Couple of RB articles

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Couple of RB articles

Post by IndigoJoy » ... r-stealer/

These articles aren't terribly nice, saying that Star Sprinkles are like drugs to RB, for example. There are a couple of funny points though, like calling Lurky a pile of hair that wears Keds, lol.
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Dialga-Brite »

Those people clearly are not 80s children. Both articles were total yuck, and this part especially bothered me:
Acting with incredible foresight and wisdom for a thirteen-year-old, I vacated the house before the movie started. My mistake was returning prior to the film's end. For thirty seconds, my mind was exposed to the visceral horror of rainbows shooting off in all directions while a talking horse carried what could only be described as a psychedelic Cabbage Patch Kid across the sky. I fled, screaming, into the night.
What the h*** is wrong with rainbows and a talking horse? That person clearly has no imaginative play or fantasy.
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Dialga-Brite »

Btw, I just don't get it why some people say that rainbows or other innocent and magical things "scare" them. It's complete kindness! And violence doesn't scare them? I'd be more scared of a violent movie than Rainbow Brite.
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Dialga-Brite »

My above post might not have made perfect sense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that Rainbows are beautiful, not scary.

sorry for triple post. this is why I don't like the not editing posts after 5 minutes rule. :)
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Not to insult anyone, but I find these reviews to be rather..tame. Especally given the vast majority of internet reviewers to be foul-mouthed, trash talking, b-movie bashing nerds. Still..some of them are very funny.

If you don't believe me..Look up the Angry Video Game Nerd.

Also, I still don't understand as to why rainbows are deemed "scary", but at the same time..voilent movies don't scare me much either.

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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by J3llyb3ans »

*puts on a colourful t-shirt and runs outside screaming random RB quotes at passers by (also records it to watch and laugh at later)*

From my perspective, it's good to laugh at yourself and the things you enjoy sometimes (No, I didn't really run outside screaming Rb quotes, nor is part of my daily rutine.) So there were some pretty funny parts of these reviews. Some things not so funny.

I mean, sometimes it's funny to hear other peoples reactions, as long as they're not too harsh (all out bashing just isn't funny). Hey, sometimes my friends and I may watch a movie we like and add our own commentary MST3K style for the fun of it.

Granted, I'll never understand why rainbows, or colourful uplifting things are thought of as scary to some. Although, it may just be their level of cynicism dosen't allow them to enjoy such things.

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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Dialga-Brite »

Granted, I'll never understand why rainbows, or colourful uplifting things are thought of as scary to some. Although, it may just be their level of cynicism dosen't allow them to enjoy such things.

What can I say? A lot of teenagers these days are scared of anything that's magical but not violent. Anything fantasy to them is stuff with guns and swords and killing. Kindness is a concept they can't understand, that's why they flame people over the internet, etc. and never apolagize.
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by J3llyb3ans »

Dialga-Brite wrote:
Granted, I'll never understand why rainbows, or colourful uplifting things are thought of as scary to some. Although, it may just be their level of cynicism dosen't allow them to enjoy such things.

What can I say? A lot of teenagers these days are scared of anything that's magical but not violent. Anything fantasy to them is stuff with guns and swords and killing. Kindness is a concept they can't understand, that's why they flame people over the internet, etc. and never apolagize.

I think it's little more complicated than that, but I get what you're saying. In fact, I could probably write a book on it.

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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Cypher »

"She sports a totally rad Cindy Lauper haircut and has a jewel that shoots pink lazers, among other things. Totally rad."

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew someone out there had to like her besides me. XD She's plain adorable.

I do agree with Dialga-Brite and others on here that it's sad how these kind of cartoons get criticized for being cheerful and full of kindness. It frustrates me in the same way that it does when people think pop music is somehow worse than rock. ('s just a different musical aesthetic, people. I'm not saying I don't like rock, but jeez...pop is good too.) Same mentality when it comes to serious movies for mature audiences vs. cartoons. I just fail to see the difference. Art is better with more variety in it.

As for the reviews, I tend to poke fun at things I like, and these were no exception. That part about On-X getting a rifle--man, I laughed so hard. XD
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Re: Couple of RB articles

Post by Cypher »

Today I found a good review of the movie (not counting rabid fan reviews on ^_~): ... p?t=219852

This person does seem like a lukewarm fan, but not a total enthusiast like the rest of us. It was refreshing to find a review that took a good look at the movie rather than the usual cynicism. The end analysis rings especially true (and I quote):

"General Movie Themes:
*Selfish decisions lead to destruction.
*Those who are not in positions of power will attempt to gain power.
*The smallest person can become a hero.
*Age and maturity are not always related.
*Those in positions of power may abuse this power.
*The evil duo image: one smart and plotting, one rather idiotic.
*Children outsmarting adults.
*Challenging Stereotypes of Age
*Challenging Stereotypes of Gender
*There is an order to life

Opposing Forces

I think that's what the creators were going for. The movie has its heart in the right place if people would just give it half a chance. :)

Oh, and check out this one as well, one of my personal favorites:

"With its dazzling visuals, occult overtones, grating dubbed voices, snappy theme song and the best apocalyptic subplot since GULLIVER'S TRAVELS BEYOND THE MOON, RAINBOW... embodies the best elements of the Japanese science fiction animation feature in a film designed, curiously, for young females."

This one points out right away that it's a sci-fi and more grim than you would expect of a movie aimed at little girls--something the rest of the world seems to overlook when they label it "girly." The whole thing has quite a morbid atmosphere, if you ask me. Why haven't more people noticed it's a work of art?
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