The Writter

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Major Ursa
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The Writter

Post by Major Ursa »

Here's a fan-fic that is all about a writer of Rainbow Brite fan-fics.

I may not be Howard Cowen, but at least I have written more stories than he has episodes. Rainbowland is my home (at least in my mind). But even from my Highland Springs quarters, I can take a trip there any day I want. I am the writter, mastermind of many Rainbow brite fan-fics. I'm that stealthy guy that comes in and writes out the fates of every character. I can make a cute touching story. Or it can be a dramtic or adventurous story. Or I can do what I do best, humilliate Murkwell Dismal every which way I can. I can get away with these things because I live by one important rule that expect Murkwell to obey.

Important rule of the Writter #!: I am the writter. I am God. DEAL WITH IT!

Of course this guy likes to be called Murky. I can be felxable with that. But remembering all the other stories and episodes both on TV and the movies about him. He's got determination, guts, and a mind of steel. He'll do anything to get Rainbow Brite and take over Rainbowland. He's got the power to do it. He's mean, lean, and ready to murk out the universe.

And he also has bad breath.

And he also has a brown furry creature named Lurky. All I can say that he's dumber than a box of rocks (and he had BO too). But his partner in crime can be a real pain to Murky. But that's why I enjoy doing bad things to those two. I make sure that another rule is played out.

Important rule #2: Every plan of Murky Dismal always ends in failure. An iornclad guarantee for the good guys.

Subclause 1: It applies to other villains too.

And if Rainbowland was like a shirt, those two morons would be ring around the collar.

So as I begin to write up another adventure, I look at all things to inspire me for a story. Sometimes it could be a cartoon, or a comercial, or whatever I can think of. But when Murky complains, I make sure he remembers the number one rule. I also love the fact that he is a glutton for punishment A genuine glutton for punishment.

But now I must rest. But I'll be back for more.

To be continued.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Major Ursa
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Re: The Writter

Post by Major Ursa »

Part 2

OK. Enough on the bad guys. Now the good guys.

The heroes of Rainbowland live here in this colorful place as well as Earth and Spectra. I always thing of Rainbow Brite as the big cheese of this colorful world. Whit her friends the Color Kids and some special kids, they make Rainbowland run like clockwork. But as always, Mr. Wet Blanket (otherwise known as Murky Dismal) tries to ruin things. But he also has to remember this rule.

Rainbow and her friends always win.

Thankfuly for fan-fics, I made an insurance policy. And his name is Major Ursa. A nice brown Teddy Bear (offten known as a Bruinian) that can kick bad guy but when neccesary. And anytime Murkwell hits, it's neccesary. Often I have him in a Ranger hat and shirt with black boots with no pants. Some times he can be cute without any clothes.

He can get away with it because he's a bear after all.

He's the head ranger of an area called Rainbowland Forest. He also has some Sprites that can talk in English and Sprite talk. They include three guy and one girl Sprite who are named after tress, U.S. national parks, or vallies. They are as faithful and hard working as the regular sprites. And they continue serving when thier boss is hibernating.

Once again, hes a bear.

The best thing is that Major is well loved by all. His best friend is Stormy. He also blushes when he is kissed by the girls. But the best thing is that he can give Murkwell the Ol' black belt treatment. For when I created the storylines, I had Major be an expert on all forms of the Martial Arts.

This bear definatlly carries some Whoop-butt when it comes to Murky.

That's all I could think of. See you in the fan-fics.

The End.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.
