Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

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Wolf Ranger
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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Welcome back Icey, and glad to hear that your marriage is going well. ^_^

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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Jenny »

Hiya, welcome back!

Glad to hear you're doing well and fingers cross you get pg soon :)


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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Welcome back Icey! I just got married last year myself and we plan to start trying to conceive later this year. I'm very excited about it :) Good luck to you!!
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Major Ursa »

I don't know if you remember me or not. Anyway, welcome to our new home.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Dialga-Brite »

I hope to have a girl to share my love of RBB, SSC, MLP, LLL and all of the amazing 80's characters. I <3 the 80's.
Even if you have a boy, you still can! Anyways good luck. :)
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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Sarah »

hi! I'm new here! I'm Sarah! Nice to meet you! : ) I ALWAYS feel nostalgic! Ha! ha! : ) I don't have many toys either. I like to keep my life nice and new and fresh, so I don't have anything from the 80's version, and what little I have from the 03/04 launch will be fazed out as the new Rainbow Brite is relaunched, and I'm hoping they'll have some 'classic' stuff as well. I'm not married. I don't even have a boyfriend. I'd love to stay single for the rest of my life! : ) I love kids, but I don't want to have any. I'd rather be rich and famous and save the world : ) I love the 80's too! : ) and we have the same avatar, so I like you already ; )


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Re: Not new, just haven't visited in a LONG time

Post by Starlitefan »

*Gallops in, late as always* Dooh...late again I see...

*Stamps hoof*

Welcome to the boards! My name is Starlitefan (and despite my username, I am a girl....) and I welcome you here!
Rainbow Brite: Starlite, quick!
Starlite: I will not wear booties!!
On-X: Better than falling down.
Starlite: [neighs in annoyance] Ooh, my poor dignity!!!

Oh, and by the way, I'm a GIRL, despite my user name... ;-D

