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Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:06 pm
by Rainbow Brite
My contact at Playmates Toys just got back to me regarding which dolls would be released first. She said for Fall 2009, they will be debuting three dolls and three horses:

Rainbow Brite
Tickled Pink


I don't know who Shimmer is any more than ya'll do...just that he/she is a horse. Perhaps it'll be Moonglow's horse since the three are being released together? That could be very interesting!

I also had her double check the spelling of Moonglow's name and she said that Hallmark insisted on the W, so I guess that's the way it will be from now on. I don't mind either way - I'm just glad we're getting a new doll!!

I SO can't wait to see what they'll look like!!

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:41 pm
by Rainbow Brite UK
I concur this information. I received a similar response.
This is getting exciting. :rbsmile:

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:11 pm
by Sarah
eee! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! so hopefully pretty soon we'll see images of the others. and a new one. Oooh! I can't wait to see what 'Shimmer' looks like!! I just am crossing my fingers that where I live (Manitoba, Canada) we will get the same stuff. You guys will have to keep me posted on what's being released, and especially where I can buy them online. I'm hoping amazon doesn't disappoint. : )

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:00 pm
by Dialga-Brite
OMG OMG New Moonglo and Tickled Pink dolls? *jumps up and down* YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! And I can't wait to see the new horses, too! I'm SOOOOOO excited!

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:10 am
by Sarah
ha! ha! I'm so glad I joined here. : ) I get excited pretty easily too. : ) It doesn't take much to make me happy. : )

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:03 pm
by Rainbow Brite
JoeyAngel wrote:Wonder if they have done prototypes yet? my collegue has been invited to the Spring Toy Fair 2009 by head office in a couple of weeks, i asked him to sneek a camera in just in case Playmates are showcasing it to potential buyers, like our company *fingers crossed*
Dude, that would ROCK!
As for the horse's. If Hallmark insist on the W then i would not be surprised if Shimmer is Pinks horse as Moonglo and Sunriser link name wise. Just my guess. ^^
My thoughts are, if Hallmark is sticking to Moonglow's name being spelled with a W, and that spelling was only released on the doll's box...that they probably also go with Sunriser being Pink's horse, as stated on Sunriser's box. But I could be completely off!

Shimmer is such a pretty name...I hope there's glitter involved! lol :)

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:39 pm
by IndigoJoy
JoeyAngel wrote:As for the horse's. If Hallmark insist on the W then i would not be surprised if Shimmer is Pinks horse as Moonglo and Sunriser link name wise. Just my guess. ^^
LOL that's my theory too. ;)

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:32 pm
by Major Ursa
This horse named Shimmer dose sound like a new character. I may have to remember that when writting any fan-fics based on the newer version.

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:37 pm
by Dialga-Brite
I'm guessing that Shimmer will be moonglo's horse, because "shimmering" sounds like something that a glowing moon would do. And Sunriser is a pink horse and Tickled Pink likes everything pink so...

Re: Info re: first wave of 09 RB Dolls Released!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:22 pm
by IndigoJoy
Yeah Dialga, because the 80s merchandise line assigned Sunriser to Tickled Pink, most people just go ahead and say Sunriser belongs to her. It's sort of like how Deelite never existed in the cartoon series, but since she's pink and was made in the merchandise line, everyone just says she belongs to Tickled Pink.

I think Sunriser was originally intended to belong to Moonglo(w) because 1. the names are on the same topic and 2. Tickled Pink is another Color Kid whereas Moonglow does something different like Stormy, and therefore she could use a horse. I think that if Moonglow, the doll, had been released in the US, just maybe, Sunriser would have been assigned to her. Moonglow probably was not as popular as Tickled Pink though, given that TP looks like a pastel version of RB (in that her outfit incorporates many colors, not just pink).