Hi again!

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Hi again!

Post by Tilas »

Yknow, I made a few posts a few weeks ago when I signed up, but they vanished for some reason. o.o; Dunno why....

Anyways, hello everyone. I see a few people here I remember. I used to be a member a loooong time ago lol. Doubt anyone remembers me though. XD Name's Tilas, and I'm from the Yukon. We're JUST getting spring now.... kind of.

Been an RB fan for a lotta years, have a few plushies, toys, etc. XD; One day I want to get all the color kids plushies. I have Rainbow Brite, Red Butler, Canary Yellow, and Patty O Green.

I collect toys and Pullip dolls, and I plan to make a Rainbow Brite and a Stormy Pullip one day. ...maybe Stormy would make a better Dal cause she's got that pouty face. XD; Anywas, hi again. ^_^; I'll stick around this time if my posts don't go poof again. XD
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Re: Hi again!

Post by TheWendybird »

Hehe welcome back! I'm a newbie I wasn't around in the old days. I learned about this place from my sweetie Starvoyager...you might recognize that name I dunno. He's still poking around here too. I love these forums...they don't seem as busy as what i've seen on the archives for the old one and from what he's told me but I love it here and it's a great group of people even if it is smaller :)
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
"Hail Stormy full of fury! Rainbow is with Thee!" :P

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Major Ursa
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Re: Hi again!

Post by Major Ursa »

I do remember you (I think). Welcome to our new home.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Re: Hi again!

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Strange that your posts disappeared... good thing you keep on trying :) Welcome back and enjoy the forums!

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Re: Hi again!

Post by Maki »

Hi Tilas, welcom to the fourms. I'm Maki from Atlantic Canada.

I assume that you're from Yukon Teritory, northwest part of Canada.

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Re: Hi again!

Post by Tilas »

The one and only Yukon. :)

And thanks everyone, I dunno why they vanished, glitch or something lol. And I remember you Major Ursa!
My Deviant Art~ KeonaKii
