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Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:09 pm
by Starvoyager
I remember you from the old board. That avatar with the really annoyed stick figure with the infinite weapons still sticks out in my mind. I chuckled at that so many times.

There's definitely something about Rainbow. She's helped me out on more than one occasion, usually when things are really really down.

Kinda similar to your poster story... a few years back, I was in a terrible state of depression, possibly just one step away from suicidal. And then on the way to work one day I saw this rainbow. A very strange one. It wasn't opposite the sun like it should've been. It was next to the sun, and it was glowing. I can't stress this enough. It was really... freaking... bright.... .....shooting from the ground up into the clouds... in the midst of a lake-effect snowstorm (yeah, so there wasn't even any rain falling). And just out of nowhere it was like my inner child started waking up, getting all excited and it screamed "Look! Look who it is!" If I hadn't had to get to work in 5 minutes, I would've seriously been considering driving towards it to see if it I could actually get closer to it. It just looked so unnatural. I wish I had a photo of this thing, it was like nothing I've ever seen before or since.

So I get to work, and I start doing stuff. And then suddenly I start getting sleepy, apparently due to the cold I was fighting. Typing away at my keyboard I'm suddenly nodding off. And then suddenly I'm asleep sitting up (which never EVER happens to me when I'm at a computer, regardless of how little sleep I have). And for the brief moment I was asleep, I was still in the office and everything was exactly the same, except for one thing. I looked past the monitor, and I saw her standing there looking at me. I was so startled that I woke up immediately, having this really weird twilight zone feeling.

And then later on I went out to some little Hallmark store, and saw that anniversary ornament. I bought one and put it on my desk. It goes on the tree at Christmas but it also never gets put away. It's usually on a desk or a table now, and it never strays too far away.

Much more recently I had another rainbow experience that just seemed to come at exactly the right time. Wendybird and I had just been in a big fight and I stormed out and went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I was hoping to cool off, but an hour later I was still mad as a hornets' nest, which was probably amplified by the fact that I'd just taken a mile walk, and hadn't had more than a total of 8 hours of sleep in the past three nights combined. So I get back out of the store, and then comes this break in the clouds. The sun peeks in through the hole in the clouds, and mist starts falling from the sky. So a rainbow appears right in front of me, just moments after I steped outside. I climbed up on top of this huge plow-made snowbank and just stared at it, and my negative energy just started to melt away. It faded after a couple minutes, the mist stopped falling, the hole in the clouds disappeared, and it stayed overcast for the rest of the day. I get back and Wendybird was all curled up, thinking I was going to break up with her, and instead now I was calm and understanding. And then I found out that she'd talked to Rainbow (kinda like a prayer) while I was out.

Interesting thing about your dream too by the way - in many old cultures (and I think a few of the current ones), rainbows were seen as the bridge between Earth and Heaven (or whatever afterlife the culture believed in).

There was also a guy from the old boards named RainbowArmyGuy (Zak) who said Rainbow saved his life a couple times when he was in Iraq.

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:27 pm
by TheWendybird
Yeah that's no joke. I spoke to Rainbow "praying"/talking to her if she was out there that she'd help everything to be okay because it was a stupid tiff anyhow...and next thing i know Starvoyager comes home with this story of seeing a rainbow...I was like "Oh my gawwwwd" LOL People might think I'm nuts..I don't care...we have even more stories than this way more private that when they all add up....I just can't help but believe she's real. Or like another form of the goddess Iris or something.

Re: The Noobinator™

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:31 pm
by Starlitefan
*Trots in, does a bow*

Welcome to the boards! My name is Starlitefan (and despite my username, I am a girl....) and I welcome you here!

If you ever EVER need anything...feel free to ask any of far as I know, all of the members here as as sweet as Rainbow herself!