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Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:41 am
by KissesoftheRainbow
Hey guys....I'm not nearly as active on the boards as I was way back when but I still love stopping by and seeing what everyone's up to not to mention looking at pictures of everyone's collection. A little bit about me I'm 19 and I'm studying Journalism at Indiana nickname growing up was Rainbow....although I didn't grow up watching Rainbow Brite on tv, the local video store had all of the RB tapes and needless to say with free kids rentals I got hooked. I make custom dolls but just don't have the time or patience anymore to really do them. I'm mad that other 80s nostalgia like Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake dominate the stores while poor Rainbow is stuck in the dark with a few poorly made retros...hopefully the ones coming up will be good....feel free to contact me anytime...I am very busy but I will answer (eventually ) I'd post a picure of myself but have yet to figure out how to not make them huge and would feel weird posting a huge picture of

Re: KissesoftheRainbow

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:53 am
by Major Ursa
Hey there! Welcome to our new home.

Re: KissesoftheRainbow

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:56 am
by Dialga-Brite
hi, welcome again!

Re: KissesoftheRainbow

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:24 pm
by SunSpire
Nothing wrong with huge pictures as long as they are not larger than yourself, lol

Welcome back to the forums!! :)


Re: KissesoftheRainbow

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:06 pm
by Starlitefan
*Trots in...late as usual* Welcome to the forums! I am Starlitefan and I welcome you here!

Re: KissesoftheRainbow

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:39 pm
by Sarah
Hi! I'm Sarah! Nice to meet you! : ) I'm 27. I'd tell you my school story but it's long and complicated. I've never had a nickname. I don't know why. I've always just been Sarah ; ) I grew up with Rainbow Brite, although I must have been very young, toddler - early elementary school. You make custom dolls? : ) That is so cool! : ) I love custom things, and I love the idea behind it, the uniqueness of it. I love nostalgia, especially the 80's! : ) I also love cartoons, and especially 80's cartoons. : )