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Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:35 am
by Cypher
To Tom-Sprite: I understand what you mean about people on this kind of forum being more sympathetic to whining about little details. :) Where else can fans complain about the nitty-gritty like this?

About the Color Wave Kids, I've sometimes heard the term "wave" apply to a new "set" of something where merchandise is concerned--a new line of toys, specifically. When a new toy hits the market, you never see the entirety of what the company has planned. You get perhaps five or six dolls and a few accessory sets, then second "waves" come in and the designers go all out on toy construction, coloration, character design, variation, friends and accessories, etc. Maybe this is what they meant. Just a thought. I'm glad they didn't do away with the kids altogether. :)

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:47 am
by Tom-sprite
@ Cypher :

Thanks a lot for your sympathy ! ;-)

You cut right to the chase of the matter !

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:21 am
by punyichigo
I somewhat agree, i too first was a concerned fan(especially because of the fact that they changed charecter design) overtime and as they marketed the dolls i grew fond of them. I was scared just like some of you were regarding the lack of the other color kids, i was afraid that really only 3 little girls could run an entire array of colors. Now that i hear more color kids will come along as time goes bye there's still hope.I really hope the color "wave" kids bear resemblace to the old ones, i couldnt be able handle another nutty redesign like moonglow's!!

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:33 am
by kookie

I just see hallmark taking the story in a different direction. I just dont have faith in the direction they "love". I dont see a solid story. It's like lets get this out fast and make money. I mean did you see the 1997 characters when they tried to bring it back then?!

1997 characters and rainbow The only thing they have going for them is the cute cubbieness.

at least looking at these screen shots looks like they did away with the gradient. and the animation has improved some. Thank goodness!

I like to see things to make sense, story explained properly and direction in the story. Like if Rainbow decided to leave because she missed her family why would she want to go back? I know not every show/cartoon is like that but dont leave certain holes in a story.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:00 am
by Tennyo
Kookie, I'm just going to say it, because it's the truth. I hope you don't take it the wrong way. That post only served to make me even more confused. I'm not sure how any of what you said has anything to do with what Rachy and I were saying, or the questions that I asked you. It seems...very off base. I'm not even sure where or how we made such a huge leap. But I am effectively lost. :/

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:47 am
by kookie
oh sorry. throwing in some scientific aspects might be fine if done right or have some meaning. but if all characters have the same qualities or jobs they just maybe become part of the background story.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:51 am
by Chibi Rachy
kookie wrote:@Tennyo

I just see hallmark taking the story in a different direction. I just dont have faith in the direction they "love". I dont see a solid story. It's like lets get this out fast and make money. I mean did you see the 1997 characters when they tried to bring it back then?!

1997 characters and rainbow The only thing they have going for them is the cute cubbieness.

at least looking at these screen shots looks like they did away with the gradient. and the animation has improved some. Thank goodness!

I like to see things to make sense, story explained properly and direction in the story. Like if Rainbow decided to leave because she missed her family why would she want to go back? I know not every show/cartoon is like that but dont leave certain holes in a story.
I don't think we can judge much on the webisodes at this point. There's not much to go by beyond the Return to Rainbow Land clip. That's the only one with any sort of story at this point. The rest just seem to be teasers to get people interested in the relaunch. I mean, just take a look at the difference in the new teasers versus the very first one. There is no "solid" story just yet. Just teasers.

The fact of continuity is not going to fly with this relaunch. Yes, it seems silly that Rainbow would simply leave and go to some "family" and forget the life she had while in Rainbow Land. No matter what Hallmark says, it really doesn't make sense. Of course, it's going to make no sense if you are a fan that follows the non-aging theory. Non-aging theory suggests that Rainbow never grows older, but is wise beyond her physical appearance.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:05 am
by IndigoJoy
I wonder if the Color (Wave) Kids will still have the same personalities. Will Shy Violet be a brain? Will Buddy and Patty be athletic? I wonder if they'll tone down Red Butler's haughtiness...

For that matter, I wonder what color Indigo's skin will be, and if she'll be the only dark-skinned character. Will they try to make a Hispanic tone like Dora the Explorer's?

And you know, there's all that nonsense about indigo not being a separate color of the rainbow anymore... if they get rid of Indigo, I'm totally staging a revolt! ;)