The Color Kid Diaries

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: The Color Kid Diaries

Post by Chibi Rachy »

TheWendybird wrote:
Chibi Rachy wrote:
TheWendybird wrote:That was lovely. I love the night...I like it more than the day personally. Yay for the moon and stars...Moonglo is one talented girl :) Not too long ago I had a dream that took place at night...with a glowing rainbow and lightning...I like to think all the elements combined were Rainbow, Stormy and Moonglo lol There is more to the dream than that but yeah lol
Glad you liked it. Moonglo's always fun to write about... something about her seems so reflective at times and yet she also feels like such a giving character too. Very gentle as well.
She's very mellow and sweet-like :)
Yes, definitely. I just finished Buddy Blue so I will probably post Patty O'Green's this weekend, maybe sooner if I finish another Kid too. If you have any ideas for the first set of entries for a Kid that's not been done, just post 'em in the concept thread for this series. I do love input from my readers

"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: The Color Kid Diaries

Post by Chibi Rachy »

It's the weekend and I'm quite cheerful for it not even being 8 AM yet. Though I also think this could have something do to with me going to bed at 10 PM because of extreme exhaustion and a headache. But! I give you Patty O'Green's entry. Hers was fun to write. Enjoy!

Patty O’Green
Spring XXXX, #1

Thank goodness for a day off! Spreading color across Rainbow Land is fun, but I love when I can just relax. Bringing green to everything can be hard. There’s so much green that’s needed. Trees, plants, and grass, and reptiles too. Lucky and I are always busy when Spring comes. At least today wasn’t spring cleaning. I hate spring cleaning. Cleaning up my room is a chore. Everything I’ve stored in my closet falls out and I get buried in it. It’s always so frustrating! Rainbow always says I should organize my closet, but that’s just too much work. Besides, I can still find anything in my mess.

Anyway, Lucky and I were wandering around Rainbow Land, trying to find something to do. It’s not often that we get a day off for fun and play, so I wanted to make sure it was a fun day. Lucky didn’t have any ideas for me either. We sat down in the grass, underneath the shade of one of my favorite trees. It was one of the biggest and greenest trees in Green Grange. I crossed my legs in front of me and put my hands behind my bed. Sometimes it was so hard to think of something fun. I watched the clouds pass over in the sky. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lala Orange skipping along the path. She was with OJ. I heard her say that they were going to Rainbow River to collect some stones.

Suddenly, I had a great idea. I whispered my plan to Lucky and he laughed too. This was going to be a great joke. We rushed back to the Color Castle and up to my room. I opened my closet, and everything fell onto my head. I wasn’t frustrated this time though. I searched through the pile until I found what I was looking for – a medium sized black rubber spider. I giggled and tossed it to Lucky, who jumped. I told him it wasn’t real, but he still kept looking at it, afraid it would start crawling on him. Next, I found my brown string. I had dyed it brown a few weeks ago because it would blend in better than when it was white. I left my stuff out. I’d put it away later.

I tied the spider to the string and showed Lucky my great joke. We headed for Rainbow River, sneaking along the way. We snuck past Rainbow sleeping with Twink and went further down. I found Lala by a large shady tree. I was hidden by a clump of bushes and whispered my trick once more to Lucky. He would climb the tree, since he would be quieter and quicker than me. Lucky scampered for the tree with the spider on the stick in his mouth. He quickly climbed up and I watched from behind, holding my hand over my mouth.

Lucky climbed the tree and began to unwind the spider slowly and lowered it. Lala Orange sat along the bank, her shoes sitting up on the grass. She had waded into the water and was bent over, hands searching the water for pretty stones. Lucky crawled out on the nearest branch and dangled the spider lower and lower, until it appeared to creep upon Lala’s shoulders. Within seconds Lala cried out in fear and swatted at the spider, losing her balance in the process. OJ tried to help her up. I giggled loudly, unable to hide my laughter. It gave me away and Lala quickly found me in the bushes.

She wasn’t very happy with me and was kinda upset. I didn’t mean to do that. I told her I was sorry, but she wasn’t very happy still. I showed her my spider on a stick that Lucky had brought back and she tried using it. She made it crawl on Lucky and that scared him. Then she tried it on OJ, who also didn’t like it very much. She giggled and I smiled at her. I offered to help her find stones in the river and she agreed. So I took off my boots and waded into the river beside Lala. Lucky followed me. We spent the afternoon finding the shiniest, prettiest stones. I didn’t really know what the difference was, but Lala said there was.

We walked back to the castle that afternoon, a bag of stones between us. Lala carried my spider on a stick and danced it along the path. She was having fun with it. She went to her room and I went to mine. I was greeted with the sight of my closet, and all the mess piled up in front of it. I put my hands on my hips, remembering that I didn’t put any of it away. I fumed. Ohhh… tricks are fun but cleaning my room is not!

Keep an eye out for Lala Orange's companion entry to this!

"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: The Color Kid Diaries/Buddy Blue

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Feeling very cheerful yet again, so you get the next entry a few days early. I'm currently working on Red Butler and may have him finished soon enough. I'm not sure who I'll do next after him...

Buddy Blue
Spring XXXX, #1

I rose bright and early, even earlier than I would on a normal day. I was excited for today. Rainbow had given us the day off to do as we wanted and I was going to spend it exercising, the best way to spend a day. I had it all planned out. Champ and I were going to have a nice breakfast of fruits. Then we’d pack a lunch and plenty of water before going back to my room to stretch and lift dumbbells. We were going on a run around Rainbow Land, and some of the blue sprites were going with us. I was excited; everyone should take part in our run. I asked the other Kids to join us, but each of them had something they wanted to do instead. So I gathered some blue sprites and we were all going for a fun run.

I grabbed my lucky blue headband and headed for the door. Champ followed me, excited. No one else was up in the Color Castle, not even Rainbow. We snuck by each room and as I went toward the kitchen, I passed Moonglo, who was grabbing something to eat before heading to bed. She yawned and waved at me, and told me to have fun today. I grinned and told her she should join us when she woke up. She declined, saying that she and Nite Sprite had to mine more nite sprinkles later that day. I don’t even think she was going to enjoy her day off.

After a good breakfast, Champ and I packed a vegetable lunch. The garden was growing nicely, and I knew a nice mix of vegetables and sandwiches would be great. I added in some fruit for something sweet and Champ and I headed back to my room. I loaded our lunch in a small pack and then we set to work. We stretched out before lifting dumbbells. Champ and I had been working extra hard now that Spring had arrived. We worked for around a half hour before heading off to meet the other sprites. We found them outside the Color Castle. I did some warm-ups with them and then told them the route we’d take, one that’d lead us around the valley before we picnicked in one of the open fields in Green Grange. It was an easy run, especially since we’d been able to get some sprites to go along with us.

Off we started and I felt the cool breeze on my face and found my muscles enjoying the run. Champ was able to keep pace beside me. I turned to watch the other sprites. They were doing all right. I’d worked with them before on running exercises. I wasn’t sure if they’d last though. We took an easy jog along one of the dirt paths out from the Color Castle. Every so often, I’d slow to a walk. This gave the sprites a bit of time to catch their breath. I didn’t want to make them hate running, so we took it easy. I watched the scenery pass by and looked to the blue sky above. A nice blue with a few white clouds. Perfect weather for running.

By lunch time, the sprites were exhausted. I’d forgotten that they wouldn’t last near as long as Champ and I. They weren’t used to running like we were. We did a cool down stretch and then I told them that they could head back to the Color Castle after lunch and we’d walk the rest of the way if they wanted. Many wanted to do this, but some wanted to stick with the run and finish. We all dug in to our lunches. Even though I hadn’t been able to run as fast as I had wanted, I was still starving.

We all walked back to the Color Castle that afternoon, and I told all the sprites about how much fun running was, and how good it was for them. I pointed out things on the path we were on, and told where it would lead to. I made sure to tell them it would be a good practice path to take. I also talked about all the different exercises they could do too. I was so happy that they wanted to run. Champ also helped to explain things.

We reached the Color Castle in the late afternoon. All the blue sprites ran off to their homes. I looked at Champ and he knew that I still wanted to run. So we took off at full speed down the main road that would lead to the edge of the Pits and then raced back to the Color Castle. I plopped onto the grass after we’d cooled down with a light jog. I was tired by this point, but my body felt so good. Champ rested against my side. There’s nothing like a good run to get your heart pumping. I can’t think of a better way to spend a day off. Can you?

"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire
