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Re: OMG!! New RB Dolls for 2009!!

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:45 pm
by Dialga-Brite
How come double posts get ignored? Is it maybe because the "last poster" stays the same person so they don't know there's a new post?


Re: OMG!! New RB Dolls for 2009!!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:27 pm
by Sarah
Now that we've seen pictures, it will be really interesting to see what the dolls actually look like! Usually the 'pictures' that go on toy packaging can end up quite different from what the actual doll or toy looks like. I will be looking forward to it. Although, I'm really hoping that they release some plush toys, and other toys - for now it seems like they just want to go in the direction of dolls, and I don't really feel passionate about barbies! ha! ha! : ) I hope that the launch is successfull enough that they expand the line as well : )


Re: OMG!! New RB Dolls for 2009!!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:49 pm
by Adria
Wow new dolls, this is exciting! I hope that Rainbow Brite can become popular again.

As for the dolls, i assume (from the talk of everyone else) she is comming out barbie style as opposed to the cloth bodies of the orignals.
If it is dolls, i think it would be hard to keep the cuteness, due to the proption of a barbie doll/bratz, ie Kelly doll is "cute" but she is also tiny, barbie is "nice" but i wouldn't say "cute".
I'm trying to picture Patty O' Green, the size of a barbie with her bloomers showing.
Though i could be wrong, though i'd hope that they would make something similar to the picture Ciphar posted in the design section of fan art. (i think)