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Lost Storms/Chapter 16

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:59 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Finished chapter 16 last week so I figured I'd share it here. I'm going to try to finish this up as soon as I can, but I don't know how that'll work out. I would like to work some more with Dangerous Duplicate and see where that one goes.

Chapter 16

Her footsteps fell lightly on the ground as she followed the pathway that would lead her to her destination. Moonlight was her guide, and she felt confident enough that she would not be seen. It was very late at night, and she risked this knowing that the inhabitants of Rainbow Land would all be tucked into their beds, fast asleep. Of course, they wouldn’t be for long if she had anything to do with it. Very few sounds could be heard. The wind rustled through the trees. She could hear her heart beating against her chest and hoped that no one else could hear it. To her it sounded as though it were loud enough to give her away. She tried to refocus. Once she was hidden against the side of the Color Castle, she would be all set. She’d make sure it was a night that no one would forget for a long time.

It had taken her a few days to prepare, but she felt confident that she had what she needed at her fingertips. Silently, she raised her right hand to the sky and began coaxing her work toward her, to move swiftly and silently. The large clouds began gathering and moving in force from the direction of the Pits. Stormy infused her own special touch with them, turning them into ferocious storm clouds. Already she could hear the soft roll of thunder and it lulled her, relaxing her. Nothing was more soothing than that. She grinned as the clouds stopped over one particular spot- directly above the Color Castle.

In her mind, Stormy had already worked out the way she wanted the storm to go. She’d start with a soft rain, one that would lull Rainbow and the Color Kids into a false sense of calm and peacefulness if they were still awake. Most likely, everyone was fast asleep, but Stormy wanted to be sure. Rain pattered softly onto the walls and down into the grass and water, creating a soft symphony. It allowed Stormy to prepare herself for what was to come next. Her fingers waved slowly, as if by their own accord, and suddenly, what had started as a gentle nighttime rain turned ferocious.

Lightning struck while thunder rumbled loudly. Stormy had made sure that the storm was concentrated over the Color Castle only, thereby less energy was wasted on locations that didn’t matter in the long run. Rain smacked the walls like tiny water bullets and the flashes of lightning filled the sky. As she drew her hand away for the moment, Stormy watched the storm, rain pelting her body as she stood unprotected beside the castle, unaffected.

~ Inside the Color Castle ~

Patty O’Green shot up in her bed, woken by a sudden loud noise. At first, she wondered if something had fallen in her room or out of her packed closet. She listened hard in the darkness and then saw the flash of lightning, followed by the loud boom of thunder. She jumped instinctively before gathering all the courage she could muster. She wasn’t afraid of a thunder storm. She lay back down in her bed and covered her head with the green bedspread, which only slightly muted out the next round of thunder and lightning.

“Not afraid, not afraid, not afraid,” she chanted over and over to herself in a hushed voice, trying to convince her mind of the way she felt, or at least, wanted to feel. She winced as she heard yet another loud rumbling of thunder. Undaunted, she continued her mantra.

However, she froze when she heard her door creaking open. She dared not peek out from underneath the bedspread least some unspeakable scary thing was there to grab her. She tried to make herself feel as small as possible, hoping that it was nothing and only her imagination.

“Patty?” called the soft voice, a tinge of fear laced into it.

Patty peeked her head out from under the bedspread and looked up at Lala Orange, who was laced in shadows in the frame of her bedroom door. She swallowed the fear she felt, not wanting Lala to know that she didn’t like the storms. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’m scared…I don’t like the thunder and lightning,” replied Lala Orange in a soft voice, her hands drawn to her chin. “Can I stay with you?”

Patty O’Green sat up, draping the bedspread around her head and body. “Sure. The storms not that bad, just really loud,” she answered, putting on a brave front. As if to counteract her, a large round of thunder rumbled and lightning lit the room for a brief second before enshrouding it in darkness once more. Patty yelped and pulled the bedspread over her head. She heard Lala Orange giggle. “I meant to do that!” she protested as she pulled the covers away.

Meanwhile, Twink had slid down the colorful pole into Rainbow’s room, covering it with a heavy board. He hopped onto Rainbow’s bed and then poked her cheek gently. “Rainbow? Rainbow?” he called in a worried voice, calling out in fear as another round of thunder rumbled.

Rainbow rubbed her eyes and sat up. “What is it, Twink?” she asked sleepily.

“There’s a really bad storm outside…I can’t sleep,” explained Twink as he shook himself to get rid of the excess rain.

Rainbow held up her hands to block the water. “You can sleep down here tonight, Twink.” Then she yawned again.

“You can sleep through it?” asked Twink, astonished.

Looking at him thoughtfully, Rainbow answered. “I guess so,” she replied. “Good night, Twink.” She pulled the covers up to her chin once more and closed her eyes. Twink watched her before another rumble of thunder sent him scampering for the safety of the covers.

Stormy held out her hands, cupping them together to catch the falling rain in them. The water seeped through her fingers and dripped onto the ground. Stormy herself was soaked to the bone, but this didn’t phase her. Instead, she moved through the soft, wet grass and made her way around the Color Castle. Curiosity got the better of her and she slipped inside the door, the sound of her squelching boots echoing off the empty hall. Her urges got the better of her, and not letting anyone know she was in the Color Castle was at the very back of her mind.

Muddy footprints followed Stormy as she slowly walked through the main level of the Color Castle. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness as she wandered about. She came upon the Color Console set into the far wall with a set of buttons on it. She studied the machine, uncertain of what it was or what it did. She pressed a red button, but the machine did nothing. Losing interest, her eyes caught sight of a set of spiral stairs that led upward. Her feet soon followed her eyes.

As she walked down the upstairs hallway, her fingers moved about in the darkness, manipulating the storm’s volume to drown out her footsteps. Loud booms of thunder could be heard and the castle walls made the booms echo and bounce. Stormy looked to her left, coming upon a door with a large star on the outside. The door was halfway closed, with enough space for her to squeeze through. She stood, peering around the door into the room. A flash of lightning lit the room for a couple of seconds, allowing her to see the shape of a young girl curled up in bed with one of the sprites. Rainbow Brite… thought Stormy, feeling a twinge of anger.

Crossing the room on tiptoe, Stormy made her way closer to the bed. She noticed that Rainbow wasn’t scared of the storm and seemed to be sleeping through it. Stormy called for a large boom of thunder with a flick of her fingers, but the thunder didn’t disturb Rainbow in the least. Angry, Stormy turned and marched out of the room, a large bolt of lightning lighting the room upon her exit.

Twink sat up quickly at the sound, frightened by the volume of it. He looked about the room, certain that he’d seen someone else across the room, near the door. He rubbed his eyes, and looked once more, but saw nothing.

“What is it, Twink?” asked Rainbow sleepily.

“I thought I saw someone else in the room,” replied Twink.

“Maybe it was one of the Color Kids,” suggested Rainbow.

“It didn’t look like one of the Color Kids,” answered Twink in confusion.

“That’s silly, Twink. No one else is in the Color Castle but us and the Color Kids.”

Stormy wandered down the hallway, noticing more doors with stars on them. These doors had colored stars, and Stormy wondered if the colored star matched the Color Kid that was inside. She came upon a door with a green star, which was ¾ of the way open. Inside, she heard voices whispering back and forth to each other. She crept closer, peering inside at the two figures. Lightning struck and lit the area for a few seconds. In that time, Stormy saw the two girls looking back at her, their eyes wide with shock. She took her exit quickly, not daring to run and risk her footsteps being overheard.

“Did you see that?” asked Lala Orange. “It looked like another girl.”

“I saw her,” answered Patty O’Green. “I just thought my brain was playing tricks on me.”

“I wonder if Rainbow knows.”

“If she knew, I’m sure she would do something about it. Rainbow wouldn’t let someone else enter the Color Castle.”

“Are you sure she’s not real? Maybe it was just a trick. This storm is scaring me,” rambled Lala Orange.

“It’s okay,” soothed Patty O’Green. “If we sleep we won’t have to hear it. It’ll be daylight soon.” She snuggled down under the bedspread and closed her eyes, trying to block out the storm. A rustling beside her told her that Lala Orange was trying to do the same.

The next morning, Rainbow woke to Twink shaking her. “Rainbow! Someone’s been in the Color Castle! Come see!” he shouted.

Rainbow sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. “Wha? What’s wrong, Twink?” she mumbled groggily.

“Rainbow! Someone’s been in the Color Castle! Come quick! Come quick!” Twink hopped from foot to foot on the bed, bouncing Rainbow about.

Twink’s words sunk in and Rainbow was suddenly jolted awake. “How do you know?” she asked, throwing back the bedspread.

Twink raced ahead of her. “There’s footprints everywhere! Look!” he shouted as he crossed the threshold.

Rainbow looked on in wide-eyed disbelief. She saw muddy footprints up and down the hallway, dried upon the hard floor. They seemed to go from the stairs down the hallway and then back again. Whoever had been in the Color Castle had left the same way they’d come. “Who was it?”

“We don’t know yet,” answered Red Butler.

Noticing the rest of the Color Kids looking as surprised and confused as she was, Rainbow looked back at the prints, trying to study them closely. She had no idea how to identify them.

“I found it!” called a voice down the hallway. Rainbow looked up and saw Shy Violet walking quickly toward her, holding up a large magnifying glass.

“Your magnifying glass?” asked Rainbow.

Shy Violet adjusted her glasses before replying. “Yes. I had been studying some color crystal samples last night before the storm. It was quite a fascinating study, and I forgot to put my magnifying glass away. It ended up under my bed without me noticing. I’m not quite sure how.” She bent over, holding the magnifying glass close to the prints and then pulling it back. “Hmm…”

“What do you think?” asked Rainbow.

Shy Violet looked up at Rainbow. “I don’t know who it is. They aren’t any of ours. The bottom of the shoe is too different from what I’ve seen. They’re not Murky or Lurky’s either. If I take a sample of the prints, I might be able to study them better and come to a conclusion. It’ll take time though.”

Rainbow nodded. “Okay.” She looked up at the Color Kids. “We’ll have to work together to clean up the prints after Shy Violet finishes with them. I know it’ll be a lot of work, but if we work together, it won’t take very long.”

Stormy rose sleepily from bed. She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but she knew it was near morning by the time she reached the edge of the Pits. She had merely changed out of her clothes into a drab grey dress before collapsing into her bed. It had been a good night in the end. She only hoped Murky would be satisfied with it.

“Stormy! Stormy!” yelled Murky loudly, bursting into her room and slamming open the door.

Stormy had just finished changing into her regular outfit. She looked at Murky as she finished making the braid in her hair. “What?”

Murky pointed an accusing finger at her. “You were in Rainbow Land last night, weren’t you?”

“I was scaring Rainbow and the Color Kids with my storms,” retorted Stormy, crossing her arms.

“I didn’t tell you to go to Rainbow Land,” snapped Murky, poking Stormy in the chest with a finger. “You don’t go unless I tell you to go!”

“Murky!” called Lurky in a sing-song voice. He was outside of Stormy’s door. “Oh Murrrrky!”

“What is it you bumbling oaf?” spat Murky as he spun around to face the door. Lurky stood there, hands clasped in front of him.

“Gee, Murky that black inky stuff you made is all over your lab. It’s made the floor slippery. See?” He turned around, showing a thick black line that went from the top of his head and all the way down his backside. “I slipped and fell in it.”

Murky sprinted for the door. “You fool! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? It’s not supposed to do that!” He quickly disappeared and Lurky wandered after him.

Stormy sighed once the room was quiet again and walked over to her window. She looked out at the dull grey skies, drawing comfort from them. She had gone to Rainbow Land on her own, but she had wanted to prove herself once and for all to Murky. It was meant to be a secret for him to discover, but somehow, he’d found out. Suddenly, she didn’t want to be anywhere near the Pits, but something inside her tugged at her, and made her stay put. Instead of leaving Murky’s lair, she exited her room and made her way to visit Skydancer. Perhaps that would cheer her up.

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:02 pm
by Aquarius
I haven't read this in a long time. The story is getting even more exciting.

Lol, I didn't know whether to be mad or laugh at the fact that Stormy was scaring the poor sprites in the mines, but I can see her doing that to the boys in Rainbowland, lol.

When are you gonna write more? I can't wait to see what happens next.

Image Image Image

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:51 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Aquarious wrote:I haven't read this in a long time. The story is getting even more exciting.

Lol, I didn't know whether to be mad or laugh at the fact that Stormy was scaring the poor sprites in the mines, but I can see her doing that to the boys in Rainbowland, lol.

When are you gonna write more? I can't wait to see what happens next.

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I'm slowly working on chapter 17 between school and life. I was working on it and then I suddenly had the idea to do the oneshot I recently posted. I want to finish up this story so that I can work on other projects and not leave this one unfinished.

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:43 am
by Aquarius
Chibi Rachy wrote:
Aquarious wrote:I haven't read this in a long time. The story is getting even more exciting.

Lol, I didn't know whether to be mad or laugh at the fact that Stormy was scaring the poor sprites in the mines, but I can see her doing that to the boys in Rainbowland, lol.

When are you gonna write more? I can't wait to see what happens next.

Image Image Image
I'm slowly working on chapter 17 between school and life. I was working on it and then I suddenly had the idea to do the oneshot I recently posted. I want to finish up this story so that I can work on other projects and not leave this one unfinished.
Didn't mean to sound hasty. I just wanted you to know that I actually enjoyed the story.

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:11 am
by Chibi Rachy
Aquarious wrote:
Chibi Rachy wrote:
Aquarious wrote:I haven't read this in a long time. The story is getting even more exciting.

Lol, I didn't know whether to be mad or laugh at the fact that Stormy was scaring the poor sprites in the mines, but I can see her doing that to the boys in Rainbowland, lol.

When are you gonna write more? I can't wait to see what happens next.

Image Image Image
I'm slowly working on chapter 17 between school and life. I was working on it and then I suddenly had the idea to do the oneshot I recently posted. I want to finish up this story so that I can work on other projects and not leave this one unfinished.
Didn't mean to sound hasty. I just wanted you to know that I actually enjoyed the story.
Nah you didn't sound hasty. I just wanted to explain that it would be done because I have left stories unfinished and I really don't want to do that to this one. Glad you enjoy it though. It's fun to write :)

Re: Lost Storms/Chapter 17

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:45 am
by Chibi Rachy
Apparently I need to read more often, as it fuels my desire and inspiration to write. Like today for example. I finally was able to finish chapter 17 of this story, after writing small paragraphs here and there. The ending was tough and I'm glad that today I finally figured out how to work it out. Enjoy!

Chapter 17 Attempt at Freedom

The morning in the Color Castle flew by. Rainbow and the Color Kids worked hard to clean away the mess that had been left overnight while Shy Violet worked in her laboratory to analyze the footprints and figure out who had entered during the night.

Indigo wiped the sweat off her brow. “This is taking forever. How many more footprints do we have to clear away?”

Canary Yellow turned her head to look at the indigo Color Kid. “We’ve finished the downstairs and the stairs. We just have the rest of the hallway to do.”

Buddy Blue looked up from where he was scrubbing the floor. “Just think of it as good exercise. It really works the muscles.”

“Always exercise, Buddy?” asked Patty O’Green.

“But I love exercise!” protested Buddy Blue.

Rainbow sensed the beginnings of an argument as she came up from the main hallway. She searched for something to say. She didn’t want the Color Kids to start arguing. The mystery intruder was causing problems and this time it didn’t seem to be Murky and Lurky. She opened her mouth to speak, but was saved from doing so when Shy Violet opened the door of her room and walked into the hallway.

“I’ve finished analyzing the footprints,” she called, easily grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Who is it?” asked Red Butler.

Shy Violet shook her head sadly. “I don’t know. It’s not Murky, and it’s not Lurky. I can confirm that. I don’t know otherwise. The boot size appears to be similar to many of ours. I can’t say anything else without more clues.”

Patty O’Green suddenly looked up at Shy Violet. “Well, last night Lala Orange and I thought we saw a girl in the doorway of my room.”

“Yeah,” added Lala Orange. “But then the lightning struck and she was gone.”

“We thought it was a trick,” finished Patty O’Green.

Shy Violet rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “It could have been a trick of the mind because of the storm, but it also could have been the intruder. Did you see anything else?” Both girls shook their heads. “It’s a start. We’ll have to keep an eye out. Murky and Lurky may be part of this.”

Rainbow smiled. She could always count on Shy Violet to come through. “Thanks, Shy Violet. We’ll keep a watch.”

“You’re welcome. What can I do to help finish cleaning up?”

Skydancer’s hooves pounded against the stone floor of the Pits as Stormy raced him along the various paths that intertwined throughout the area. She’d been riding all morning, growing more tired with each round. A few hours of sleep didn’t restore her, not after an exhausting night. She wanted to sleep again, but didn’t dare go anywhere near where Murky was for fear of his anger. If one of his creations wasn’t going right, his mood wouldn’t be either.

Stormy found herself growing bored of Murky and his plan. She wanted what he wanted, but more importantly, she wanted it all to herself. She wanted to beat Rainbow Brite once and for all. This thought was pleasing, but not when Murky wouldn’t let her do as she pleased. She spurred Skydancer onward, up to the highest point in the Pits. From this point she was barely able to see the glimmer of Rainbow Land on the horizon. Forgetting everything else, she urged Skydancer toward Rainbow Land without a second thought.

Murky slammed his fists on the lab table. “She’s what?!” he roared.

“She’s not there Murky. I checked,” replied Lurky.

“And Skydancer’s gone too.”

Lurky nodded sadly. “The horsey’s gone too.”

Murky rubbed his chin and furrowed his brow. “That brat is going to ruin my plans! We need to find her and fast. I don’t want Rainbow finding out about her just yet!”

“How will we do that, Murky?” asked Lurky, scratching his head.

“Go get the Grunge Buggy, spinach breath!”

At the edge of Rainbow Land, Stormy scoped out the landscape, taking the time to get to notice the area. Skydancer lingered close by, munching on tufts of the fresh grass every so often. Stormy could see the Color Castle in the distance, wondered what Rainbow was up to. That storm must have made her tired from not being able to sleep.

Stormy’s eyes glanced back toward the Pits, knowing that Murky may know she was gone. If that was the case, she didn’t have much time. Thunder rumbled in the distance and for a second, Stormy longed to increase it, to unite with the storm. She shook her head to clear away the sudden urge. She had to focus, and not on the Pits.

Once more, she looked to the Color Castle, looming like a beacon in the distance. She squinted to see any activity, but was too far away. She would have to get closer to see whether or not the storm had had its effect on the inhabitants of the Color Castle.

Without thinking, she pulled herself onto Skydancer’s back and spurred him on down the main path. She had a plan in mind and wanted to see once and for all what she could do. Rainbow Brite will soon fall she thought to herself.

Twink and his fellow sprites happily worked in the mines, collecting the color crystals. Rainbow had sent him off to keep the other sprites busy at work while the Color Castle put back into order. Twink walked his rounds, making sure that an even number of crystals were being mined, and that no one spot was being over mined. He looked down at his list, and then realized that more indigo color crystals were needed.

“Lycee! We need more indigo! More indigo crystals!” he shouted as he ran to an indigo crystal wall, where a sprite of the same color whistled to himself as he used his pick ax to tap away.

Lycee looked over to Twink and replied in acknowledgement, a cheerful response as he pointed to his section of the wall, and then the pile beside him that was almost as tall as he was.

Twink frowned slightly. “But we need more! Rainbow needs them for…uh…” He scratched his head. He had no idea why Rainbow wanted more indigo crystals. He only knew that it had been written on his paper.

Lycee questioned Twink’s confusion, but got no reply. Twink appeared to be in his own world, rubbing his chin as he looked at his list. Lycee shrugged and went back to mining the indigo crystals.

It was at that moment that an orange sprite ran into the mines, frantic and in a panic. He danced back and forth, shouting to get the other sprites’ attention. All eyes turned to the excited sprite, and listened to what he had to say. Most were confused by his cries of a strange horse and girl, and others ran to see what the commotion was. Twink was trying to restore order to the group, which wasn’t helping at all. Even Lycee dashed out of the Color Caves and looked over the cliff toward the Color Castle. Everyone was interested in this new person, who could be seen riding toward the Castle at that very moment.

Red Butler rushed to Rainbow, who had been working closely with Shy Violet on helping to identify the intruder. He was out of breath, and stopped briefly in the doorway to catch it before speaking to the two girls. “There’s… another girl… Rainbow,” he said between breaths.

“What are you talking about, Red?” asked Rainbow.

“There’s another girl… with a horse… and she’s headed for the Color Castle!” exclaimed Red Butler. “No one’s ever seen her before.”

Rainbow rose from her seat, looking concerned. Shy Violet rose to stand behind her. “What does she want?”

“I don’t know, but she’s almost to the Castle!”

Dashing past Red Butler, Rainbow rushed down the stairs and out the main door, coming to stand with the other Color Kids who had gathered to watch along the bridge. Nervously, Rainbow move to the front to face the stranger, who’s outline she could see in the distance, the horse she rode upon kicking up dust along the path.

Twink rushed to Rainbow’s side, coming from behind the Color Castle. He had taken one of the mine carts and used it to quickly ride to Rainbow when he had failed to calm the mining sprites. “Rainbow! She’s coming!” he yelled as he ran.

Rainbow’s head turned to glance at her furry friend. “I know, Twink. Let me handle this. Do you have star sprinkles, just in case?”

Twink nodded. “Of course, Rainbow.” Twink patted the pouch at his side, which jingled.

Stormy urged Skydancer forward, ignoring the dust and the cries of sprites along the road. She was creating panic already and the adrenaline that resulted from that rush only encouraged her more. “Keep going, Skydancer! Don’t stop until we reach Rainbow!” she yelled.

While she focused her eyes on the road, she raised one hand from Skydancer’s mane and lifted it to the sky. She felt out the clouds in the area and began pulling them to her. They would come in handy shortly.

Closer and closer the Color Castle came, until she was directly in front of the bridge. Skydancer halted, having followed his mistress’s command. Stormy looked down from her perch, and smirked. Rainbow and the Color Kids were there to greet her.

“What do you want?” Rainbow asked, staring back up at the strange girl, dressed in shades of grey. The only color on her was the bright lavender hair on her head. It seemed out of place with the rest of her clothing. Deep down, Rainbow had a feeling that this strange girl worked for Murky. She didn’t recall ever seeing her before.

“I want Rainbow Land for myself,” stated Stormy. “You’re in my way.”

Rainbow took a defensive stance. “You can’t have it. I’ll stop you.”

Thunder and lightning boomed and flashed ominously in the distance. No one made the connection that Stormy was the cause of the rapidly approaching storm. “I want you to race me,” she declared. “Your horse and my own.”

For a second, Rainbow froze. She had not expected to hear that. “Why a race?”

Stormy slid off of Skydancer. “You’ll race me,” she stated once more, pointing at Rainbow.

“I don’t think so,” injected another voice.

All eyes turned to the source, coming face to face with Murky, who held a strange gun with a long barrel.

“Murky!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“You’re none of my concern, Rainbow brat,” spat Murky before turning to face Stormy. “You are though!”

Stormy stared back at Murky, standing her ground. She didn’t say a word, only crossed her arms across her chest.

“You weren’t supposed to do this! I never told you to face Rainbow! If you were discovered, you were to make her trust you, not challenge her! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” ranted Murky, waving his gun in the air wildly.

“I wanted to do it my way,” retorted Stormy.

“And I’m going to fix that,” replied Murky, grinning. He aimed the barrel directly at Stormy and before another word could be spoken, he pulled the trigger. A dark grey cloud shot forth from the gun, coating Stormy.

Stormy coughed and fanned the air to get rid of the cloud. She started to reply to Murky, but her mind suddenly became blank, and she couldn’t remember what she was trying to say. She couldn’t remember why she was standing in front of Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. “I…”

“You will return to the Pits at once,” declared Murky. “And I’ll deal with you there. Get back on Skydancer and return at once.”

“Yes,” answered Stormy before climbing back onto Skydancer. Without another word, she turned the horse around and rode off to the Pits. Murky watched her go before he and Lurky disappeared down the road, not bothering to do anything to Rainbow or the Color Kids.

Rainbow stood frozen for a few moments, unsure of what had just taken place or what to think. Just as quickly as the girl had shown up, she’d left. She tried to speak, but couldn’t find her voice.

“She’s under some type of mind control concoction,” stated Shy Violet, putting into words what Rainbow couldn’t. “Interesting how it absorbs into the skin to take affect. Or perhaps it must be inhaled…” Shy Violet rubbed her chin as she contemplated the idea, fascinated.

“Rainbow?” asked Canary Yellow. “What do we do now?”

Finding her voice, Rainbow turned to face her friends. “I… I don’t know,” she admitted. Rainbow was in a position that she never thought she’d be in. This girl wanted to take Rainbow Land from her and all that she’d worked for, yet she was controlled by Murky when he wanted her to do his bidding. Right and wrong were blurred, and Rainbow didn’t know where to begin to untangle the web.

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:51 pm
by Tom-sprite
Hi Chibi Rachy !
Wow ... this is a thrilling story... I read chapter one and two and I ll go on with reading ... reading so much english words makes me feel a little exhausted but it s worth it ... I love your writing style and your imagination is extremely absorbing !!! :-)

I "lol-ed" at the point where you wrote that lurky wears converse-shoes Image ...

The scenery of chapter one is a little bit sinister but the atmosphere which is created out of that is brilliant ...
the flashbacks with Stormy and her mother are really cute ... I love all the little side-stories and nice messages ...
Chapter two felt like a real rainbow-brite story ... just a little bit more serious ...
I love the passage when rainbow wonders about the "sad storm " ...
This is all very entertaining ...
Thanks for uploading your stories ... great work !!!! Image Image Image Image

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:03 am
by Chibi Rachy
Tom-sprite wrote:Hi Chibi Rachy !
Wow ... this is a thrilling story... I read chapter one and two and I ll go on with reading ... reading so much english words makes me feel a little exhausted but it s worth it ... I love your writing style and your imagination is extremely absorbing !!! :-)

I "lol-ed" at the point where you wrote that lurky wears converse-shoes Image ...

The scenery of chapter one is a little bit sinister but the atmosphere which is created out of that is brilliant ...
the flashbacks with Stormy and her mother are really cute ... I love all the little side-stories and nice messages ...
Chapter two felt like a real rainbow-brite story ... just a little bit more serious ...
I love the passage when rainbow wonders about the "sad storm " ...
This is all very entertaining ...
Thanks for uploading your stories ... great work !!!! Image Image Image Image
Haha, the converse thing was the only way to describe his shoes easily. Glad you like what you've read so far. You've only got 15 more chapters to go! At least, until I add another chapter in the future. If you liked the side stories in the beginning, you'll really enjoy the later chapters then. Thanks much for the feedback :)

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:02 pm
by Tom-sprite
Chapter "3" is a little gloomy but very interesting also ! :-D

Do you think Lurky would really force Stormy to drink Murkys mixture in the way you described it ...
I don t know if Lurky and the German equivalent "Schleichmichel" have the same characteristics ... maybe the american version of Lurky is a little bit more a weak-willed servant or a litlle bit more evil ....
I don t know... or it s just your fantasy !? ;-)

Murkys unthoughtful evil behaviour is demonstrated very well in chapter 3 ...

the last scene featuring the colour-kids totally inspired my fantasy !!! :-D

Great work ... I really feel extremely entertained .... Image

Re: Lost Storms

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:31 pm
by Tom-sprite
I read chapter "4" ...

The scene where Murky gets afraid of Stormy and tries to get into safety is really funny !!!! :-D

One really has to hate Murky after reading chapter 4 ... he is a extremely horrible schmuck !
