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Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:57 am
by Charles Xavier
I'm sure I've brought this topic up before years back, and I wondered if anyone's opinion has changed since then. But how enthusiastic are you seeing a more 'mature' RB story? (And no, I'm NOT talking hentai here).

Not necessarily to say that I want to see RB get all angsty, but how about making her face more perilous journeys, encounter more frightening villains, and/or have her forced to make more life-mattering decisions (vague as that may sound, think of the responsibilities and choices every leader has to make, not to mention the pressure he/she has to deal with)?

Okay, I admit that I MAY be looking into RB far too deep than I really should. But of all those Saturday morning 80s cartoons (excluding adventure themed types such as He-man, She-ra, Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, Centurions etc.) for kids, I always wondered how RB would grow up in time. I mean for instance, look what happened to Harry Potter as he grew up and the crap HE had to pull through...

Anyway, let us hear your voice on this. :)

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:39 pm
by TheWendybird
My dear...looking at the story too deep? NOOOO no no. Do you know the RPG? When me and Starvoyager still lived a part early on I use to have him read me the RPG over the phone before bed haha Believe gets gets messy and sometimes very sad. I've heard others short stories which were serious. He also has an idea for a fan film with a lot of fight sequences using mo cap. I would love to see a more mature take. Not that it has to involve sex or the like like you said. But something truly evolved..not the junk Hallmark has been doing so far ..especially those horrible flash animations. *shudder*

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:28 pm
by JoeyAngel
we push boundaries (or have done in the past) in the rpg and its all good. I mean the rp started off with the younger characters but as time went on and this rp is like 7 years old now.. they had to age for us to expand our writing skills and branch out so to speak.

Maturer stories do allow you to go into subjects that you would not necessarily go into with the realm of fan fic. I mean, theres only so many stories you can read where rb and co have a party or a picnic someplace in green grange ¬¬

so yeah i am pro whatever pushes you as a writer whilst still making a good story teller

side note Krista, i hope the 'no no noooo' then the rpg being mentionned beside it does not mean you disapprove of the board now. I am sure chris told me in the past you liked our little world there?

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:20 am
by TheWendybird
JoeyAngel wrote:we push boundaries (or have done in the past) in the rpg and its all good. I mean the rp started off with the younger characters but as time went on and this rp is like 7 years old now.. they had to age for us to expand our writing skills and branch out so to speak.

Maturer stories do allow you to go into subjects that you would not necessarily go into with the realm of fan fic. I mean, theres only so many stories you can read where rb and co have a party or a picnic someplace in green grange ¬¬

so yeah i am pro whatever pushes you as a writer whilst still making a good story teller

side note Krista, i hope the 'no no noooo' then the rpg being mentionned beside it does not mean you disapprove of the board now. I am sure chris told me in the past you liked our little world there?

hahaha no haha the no no no means no no no it's not possible to look at it too deeply. It has such potential for a lot of depth and I used the RPG as an example :D lol

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:09 am
by JoeyAngel
Ok cool! I read it wrong :)

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:26 am
by Wardah
I dunno if she should actually mature with her audience so much as she should adapt to target a new audience. I was actually liking where Hallmark was going storywise I was just hoping they would improve the animation since the crappy flash animation wasn't doing the story they were trying to present any justice.

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:26 am
by *C9*
I agree that their should be perhaps a more mature one as mentioned by Krista and Joey. So many plot-holes and mysteries, back stories and so forth are just begging to be told.If hallmark would realize the potential of how to market their properties or maybe sell it off to someone who can do good by it. If I had the money XD

OOC: Thanks so cool I didn't know he would read it over the phone ^-^ that is so awesome!

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:53 am
by TheWendybird
Yes it was. Always a great bed time story :D Like a superhero soap opera before bed :D lol

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:47 pm
by Clinozoisite
I'm in the other camp on this topic; I don't think RB should mature with her audience.

I think the original nature of the show was sweetness and innocence. We lose a lot of that as adults, so the entire nature of the show would have to change. It would lose some of the qualities which originally drew me to it.

Some shows have managed to run for 20+ seasons without aging their characters (The Simpsons stands out in this regard), so I don't see why Rainbow Brite should have to age any. I believe if Hallmark were to allow a studio to release a new TV series, it could be done faithfully to the original and still draw an audience.

Should RB mature with its audience?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:47 pm
by TheWendybird
I'm fine with it as is but I think it would work if it was updated too. Harry Potter is an example of a series that grew with it's audience to great effect. And even though the characters go through a lot..get much drama etc I somehow don't view them as any less the sweet kids they were when they started out. I dunno I think it's possible to keep innocence as you age. It's part of who i am...I would probably be viewed as a very stunted person to some because of the things i do and am into. However I know how to be mature when I have to be so it's not the kind of stunted that most would think of. I fully believe you can be "adult" but be innocent. It might not be in exactly the same way because of life experience but....they have crazy experiences anyhow! The thing you have to remember is that chances are Rainbow and her friends are like 800 years old probably. They just look like kids still. So what makes something innocent? What's inside or what's outside? I think the former. The rest is just a shell.