenza. With rest and plenty of liquids, she’ll she fine in no time,” she stated calmly.

“What should I do?” asked Stormy.

“Make sure she stays in bed. Keep her body cool, and give her soup and juices.” Shy Violet exited the room, leaving Stormy with Moonglo.

“Stormy?” called Moonglo.

Stormy looked to the bed, noting how the dim light framed her face in a soft golden glow. “Yeah?”

“Why’d you leave so suddenly?”

“I… I didn’t know what to do… and I wanted to find someone who could help.”

“I didn’t think you wanted me here,” replied Moonglo.

“No, that’s not it,” answered Stormy firmly, finally sitting on the edge of the bed. She ran her fingers over Moonglo’s hand. “I just…didn’t know what to do. That’s why I got Shy Violet.”


“I’m sorry,” apologized Stormy. She helped Moonglo to get settled into her bed, removing her shoes and helping her under the blankets. Moonglo pulled the blankets up to her chin. Stormy leaned over and kissed Moonglo’s forehead. She rose to leave and let Moonglo rest.


Stormy turned around. “Yeah?”

“Don’t go.”

“You want me to stay with you?”


Stormy walked back over to her bed and sat on it. She reached out and took Moonglo’s hand, intertwining their fingers together. This calmed Moonglo, who slowly drifted off to sleep. Stormy smiled. She remembered back to the time when Moonglo had cared for her when she was sick. No one had noticed she was missing, but Moonglo had, and it had bothered her. Now, she could do the same in return.

“Feel better soon,” Stormy whispered.

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:46 am
by J3llyb3ans
Awwwwwwwww. Now Stormy gets to care for Moonglo. This is sweet. :rbstormy: :rbmoonglow:

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:48 pm
by Tom-sprite
Really cute ! :lol:

Re: Thunder and Stars

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:16 am
by Chibi Rachy
Thank you both :) I knew I'd have feedback from each of you.