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Cleaning doll's faces?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:51 am
by alexanderbrite
Hi all,

I have many dolls that I got either from trade or from my childhood. I found my very first RB doll and she has crayon all over her face. Is there a way to clean the dolls face without messing it up? Would the spray 'Resolve' cleaner do the job?

Cleaning doll's faces?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:36 am
by Tom-sprite
Hi Alex ! :)

Oh ... that can be a little bit tricky and it definitely depends on how deep the crayon intruded into the material ... I removed some darker spots with the help of a medium-rough sponge and a little bit water ... one has to be careful to not harm the material. I would advise you against chemical cleansers.

Cleaning doll's faces?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:28 pm
by alexanderbrite
Tom-sprite wrote:Hi Alex ! :)

Oh ... that can be a little bit tricky and it definitely depends on how deep the crayon intruded into the material ... I removed some darker spots with the help of a medium-rough sponge and a little bit water ... one has to be careful to not harm the material. I would advise you against chemical cleansers.
AHH okay!! looks like the chemical cleansers are way out of the question - THANK YOU for letting me know. I'll try the sponge thing and see how it works out..

Sponge.. makes me think of Spongebob Squarepants... my favorite cartoons!

Take care, Tom! :bg:

Your friend,

Cleaning doll's faces?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:27 pm
by Clinozoisite
Yep - do not use any sort of chemicals. When I was a child, my mother tried to clean a Rainbow Brite doll's face using dish soap. In doing so, she accidentally removed all the paint from one of the eyes! So now I have a one-eyed Rainbow Brite doll in my collection. :blink:

Cleaning doll's faces?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:42 pm
by alexanderbrite
Clinozoisite wrote:Yep - do not use any sort of chemicals. When I was a child, my mother tried to clean a Rainbow Brite doll's face using dish soap. In doing so, she accidentally removed all the paint from one of the eyes! So now I have a one-eyed Rainbow Brite doll in my collection. :blink:
aww that's sad to hear. i'll definitly not use any chemicals even soap on cleaning the doll's face.

Thank you!!