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Re: Clashing Colors

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:37 am
by SwordKing
Magnetic Powder in hand, Rainbow Brite and her friends headed back to Rainbowland.

"I must say," Starlite mused. "I'm more than a bit surprised Silvern agreed to help us."

"I'm not." Rainbow answered. "Silvern Gold may be unfriendly. But he knows if you don't help others with their problems, they could become YOUR problems."

"We're not out of the woods yet." Krys added. "We still need a way to get the powder on the Wicked Prince."

"True. Say, is turning people against each other his only trick?" Rainbow asked.

"No, that's just his favorite way to make trouble. He has other tactics." As Starlite and On-X got closer to Rainbowland, Krys explained to Rainbow all the different ways the Wicked Prince would cause trouble for the worlds he visited. Rainbow Brite listened closely, then snapped her fingers.

"Hey, I think I've got an idea!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, but it'll have to wait until we get back to Color Castle. We're going to need Violet's help."


A few hours later, Krys was outside Color Castle, apparently admiring On-X's new shine. Just then, Shy Violet exited the castle and approached Krys.

"Say Krys, Rainbow said you should tell me what tricks the Wicked Prince might try if he can't find anyone else to turn against each other."

"Hmm, that's a good idea." Krys took off his helmet and scratched the back of his head. "Well, his second-favorite tactic is releasing trapped or sealed monsters. But I doubt there's anything like that in Rainbowland." Violet shuddered.

"Oh, but Krys, there IS a monster sealed here. The... The... The Monstromurk."

"The Monstromurk?"

"Uh-huh. Murky made the Monstromurk seven hundred years ago to drain all the color from Rainbowland. But when he found out he couldn't control the Monstromurk, Murky trapped it in a bottle."

"Well, the Prince usually isn't interested in people who are already foul tempered. So he probably won't go to the Pits."

"But there's more! A few months ago, before we met you, the Monstromurk got loose. It caused all sorts of trouble and it took all of us to put it back in the bottle. The way things are now, I doubt we'd win if it got free again."

"Where's the Monstromurk now?"

"Rainbow keeps the bottle locked in a safe in her closet."

"That sounds safe enough. Come on, let's go make sure the Wicked Prince doesn't start anything between the Sprites." As the two went off with On-X, the entrance of Color Castle swung open.

"Fools, you couldn't stop me from doing that, or anything else I want to do here!" A boasful voice came out of nowhere. "And NO safe is safe from the Wicked Prince. Time for the Monstromurk to come out and play! Mwehaha!"

To Be Continued...