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Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:37 pm
by Buddy Blue
@FánChan: Thanks a lot :) As you can see, it did work :)

@ChibiRachyi: I guess, you´re right. Collecting is so much fun, I should not care too much about what people might think about some dolls sitting on the shelf above my desk :) What I´m a bit worried about ist the thing you also mentioned: space :)

I´ve got some shelves full of He-Man, Smurfs and stuff, but those figures are rather small compared to Rainbow Brite...well, but I guess - depending on how fast or how much my collection will grow - I will re-arrange some furniture in my collection-room (which originally was my desk/computer-room, but is meanwhile totally overshadowed by toys :) and somehow it will fit in :)

The links given to me are indeed very helpful, but I guess, it will take some more time until I figure out the subleties :)

@Clinozoisite: Well, I it were 7 years in school (or were it 9? I´m not sure right now if English lessons started in the 5th or in the 7th year of school), but that doesn´t mean much (I also had 4 years of French lessons at school and I don´t remember a single thing about it :)))

The problem to me is: I can understand English very well (written & spoken), but I´m always very unsure if I´m using the right words when I practice it myself - and speaking is a mess. I guess that´s becuse I never really hat the possibility to practice it.

I´m also very unhappy about the way English (and other languages) are taught at schools here in Germany (I don´t know about other countries, but it might be similar): Sure, you get the basics and some grammar, but if you let someone who had 5,6,7 or whatever years of English lessons at school watch an episode of let´s say south park or something, he won´t understand a single word :)

So I guess school-taught-English might be helpful if you have to do a business call or if someone asks you for the way to the next bus stop, but to communicate wit "real" people all over the world school-taught-English sucks :)

I think I learned a lot from watching movies or tv-series in un-synched version, but as I said above, I´m always a bit unsure, if I apply the right words :)

Re: New in Rainbowland

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:28 am
by J3llyb3ans
Welcome to the forum Image