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Rainbow Land

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:10 am
by PrincessJoy
I hear this place described a little in stories, and I wonder if it is as beautiful as the narrators say.

It sounds like the Color Castle is awesome-looking.
Your thoughts?

Re: Rainbow Land

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:34 am
by SunSpire
From what I know it is often described differently than it looks on pictures or in the movie and tv series. This is because there were so many different companies and artists involved in creating the various stories. Like for example the german "Europa" team made up their complete own world for Rainbowland in the 30 story cassette tapes, all more or less roughly based on the tv series but with some differences. The comic book and magazine artists drew the castle closer to what it looks like on the telly, but funny enough it changes shape and color, even location and size every now and then.

In general, it looks like a giant blob of yellow, wobbly jelly :LOL:


Re: Rainbow Land

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:45 am
by Sarah
ha! ha! It totally looks like jello/jelly! I never thought of that! : )

I don't really remember the different looks, but I always loved to see Rainbow Falls, and my very favorite - when they showed 'zoom out' pictures of the color castle, so that you could see the glittery water all around it! : )