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Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:32 pm
by Allison
I found the new board! For those of you who don't know me, I've been a member for many years, going back two boards. I'm 29 years old, married to a great guy, and have a baby daughter. I've loved Rainbow Brite since I was a little girl and have a pretty large vintage collection. I don't post very often (busy with work and life) but pop in every week or so. Glad to see everyone again and I hope the rest of our members find their way here!

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:11 pm
by Major Ursa
I believe I remember you. Welcome to our new home.

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:10 pm
by Starlitefan
*Trots in*

Welcome to the new board, Allison! I don't believe we've met. So if we have not, *bows head* my name is Starlite and I welcome you here!

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:53 pm
by Sarah
Hi! I'm Sarah! Nice to meet you! : ) I'm 27, and I am completely single. ; ) I LOVE being single, and will be perfectly happy if it stays that way : ) :rbsmile: