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The Noobinator™

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:36 am
Hi everyone!

Been a member since 25-December 06, and I haven't introduced my self yet.
My friends call me "Fer" but people mispronounce it as "Fur" and I don't like it when that happens... I prefer to be called Andy.

I love videogames and I own just about every gaming console, except the current generation ones. I used to be a hardcore gamer but now,I barely have time to play videogames due to work.

I collect Toys; mostly Transformers, videogames related, and Diecast Camaro Cars. I grew up in the 80's, guided by my favorite heroes (Optimus Prime and the Care Bears).

But one very exceptional heroine got me out of the dismal world I was in; brought about when I lost my parents...Rainbow Brite. She's an angel, and God sent her to inspire and give me hope. Anyway, that's how I see it. :rbsmile:

May your day be, Rainbow Brite!

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:47 am
by Major Ursa
I remember you. I'm Major Ursa from Highland Springs, Virginia. I like to to Microsoft Train Simulator, collect die cast vehicles (primarily Nascar race cars), collect Teddy Bears, and a fan of many cartoons (Rainbow Brite and Looney Tunes are my favorite).

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:01 am
by Radiant Bridge
Hi Andy, welcome back! I'm from Pennsylvania, United States. I'm very sorry that you lost your parents. It was great that Rainbow Brite came through for you. That is her magic, having the ability to bring comfort to darkness. She and her friends have helped me during similar times.

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:42 pm
Major Ursa wrote:I remember you. I'm Major Ursa from Highland Springs, Virginia. I like to to Microsoft Train Simulator, collect die cast vehicles (primarily Nascar race cars), collect Teddy Bears, and a fan of many cartoons (Rainbow Brite and Looney Tunes are my favorite).
Hi there Major Ursa!

Glad you remembered. I'm not that active, but I check out the forums when I'm online.
I have a couple of Dale Earnhardt Sr and Dale Earnhardt Jr Diecast NASCAR Camaro cars (1/24 and 1/64 scales) along with the their Mac Farlane figures.

I used to play railroad tycoon and an import Japanese train simulator on my Dreamcast.

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:52 pm
Radiant Bridge wrote:Hi Andy, welcome back! I'm from Pennsylvania, United States. I'm very sorry that you lost your parents. It was great that Rainbow Brite came through for you. That is her magic, having the ability to bring comfort to darkness. She and her friends have helped me during similar times.
Thanks! Nice name by the way, reminds me of a top down shooter called Radiant Silver Gun. Jawsome game!

It was tough losing my parents but I've grown not to be too dependent on others and strive to do my best. I'm still much fortunate than some who grew up not knowing their parents. I miss them but I know they're in a better place. I have grown up to look at the brighter side of things. In our darkest hours, friends and family are there to help us out.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Happy New Year! :rbsmile:

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:25 pm
by Wolf Ranger
Happy new year to you too Andy. it's also good to see RB be used to help people through the hard times in life.

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:58 pm
by Starlitefan
*Trots in* Welcome to Rainbowland!

My name is Starlitefan and I welcome you here! :D

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:31 pm
by Sarah
Hi Andy!! My name is Sarah! Nice to meet you! I'm a new member here! I've always just been Sarah. I don't know why, but I've never had a nickname. I love toys! I grew up in the 80's as well. I was born in 1981, so that makes me 27. I love how special Rainbow Brite is. I think that she was 'sent' to me also - not for the same reasons as yours, but for many reasons of my own that are way to long and complicated to begin telling you here. I plan to be rich a famous one day, mainly by writing autobiograpies, publishing, public speaking, and 'campaigning' (and anything else that I need to do), so you can always find out that way ; )
I look forward to chatting with you. : )

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:28 am
So sorry everyone, I've been so busy lately. Haven't had the chance to check this section again until now!

Thanks for sharing Sarah!
Let me tell you a story... about Rainbow Brite and Me.

Do you think Rainbow Brite is an angel?
I was 16 when my father died, since then I became so confused and lost as if I am in a void.

One night I had a weird dream. It was dark sort of like 3am. I saw my father walking across the street when a mystical ray of light from the sky showered down on him and then he vanished. All that's left are floating tiny fireflies.

He wasn't taken by aliens, but I had to make sure.

I ran toward the spot where I last saw him and looked up the sky. There I saw some clouds lit up like the sunset and on it was a sailboat made of clouds. I saw a young girl who looked like Rainbow Brite but she was dressed in white shimmering silk like garments that illuminates with the rainbow's colors and the clouds around her changed colors like the brilliance of light coming through rippling water.

She looked down on me and suddenly my view of her shifted as if I was lifted up until our eyes were level. She spoke in a whispering like softness that you couldn't almost hear but it feels like she's speaking close to your ears. "It's going to be OK", she said.

The ship's sails and the clouds around it began to move. I watched it sail away into the sunrise then my view slowly shifted like I was descending. It speeds up until it felt like I was falling!

I woke up and discovered I was just dreaming, but it felt so real. I got up and looked outside my window. it was still dark and I could see the same street in my dream, dimly lit by a single lamp post. I drank a glass of water and got back to bed. Still got school that morning.

In the afternoon after classes, I decided to go to the local bookstore.
I looked around and checked out some latest releases until I found my self in the Hallmark greeting cards section. I suddenly got the urge to look through some posters that caught my attention. I began to sift through them, and there it was.

"May your day be rainbow bright!"

It's a Rainbow Brite poster!
I bought 3 of the same kind that day and I didn't know why. I rushed back home and placed one of them on my room's wall and kept the other 2 rolled up behind my study table.

I'll Show you what it looks like now... some other day.
Thanks for reading! Image

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:44 pm
by TheWendybird
SEGAGIGA wrote:So sorry everyone, I've been so busy lately. Haven't had the chance to check this section again until now!

Thanks for sharing Sarah!
Let me tell you a story... about Rainbow Brite and Me.

Do you think Rainbow Brite is an angel?
I was 16 when my father died, since then I became so confused and lost as if I am in a void.

One night I had a weird dream. It was dark sort of like 3am. I saw my father walking across the street when a mystical ray of light from the sky showered down on him and then he vanished. All that's left are floating tiny fireflies.

He wasn't taken by aliens, but I had to make sure.

I ran toward the spot where I last saw him and looked up the sky. There I saw some clouds lit up like the sunset and on it was a sailboat made of clouds. I saw a young girl who looked like Rainbow Brite but she was dressed in white shimmering silk like garments that illuminates with the rainbow's colors and the clouds around her changed colors like the brilliance of light coming through rippling water.

She looked down on me and suddenly my view of her shifted as if I was lifted up until our eyes were level. She spoke in a whispering like softness that you couldn't almost hear but it feels like she's speaking close to your ears. "It's going to be OK", she said.

The ship's sails and the clouds around it began to move. I watched it sail away into the sunrise then my view slowly shifted like I was descending. It speeds up until it felt like I was falling!

I woke up and discovered I was just dreaming, but it felt so real. I got up and looked outside my window. it was still dark and I could see the same street in my dream, dimly lit by a single lamp post. I drank a glass of water and got back to bed. Still got school that morning.

In the afternoon after classes, I decided to go to the local bookstore.
I looked around and checked out some latest releases until I found my self in the Hallmark greeting cards section. I suddenly got the urge to look through some posters that caught my attention. I began to sift through them, and there it was.

"May your day be rainbow bright!"

It's a Rainbow Brite poster!
I bought 3 of the same kind that day and I didn't know why. I rushed back home and placed one of them on my room's wall and kept the other 2 rolled up behind my study table.

I'll Show you what it looks like now... some other day.
Thanks for reading! Image

I think she's real :) I had an interesting dream last fall. Me and Starvoyager were at his parents...and to cut a long story short...this guy i hate came and took me away when Starvoyager was talking to his parents in their room or something. He drove me away and I was upset and screaming at him to take me back to the house. We stopped next to this lake....this is all at NIGHT...keep this in mind.

I get out of the car and I'm standing there and in the corner of my eye I see I turn toward looks like faerie dust or star sprinkles or something falling from clouds in the distance..i'm thinking star sprinkles due to the nature of this dream and how I could see it from such a distance compared to what faerie dust would be. It's like this brief shower of sprinkles or something....and i look back over to my left and there is this BRILLIANT glowing sparkling and squiggly rainbow in the NIGHT sky.....squiggly meaning...up and down like a few small hills or something. It fades away and I panic...then suddenly the clouds or the sky or something (pretty sure it was clouds but it was all black cause it was night) opens up and these golden rays of light come out and create a new normal looking rainbow...a full arch one....i look above me and there is this clustered ball of lightning (stormy? lol) and all of a sudden I get this surge of strength and I yell at this guy who shall remain nameless to take me back to Starvoyager...i get really savage about it at this point and he takes me back. I run in the house and there he is looking SOOOOOOO sad and I go to him and get all affectionate...i look outside and for some reason there are ASTEROIDS floating low to the ground..a bunch of perhaps 6 feet long potato looking rocks lol I have NO idea what those were about...(Moonglo? lol I dunno) anyhow I knew in the dream the rainbow stuff was Rainbow....I'll never forget it.

There have been a couple kinda weird awake incidents too. The thing I've always found interesting is...I was in "The Tempest" here with a local theatre back in the director had changed the time period it was set in and what not...he also changed who certain spirits and the other couple were turned into mute circus performers...but originally it says we were because we were mute our lines were no longer in the show...i just went with the director on this stuff and never really read about what I "actually" was playing.....and so a while back now..I was looking up about the character I had played in the show ...who's name was Iris....and I discover she's the "goddess of the rainbow". Then i start figuring....maybe Rainbow Brite is Iris in one of her forms...if Iris is real....perhaps they are interchangable? I found this kinda interesting. Anyhow Iris can be read about on I just found that kinda interesting for the concept of perhaps Rainbow is real etc