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New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:32 am
by Buddy Blue
I just registered to leave a comment to the (really great) fanmade story tape project thing, but I guess, now I´m kind of "in the spell" of this site (being surprised of what a great heart&soul-community for Rainbow Brite there is) and wanted do do a short introduction on myself.

Well, I´m from germany and I don´t really know how good or bad my english is, but I hope, it´s understandable and not too confusing :)

I have to confess, that I´ve never been a Rainbow Brite Fan. As a kid, I remember having had one of those (I guess he was lavender or blue and had a hat) sprites, but I never listened to the cassettes or watched the cartoon. My pleasure was (and still is) for He-Man and She-Ra. I always knew of Rainbow Brite Stuff to exist, but as they were "just Dolls" they did not gather my Interest too much.

When I grew up, all my "Kid´s Stuff" disappreared over the years and I did not spend even a thought on them for almost ten years. I don´t really know why, but one day, I sat at my PC - I must have been about 23 or 24 - and clicked a bit through ebay. That was the day I - just for fun and just because it kinda reminded me of my childhood - bought a She-Ra Action Figure for a few Euros.

That was the day it all began and i got the totally fever of buying back all of those things I loved so much when I was a kid.

It started with She-Ra and He-Man Figures, went over to Smurfs, Batman and Golden Girl and led to the discovery of Big Jim.

I love collection that stuff. I cannot spend too much money on this, but I´m always very happy when I discover something missing on my collection on ebay for a "normal" price, so over the years it grew and grew.

One day, not too long ago, I got a package from ebay with different 80s stuff (I usually keep a few things which are missing to my collection and put the rest back on ebay). In it was a story tape of Rainbow Brite.

As I like audio books a lot, I listened to it. I have to say, I did not like it too much. It wasn´t bad, but a bit over the top. However, I liked it enough to wanted to hear more, so I bought more tapes and my Interest in Rainbow Brite grew. I still think the tape-series is by far not the best ever made (to be honest, it´s not even good), but it´s kinda fun listening to and what is even more important: I fell in love with Rainbow Land.

The next step was watching the cartoon, which had a too small number of episodes I think. Then I watched the movie which is great I think.

For a while, I thought about trying to buy that little lavender (or was he blue?) sprite on ebay, but then again I thought this would be too childish. Okay, I collect He-Man and so on, but they are Action-Figures - these are I decided against it.

Instead I discovered that there are smaller figures of Rainbow Brite (like smurfs) and I chose to collect them.

So I did, but I was kinda disapointed, because only very few charakters are available as those smuf-size figures and I soon wanted more.

Again on ebay I placed bets on some sprites (okay, they are still dolls, but I can place them somewhere not too striking in my "collecting-room"...maybe...). I placed only 1 or 2 euros on each, without really thinking of winning an auction - but I did! I won a white small one with a hat and a bigger blue one (a girl).

Well, they arrieved yesterday. They are (to me) in a very good condition and I cannot do anything, but really liking them (especially the white one - he´s now sitting on my desk and watching me writing :).

So now: I officially surrender. I want more and no matter how childish this is, but I´ll try to buy some more on ebay (if any visitor ever wonders, I can call them precious collectior´s items instead of dolls, can´t I? ;)

By the way, maybe someone here can help me out: Is there a good website out there, where I can find out, which Rainbow Brite Items exist? A kind of collector´s guide. I know about Rainbow Brite herself, 9 color kids and sprites in each of the kid´s colours (always a big and a small one I guess). Then the two bad guys, the horse and the smurf-size figures. But a complete (and comprehensive) guide would be great. So if anyone knows, please tell me.

Whoo, now I´m tired from typing - so this is all for now :)

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:49 am
by Rainbowbrite84
Hey welcome to the forum! Hope you have fun here :)

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:49 am
by Maki
Hi Buddy Blue, welcoem to the Fourms. I'm Maki from Atlantic Canada.

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:48 pm
Hey Buddy Blue!

I've put some new Rainbow Brite pages together, hopefully they can help. I've put a character list here:

and a page about the Sprites here:

If you're interested in collectibles, I have a page about that too:

Hopefully that will give you a good starting point. Don't forget and too!

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:18 pm
by Rainbow Brite UK
Buddy Blue wrote:

By the way, maybe someone here can help me out: Is there a good website out there, where I can find out, which Rainbow Brite Items exist? A kind of collector´s guide. I know about Rainbow Brite herself, 9 color kids and sprites in each of the kid´s colours (always a big and a small one I guess). Then the two bad guys, the horse and the smurf-size figures. But a complete (and comprehensive) guide would be great. So if anyone knows, please tell me.

I know of two guides that are really deep.

1: galacticatt's Ebay page :It is very indepth with photos, and details on collecting figures and even has info on un-released products.

2: 80's toy sale : Photos of almost every product available. Most are from old ebay auctions so the quality isn't fantastic, but it does have the most comprehensive guide I've seen.

Hope this helps!
Have a Rainbow Day!

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:10 pm
by Buddy Blue
Thanks a lot for the information and sites. I knew there has to be more, but I didn´t expect it to be that much. I also did not know there was a 2003 toyline.

I´ve decided to collect the 10" dolls with sprites, the 10" sprites and the hatful sprites.

I bought a Shy Violet and a Patty O Green on ebay today. They seem to be in good condition, but are sadly they missing their little sprites, but I got them for 2,50euro each - I guss that´s o.k. then.

Is it right, that the hatful sprites are exactly the same as the normal sprites (besides the clothing)? If it´s true, I just have to take the hat off to have a normal sprite, right?

For some reason I don´t really like the girl sprites too much, but that might change - often the things I don´t like, or don´t even want to collect turn out to be my most beloved collector´s items in the end, so who knows what I might think about the girls sprites in a few weeks :)

There´s a black sprite on ebay, but I guess this must be not an original sprite, as I nowhere found any information on a black sprite - what do you think?.

I like the 2003 toys too - I guess if one from that line will cross my way, I may start collection them too.

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:13 pm
by Buddy Blue
By the way: Most of you have a picture under their names. How can I do that? I looked in the "my profile" section but couldn´t find out how to upload one.

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:38 pm
by FanChan
Buddy Blue wrote:By the way: Most of you have a picture under their names. How can I do that? I looked in the "my profile" section but couldn´t find out how to upload one.

In the profile area, there's a menu on the left with an option called My Avatar. That's where you'd pick an existing avatar or upload one.

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:46 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Welcome to the boards, Buddy Blue :) Hope you'll stick around and post more! The links given to you will be a big help. The amount of merchandise for the RB area is quite huge so it usually takes a bit to figure out what you really want. I started collecting things that I could easily store, such as the books and records. I only have 3 dolls - a 2k3 large Rainbow, a vintage 10 inch Rainbow, and a custom Stormy.

Never worry about what you collect because it always makes for interesting conversation. I have a few Power Ranger toys on a shelf in my living room with some signed CDs and people always stare at that. I should start collecting more RB stuff again, but right now my focus is on a favorite anime of mine. Keep up the collecting though, and do share your stuff on the collecting area of the board!

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:43 pm
by Clinozoisite
Welcome! Your English is fabulous -- how many years did you study English in school?