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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:10 am
by Watercolor
Name: WaterColor

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Location: Florida

Fan since: 1983

Member of online Fandom since: 2001

Collection: Mostly sold 2006 to fund purchase of OWN life.

Prized collectable: My Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealers Film Cels ( Note: NOT Production Film Cels, but Projector Film Cels from the theaters. )

Childhood Trade Mark: Rainbow heart necklace with an "R" in the middle, Rainbow Shirts (I have a BUNCH of me wearing a rainbow of some kind)

1st or most memorable Rainbow Brite item: My 18" Rainbow Brite Doll and Twink Doll I got for my 5th Birthday (1985) Rainbow Brite Bike: July 1985 (I rode that bike until I was 7 and too big to ride it anymore, it literaly fell apart I rode it so much.)

Most resent Rainbow Brite Collectable: The 2003 Hot Topic 20th Anniversery Doll. My best friend and mother surprised me by going all the way to the closest HotTopic (IN ATLANTA -2 hrs from my home) to get it.

Known on Rainbow Brite Fandom for: Not much, I wrote the fanfiction "Rainbow Brite and the Mirror of Shadows", and am the voice of Twink in the Rainbow Brite Tape, Sunspire translated.

Board Members I have Met: I've spoken to SunSpire on the phone, and Met "Rainbow Brite" Katy Cartee Nov 2006.

Goals for the Future: Not sure, we will see. ;)

Re: Watercolor

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:37 pm
by SunSpire
"teehee!" welcome aboard again :)


Re: Watercolor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:29 am
by Major Ursa
Welcome to our new home.

Re: Watercolor

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:21 am
by Wolf Ranger

Re: Watercolor

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:03 pm
by Starlitefan
*Trots in...late as usual* Welcome to the forums! I am Starlitefan and I welcome you here!

Re: Watercolor

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:40 am
by *C9*
OOOh what do the film cels look like I wanna see >.<

Re: Watercolor

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:34 am
by Sarah
Hi! My name is Sarah! Nice to meet you! I love your intro, so I'll kind of comment on yours, as well as include mine! : )

Name: Sarah (it is actually Sarah. Ha! ha!)

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Location: Manitoba, Canada, but I want to be in Las Vegas! : )
*you live in Florida!? You lucky girl! I'd love to visit Florida one day, but doesn't it get really humid there? I wear orthopedic braces on my knees, and humidity with braces is no fun!

Fan since: umm, I don't know? when did Rainbow Brite first come out? since then ; )

Member of online Fandom since: well, sometime in the early 2000's, but I'm brand new to this forum! : )

Collection: well, it's not much of a collection, but: rainbow brite keychain, yellow sprite key chain, green sprite key chain, rainbow brite and starlight and twink plush set, rainbow brite birthday card, starstealer movie poster, journal/notebook, books, and coloring books (photocopied, colored, and most are on my walls!). Pretty much what I've got is from the 2003/2004 stuff. I will get rid of this when the relaunch this year happens. I like to keep my life new and fresh! : )

Prized collectable: wow! you must have the coolest collectable on the forum! Way to go! Umm, me? do my laminated coloring (with original crayola markers!) pages count? I love to look at them! : ) ha! ha!

Childhood Trade Mark: well, my 'trade mark' as a child was probably being 'like a doll'. I was always very small, and I laughed a lot (still do!), and had rosy cheeks, and was very cute. : ) but in terms of rainboweyness? I've always loved rainbows, and extremely bright and 'thick' colors!

1st or most memorable Rainbow Brite item: for my 5th? birthday, I got a bright red Rainbow Brite balloon. My baba was comming by bus to visit, and so we all went to wait at the end of the driveway to meet her, and I wanted to show her my balloon. I accidentaly let go of the balloon, and it was gone : ( I cried for days : ( I still don't think I'm over that! I'd probably give anything to get that balloon back!

Most resent Rainbow Brite Collectable: hmm, the poster?

Known on Rainbow Brite Fandom for: I'm so new, I'm not sure what I'm known for! ha! ha! maybe my laughing! or exclamation points! or my happy faces : ) or my positivity? You'll all have to tell me! ha! ha!

Board Members I have Met: nobody, although I may have been near C9, and not known it! : )

Goals for the Future: Too many to list!! be rich and famous, and to save the world, and to love kids! : )