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Mixed Cartoons?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:00 am
by Treasure_House
Has anyone ever pretended to mix cartoons? For example: Rainbow Brite's first love being Goko from Dragon Ball or Starlite's first friend was a smurf. Or even Alvin and Patty used to be close friends till Sailor Moon got in the way. Just some of the ideas that many may or may not have had.

Was just curious. No big reason. But with so many different toys out there, wouldn't it be fun to just switch them up a bit?


Growing up I used to pretend that Murky and Rainbow were really brother and sister, which they didn't know it and neither did anyone else. LOL... And that Red Butler was a "Redlin". Meaning he came from a valcano planted, where his kind thrived in lava. But his home planet was distroyed and thus he was left in Rainbow Land where he learned to be friends with those outside his race. And that there was a valcano in the Red Region where La La was always trying to be close to Red cuz she had a crush on him and he just acted as tho nothing was going on. Twink was Murky's slave sprite till Rainbow came along and now the two are constantly saving Starlite. Stormy has a major chip on her shoulder and dispises the smurfs, which Briany and Shy Violet are more than just friends. Then there were CarBears everywhere trying to fill Stormy with hugs and loves but she kept zapping them with lightening and the ponies from MLP where always running from Lurky and hiding from SunRiser, who was so wild that no one dared to get near her. And then there was Krys who was always hanging in the background shaking his head and yelling at Rainbow to do something about Stormy. LOL...

Well anywho; it kinda rides off from there.... LOL


Mixed Cartoons?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:05 pm
by JeriBunny
I've seen a few people comment that Starlite could be MLPFIM Rainbow Dash's father.

Mixed Cartoons?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:08 am
by Treasure_House
Growing up; I didn't have much in the way of 80s cartoon toys. I mostly had barbies, stuffed animals, and what have you piled in a large carboard box marked toys. The few toys I did have (cartoon wise) were, the 10" dolls (Rainbow, Red Butler, and Canary Yellow). But Canary's head fell off and well; like a lot of the toys I had she was eventually thrown in the dumpter. Their handhelds I had were (Twink, Romeo, Spark, and OJ) Tho I don't remember ever having La La. I also had 2 Starlites, Murky, and Lurky. And since I couldn't remember much about the cartoon I called Romeo "Rubin" (pronounced Roobin) and Murky was Mark. I had an old pink barbie car (a large one) that was called Romaro that could speak and was Red Butler's invention gone wild. The sprites and the brat poines were the backbone of Rainbow Land, which was Color World. The brat ponies were four baby MLP that had the attidute of Teenage girls of today. I really didn't have many adventures with them over the years till I got more barbies that I just pretended were color kids. One of the Starlite's was named Blacky. I couldn't remember Sky Dancer's name for the life of me so I just made one up. One of my barbie dolls was a black girl I named Nightengale. Which was Stormy. But again I couldn't remember her name either, so I called her Stormer. LOL... I was close anyway. LOL Later in years when I watched the show, I started making adjustments with the toys. What can I say... I was 10 years old and the toys were my only friends.


Mixed Cartoons?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:32 pm
by IndigoJoy
Oh yeah, when I was little I used to mix Rainbow Brite, the Care Bears, and My Little Pony all the time.